Those terrorists probably planned on dying with explosives strapped to them... just not in the way it played out.
Don't bother to try and make a better life for your kids, the "death tax" will take it away.
Meanwhile a bunch of idiot rich kids are chanting "free PALESTINE!" in support of a regime that would chop their heads off and rape their corpse.
I mean... any time a foreign leader dies in some shit hole, it's probably the CIA behind it.
Elon mostly interacts with like minded people, I suspect this is more likely a result of "79% of people who follow Elon support Trump".
Unpopular opinion, but I live in Phoenix and it is waaaaaaaaaaay more divided than that here.
Laura Loomer is a dude and Kari Lake is despised by most of Arizona.
Should have nominated Lamb, Lake is going to get destroyed in the Senate race.
I am not exaggerating, I live in Arizona, even a hefty chunk of the Republicans hate her, she's made enemies all over, she flip flops, records people in secret, used to be all in on Obama.
Lake is a grifter, through and through.
The Diddler strikes again.
Take his balls, if he has any.
June 21 is also the summer solstice. Longest day of the year.
Who the hell is he standing with?
You compare these prices to what the Russian earns and the weakness of the Ruble, and they're very expensive from the Russian perspective.
Tucker isn't accounting for the fact that Russian income is no where near ours.
The average American makes over 40,000 a year, the average Russian doesn't even make a quarter of that.
For the Russian income, their groceries are very expensive.
All this video does is point out how far the dollar goes in poorer countries.
The average Russian makes the equivalent of 700 dollars a month.
Compared to their income food in Russia is extremely expensive.
Tucker's experience is a nod to the strength of the American dollar. The dollar goes a long long way in countries where the population is largely impoverished.
Sara Ruth Ashcraft, currently only mentioned on Chinese Tik Tok videos.
If the Commies are the only ones promoting it then you know it is disnifo.
Sara Ashcraft is also a social media account that only posted a few times, with zero evidence of the claims and with no evidence it was even a real person.
So again... that isn't enough to convince me of anything. It all reeks of disinfo bullshit designed to make us all look retarded.
IMO, there has been a ton of that over the last several years.
Sara "Whatserface" means nothing to me.
The glove posts are drivel, I get it, I live in a big city, if I felt like photographing oddities I see laying around I could easily find stuff just like that. There is literally nothing that anyone can link to any of that than it being anything but a quirky hobby.
Dude makes one eye opening film after another and we are supposed to hate him on the world of some random loser, who we only know about because of Lin Wood, who we know is the glowiest of glowiest. Only out there to make anons look retarded.
I've met Tom Hanks, I actually don't think he's guilty of anything... except maybe being naive about some of his peers.
You look at a lot of his films, Dragnet, The Burbs, Private Ryan, Catch me if you Can, Terminal, Greyhound, Davinci Code, News of The World, Road to Perdition.
These are the films of someone who is against the system. He might be among them, but he isn't one of them.
Q never mentioned Hanks once, he isn't in Epstein's logs, he isn't in the court reports.
The only person who ever implicated Hanks was Kappy... and the only person who pushed Kappy was Lin Woods, a confirmed faggot, IMO.
I hate seeing disinfo turn people against a good person and I have seen nothing to make me think Tom Hanks is a shit bag.
Roseanne is a repulsive pig woman... but that is a good joke.
She’s still pretty horrible. Lots of utterly revolting quotes from her over the years.
If you think the Earth is flat then you are a flat out fucking retard.
Islam is an animalistic religion with it's core principals being violence and ignorance.
It is everyone's problem.
There will be no peace on this earth as long as Islamist leaders hold power anywhere.
Her lawyer is an imbecile.
Putin has, repeatedly, said the collapse of the Soviet Union is the tragedy of our time.
He has consistently championed and glorified communism.
Putin's only true allies in the world are Muslim states and communist states... that says a lot.
Putin is never subtle when getting revenge.
Wagner is ran by Nazis, good riddance. is not the same George Magazine, they are clearly trying to rep that they are, but this online version is owned by Glenn Beck.
If you scroll around their page you'll find it's owned by Blaze Media. The lack of any images or covers (even in their archives where they are selling commemorative issues) that are from the original George is a good indicator that they have no ownership of that material.
Glenn Beck is using the "George" mantle as a front for his usual grift.
Athiest nonsense.