WinningAnyway 2 points ago +2 / -0

WuHL... Gawlea I wundur wat it coulda dun to a bin.

I'm guessin....




Thank you I work for drinks, and I'll see myself out now.

WinningAnyway 1 point ago +1 / -0

I guess that's one less global gobbler we won't have to endure spitting on us and on our kids.

WinningAnyway 5 points ago +5 / -0

Did you guys see the article floating around the dot wins, where it's revealed that the four people having control of the money for the truckers are leftist radicals, one of whom immigrated to the USA in order to ENGAGE in ACTIVISM for OBAMA?

It's looking like they are leftist criminals: radicals. I think the article had a video but also there was some text about who these four people are.

Look for an article describing four people, one of the women named 'Pawlak' is the one who moved to the United States, to engage in political activism for Obama.

The news article was some journalist explaining who these people are, but I actually have never heard of any of them at all, so I didn't have an already walled-off section of my mind to put the info or I'd be able to dredge up a little more from memory.

It was only in the past few days though.

One or two of the four people who started the donations to the Convoy apparently worked for some left-wing adviser to Justin Castro.

Like I say, since I don't know any of those peoples' names I was kinda caught off guard and figured well - a few days, this will spread out a little more and it'll be a little better fleshed out for me so I can start a file on who/what/where/why/how on these four people.

They claim to be the ''sole official source for truth'' about the convoy, these four people who have access to the convoy account monies.

The journalist who was giving the presentation was very sober about it all and he did in fact connect people to top Trudeau communists, I just didn't know who they all are, so it didn't congeal real well and I can't bring up the names of top Trudeau officials these people had worked for.

The journalist was VERY adamant that - it was proven that - all of them are leftist radicals, who run that account- not ONE conservative among them.

WinningAnyway 5 points ago +5 / -0

Excellent he's a scummy bag for real. Total human trafficker.

WinningAnyway 2 points ago +2 / -0

These are the people telling you that your speech is hate speech:

theirs is approved.

By them.

WinningAnyway 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Cabal are the very same people who invented Russian Bolshevism, and he was a Russian Bolshevik so the same group of people started both.

WinningAnyway 1 point ago +1 / -0

Joe Tippen cured his stage four cancer that had spread through his whole body and he is still alive and cancer free today. He also had about 90 days to live.

He used Fenbendazole.

WinningAnyway 21 points ago +21 / -0

This is something that is gonna reveal a lot of lawbreaking so that isn't released unredacted.

WinningAnyway 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm sorry Puncake150 I hope your mom, I hope everyone does Ok when your great grandma passes on.

WinningAnyway 0 points ago +1 / -1

Being that insipidly naive is why you Australians are running through the woods at night from your government employees, so they can't drag you back to the concentration camp.

WinningAnyway 2 points ago +2 / -0

Jack was the son of a bootlegger who purchased the election for him,

he was a dope head,

he was a shameless pussy chasing hound.

He was a very flawed man and didn't have a lot of actual strengths.

He fucked up Bay of Pigs by letting them go on, and on, and on with it - then just decided one morning over coffee while they were landing, ''Yeah, let's just call that off.''

Told Air Forces sequestered for doing strafing runs on cuban military, ''Yeah uh... tell them just not answer that. Don't answer those calls.. just too much of an embarrassment.

The Russians didn't try that Cuban Missle thing when Truman was in office, or when Eisenhower was. They waited until Jack was.

Jack was not that good a President. Did you listen to the speech, as he was calling on newspapers to self censor, and consider ''National Security'' to be their number one goal, (Don't say bad things about the slavery, child molester party crime syndicate: you could be unAmerican for it. And oh, what a shame. Booo Hooo.

Jack's Vice President was Lyndon Big Dick Energy Johnson who worked with military and intel and other people to pop Jack's head all over his wife.

Cause know why? Because Johnson was awaiting indictment for political murder for hiring a man to kill political rival.

He then had the hit man killed and people said they had the case on that one, too. This was small time, rural county murder, Democrat style.

For money.

To win county jobs.

Lyndon Johnson was also about to be told by Kennedy that... he might be considering another running mate for the second presidency.

So Johnson had his head blown off in Dallas: a city that Lyndon Johnson bragged was his town.

No Democrat, has ever been a good Democrat. They're people who grew up and joined the slavery, child molester rapist party. The party that commits today 90+% of all US gun crime.

Jack was a war hero and all but sadly he was very naive about what being a criminal's son who purchased the Presidency for him was about.

The whole family story is just about being ghoulishly out of touch with reality.

Ghoulishly self serving, and ghoulishly possessed by the idea they have to get a tight lock down on America.

In the speech (paraphrased) ''I don't find anyone complaining about press except..'' wait for it... ''a few Republicans...''

Remember what had happened a few years earlier when McCarthy was telling everyone the media was completely infested with communists? That was a few years before Jack's time in the sun... like...single digits' years prevously.

"Senator Joseph R. McCarthy was a little-known junior senator from Wisconsin until February 1950 when he claimed to possess a list of 205 card-carrying Communists employed in the U.S. Department of State.

From that moment Senator McCarthy became a tireless crusader against Communism in the early 1950s, a period that has been commonly referred to as the "Red Scare."

As chairman of the Senate Permanent Investigation Subcommittee, Senator McCarthy conducted hearings on communist subversion in America and investigated alleged communist infiltration of the Armed Forces.

His subsequent exile from politics coincided with a conversion of his name into a modern English noun "McCarthyism," or adjective, "McCarthy tactics," when describing similar witch hunts in recent American history.

[The American Heritage Dictionary gives the definition of McCarthyism as: 1. The political practice of publicizing accusations of disloyalty or subversion with insufficient regard to evidence; and 2. The use of methods of investigation and accusation regarded as unfair, in order to suppress opposition.]

Senator McCarthy was censured by the U.S. Senate on December 2, 1954 and died May 2, 1957."

Guess who had McCarthy looking into communist subversion of basically everything, in America from higher education to the State Dept?



Fighting communists.

FDR got us into WWII to fight FOR communism.

Democrat Truman nuked Japan, a decent idea.

They used to call him ''The Last Honest Democrat'' and HE came

from crime, klan, Democrat infested Missouri: LEGENDARY for it's COMPLETELY corrupt, brutal Democrat rights suppression regime.

The stories about Jack being wonderful, are COMPLETELY cooked up by - yeah that's right, Democrat media.

It might be mean to point all this out, guys, but... they're a criminal party. This ''freedom'' speech was so he could get help stopping the Press from reporting the news.

He really was, the 1960 Obama analog candidate of his time. NOTHING around him was actually clean, he was dressed up and put giving speeches cause he was handsome, personable, all the things Obama was. He was a legit war hero, something Obama wasn't, but the point is, they were both manufactured candidates by the Democrat Crime Org.

His father was a confirmed criminal. He purchased the election for him. I realize I repeated that, but you have to understand what was actually surrounding him, and what this speech is really about. More government secrecy ''for freedom.''

His brother driving the chick into the stream, climbing out of the car, to save himself, as he was taking a secretary to ''her beach cottage'' when he was ''giving her a ride home'' while they were both drunk, after a party in Elite-Ville USA.

The entire family was just a sad bunch of criminals. I hope his son Jr really is alive, but most definitely - Jack was one of the most crooked Democrat presidents who ever lived.

He was.

WinningAnyway 3 points ago +3 / -0

I listened to the speech twice, the telephone pole message isn't part of it.

WinningAnyway 1 point ago +1 / -0

On the other hand a communist that would have grown up to hate, harm,

and terrorize Americans, for loving America and freedom,

won't be making it to that point now.

That's a win for America.

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