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Fat fuck
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They reply with "What's a Berlin wall?"
Looks like blood from the Predator
I really should thank these scumbags, they were a major contributor to my decision to steer clear of that poison.
99% of people have never even heard of George Soros
That's not a human being.
Hope there's something left for him to return to by then.
Disappointed that it was an egg
People really seem to care about this Twitter crap huh.
The guy's worth 2 bil, what does he have to lose.
Judgement is coming
Lizard voice
Hard to breathe around all that sulfur.
You can see the damned ring in the circled pic, he's just not sticking his ring finger out. Nice work there GWP 🙄
Fuck the normies
Fuck all "celebrities"
Arnold "screw your freedom" Schwarzenegger
I just hope all the executions are televised
Heineken?! Fuck that shit!
Well yeah. I thought that's the reason Putin went into Ukraine, to take out the trash?
Maybe if she mattered at all I could bring myself to give half a shit.
WW3 began on 9-11-01
No one escapes God's judgement. No one.