by PepeSee
Wendy-srox 1 point ago +1 / -0

And Bernie can still win the 2016 nomination!

Wendy-srox 2 points ago +2 / -0

I like this guy…. I watch a ton of his reviews. He reviews one of those hydrogen mpg boosters in this one. I haven’t seen it yet, but I’m watching it now. Maybe it’ll have some interesting info

Wendy-srox 1 point ago +1 / -0

🤝. This is an interesting video.

Wendy-srox 2 points ago +4 / -2

There are hydrogen powered vehicles, yes? Hydrogen can be extracted from water, yes? If so, vehicles can run on water.

Wendy-srox 4 points ago +4 / -0

We all agree they died. We seem to disagree on why.

Wendy-srox 6 points ago +6 / -0

FYI, my account was just reinstated after being turned off two years ago because I wouldn’t supply a phone number.

Wendy-srox 2 points ago +2 / -0

I respond better to investment advice that doesn’t have misspelled words. What “looosers”

Wendy-srox 3 points ago +3 / -0


They rig an election, manage the media, and send our taxes to a money laundering machine. Yet, the Twitter TOS saves the day. What makes you think they care about what a TOS says. You must be under the illusion that rules/laws matter.

Wendy-srox 5 points ago +5 / -0

No. Neither of you understand that elections don’t matter anymore. The govt doesn’t want fair elections and they’re the only ones who can make arrests. So you’ll vote. Then bitch about the “surprising” outcome on an Internet forum for two years. Then you’ll say “well THIS time, I’m not voting for THAT type of guy.” Then that guy will win anyway. And you’ll bitch about it on the internet for another two years. Then you’ll do that until you are put in a train car to go to your reeducation camp.

Wendy-srox 4 points ago +4 / -0

It’s sadly funny now to watch the posts of “ncswic” and “ok doomer”. When we are literally losing our country to disinformation agencies and a trillion tax dollars to a foreign govt. it’s very very sad. And even Trump must be feeling the squeeze when he backs dr oz. Time to buy a farm way out in the country and batten down the hatches for a decade or two.

Wendy-srox 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is who we should be protesting outside their homes. We will never change the rinos. But we can make them fight for re-election through better actions.

Wendy-srox 1 point ago +1 / -0

I just went outside in southeast. Sounds like low flying planes. But idk.

by BQnita
Wendy-srox 2 points ago +2 / -0

“Why is no one talking about this?”

Well, duh - who’s left to talk about it? Is this moron really curious about why the msm is not outting themselves as co-conspirators?

Wendy-srox 6 points ago +6 / -0

This isn’t hard to grasp. Why people here would think that Elon did this after owning majority of the company for 4 hrs is idiotic.

Wendy-srox 1 point ago +1 / -0

Right. How is this good? It’s not. It’s a way for him to get immunity then say whatever he wants. It’s not like he’s gonna give up everything and send people to jail.

Wendy-srox 2 points ago +2 / -0

You had me at the quote below. We were on common ground. Then, you started apologizing for nothing being done about it. Where else in life is it ok to see this level of destruction and wait it out? With recent events, I can’t help but ask, “If you see a pedophile raping a kid, are you going to say, ‘wait til they rape 20 kids, cause then we really got ‘em!’?”

The truth, whether you want to see it or anyone else here, is that our country is being raped. And you’re telling people that you’re letting it get raped worse so that when we stop being raped, it’ll be more impactful. I’m just not ok with that. And you’re either lying or delusional.

Here’s your quote I spoke of earlier. With this, I agree:

“But the MAGA team absolutely knew the voter fraud was coming. {…} Trump was tweeting about voter fraud back in 2012. He talked about it during the 2020 campaign as a major issue, yet he wasn't openly, actively, and repeatedly calling for decisive action or pressuring congress or the states to make changes.”

I get banned for saying things like this. And that should worry everyone here because it then becomes Twitter Lite. But I speak from the heart about saving this country. And accepting “small” defeats in hopes of gaining a massive win later is delusional. It’s a gamblers fallacy.

Wendy-srox 1 point ago +1 / -0

I. And believe Sharpton said that. They must be getting ready to blame Biden and promote someone new. They are maybe setting the stage to say “This guy lied to us all. So you can still vote blue, just vote for this person instead.”

Wendy-srox -1 points ago +2 / -3

I appreciate that. And you have my respect for preparing. Maybe I could’ve found better words. Im not saying all hope is lost. Im not saying we are doomed. Im saying that doing nothing and expecting someone else to save us is not proactive. And assuming there is some grand scheme as to why Trump endorsed Oz is probably a pipe dream. He most likely did it because he sees that Oz is a probable win. Happy Palm Sunday, Marine. Thanks for serving our country.

Wendy-srox 0 points ago +2 / -2

If you need a refresher on endorsements that didn’t win, I found this on google. My apologies for an NPR link. The stats seem legible and credible, and it was the first link when I googled. If someone wants to add an archive link, they can. I do not know how.

Wendy-srox 1 point ago +6 / -5

You guys really need to take a step away from the computer and just see the broader setting here. Trump wins. That’s his ego, his legacy. He knows that with the name recognition, no one is going to beat Oz. So Trump figures, “let me grab a win by endorsing Oz, then I can say that my endorsement won him the vote.” He can then use that for many reasons, such as when the next weak candidate comes along, Trump can say, “Look, when I endorse people they win bigly; when I don’t, they lose like you’ve never seen before.”

He knows a win is in the bag and he’s backing the winning team. It’s that simple. It’s not that Trump wants him in there to expose himself. What is gained by Dr. Oz being exposed? That’s not important.

A side benefit is that having a RINO is better than having a Dem. At least they will have to vote with the party in most items to maintain an image of being conservative. But when it’s a tie breaker on an important subject like Supreme Court nominee, it’s a known known that they will side with whoever pays them and helps cover up their bad deeds (the left, usually).

I don’t doubt that there are many plans in action to save our country. But, losing the 2020 election was not by design. It’s Bernie Bro talk. Approving a child porno apologist to the highest court in the world is not part of a plan for good. It’s a loss that happened because our elections are rigged. I swear some of you will be on a train to a reeducation camp claiming “I’m so glad this is part of the plan, this means it’s working.” Moses was in the desert for 40 years and maybe that was God’s plan. But it wasn’t Moses’. And there damn wasn’t a plan for Sodom to be filled with sinners and destroyed; that was a man made problem with a God solution. And this is where we are, in Sodom, telling people to calm down and trust the plan of people who have raped your children, stolen your money, and bought your time for decades.

As they say in the movies, “No one is coming to save us. We must save ourselves.” There is no cavalry. We are the ones holding the tattered flag alone on the battlefield. We few that stand for God’s will, for morality, and for American freedom, we are all that’s left. And it is up to us to wake up every morning and fight for that which we hold dear. We fight for MLK. We fight for school boards. We fight for local elections. We fight for being an example of what God’s love means to us by living a good life every day, by being generous to those in need, by following God’s principles, by setting an example for others.

Trump isn’t Jesus. The US military isn’t Joshua’s army marching around Jericho. We are not meant to “trust the plan”. We are to fight if we want to change this country for the better. Run for office. Become a journalist. Invest wisely. Participate in your children’s education. Pray and ask God for guidance. I’m fairly certain His reply won’t be “Sit back and trust the plan; Trump’s got this.”

Wendy-srox -1 points ago +1 / -2

Why would they publicly show the evidence? Because (1) we deserve to know. And (2) it would support the claims of wrongdoing. Why are so many awakened people ok with knowing all of this evidence exists and it being hidden. Do you think having a child rapist on the Supreme Court is OK? How about two of them? Face it, this is an uphill battle that will claim half of society as victims. The satanists will not say “Ok, you got me. Have mercy.” No, they’ll start a global war to hide their crimes.

And I have no respect for people who supposedly have the evidence and say “two weeks I’ll show you” or “trust the plan”. No, motherfucker, I don’t trust you!! Show what you’ve got or you’re one of them.

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