ZackMorris_osbro 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yeah I was a college kid in the Nova area back then, nobody thought it was a plane, all of a sudden a big boom, much more indicative of a missle strike. Plane wreckage just doesn't turn to dust like that.

by DrMcCoy
ZackMorris_osbro -1 points ago +2 / -3

No it was all Michael Chertoff's doing. Quit trying to slide you Ashkenazi shill.

by DrMcCoy
ZackMorris_osbro 4 points ago +4 / -0

Who sent that steel out to China...Chertoff...who was a founder of Mossad...his mother.

You can't make this up.

ZackMorris_osbro 14 points ago +14 / -0

That's why they confiscated all the CCTV footage from all the nearby gas stations etc...this happened to hit exactly where the accounting offices were that literally disclosed the day before that almost 3 Trillion...not billion...Trillion dollars were unaccounted for. That shit was hit by a missle, to even fly a plane that low for that strike would take Maverick level shit, not some paki raghead with Microsoft flight sim skills. People go off about Covid being the biggest hoax, lol they got away with a real doozy 21 years ago, why wouldn't they do it again?

ZackMorris_osbro 12 points ago +12 / -0

Man it sure as fuck takes a lot to make a Leaf angry, but they really did it this time. How funny was it seeing that fat sack of shit with the Soy Boy Glasses try to act tough to tell that guy to get "oot of here". That dude would've mopped the floor with that fat sack of shit, he had zero muscles other than carrying the weight of excess cases of LaBatt's Bleu day in and day out. One day I'll respect Canada, and its people like these that will drive that respect. The rest of the place can get nuked for all I care.

ZackMorris_osbro 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lol why is there even a Zionist community center in Wyoming of all fucking places?

ZackMorris_osbro 52 points ago +53 / -1

She's controlled opposition, wasn't she one of the WEF's Young Leaders?

Even if not, there's always a feeling that something is afoot with her. At least she demolished any electoral chance Kamala had during that debate. That dismantling was very satisfying to watch.

ZackMorris_osbro 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah it has lost its edge. I wouldn't say they cucked, I think they just see easy money and tow the line. They were one of the first to openly call out the Jew.

ZackMorris_osbro 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lol one second they are fellow white people, the next they got shoah'd because it was about their Jewish race! Oi vey they gotta pick one or the other, they can't pick both.

They do though, duplicity in action. Pit the dogs against the cats, and the rats will have all the cheese they please!

ZackMorris_osbro 2 points ago +2 / -0

So many people are waking up. The more the zogbox talking heads keep parroting these points, the more the normies are like wait a minute, wtf. They have lost control totally.

by gamepwn
ZackMorris_osbro 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't know how he'd have any sort of admin privilege to know what is on those "tablets". Not to mention mass data storage would not be done on tablets, even a SAN or a RAID setup, would make this more believable. In all honesty I'm sure there's a Hadoop HDFS shared among the glowies of all the vaxxed on traditional racks with Map Reduce to help it all be glowie shared and redundant.

ZackMorris_osbro 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have no issues with day to day jews I've met. They actually have been lovely people. It's their tribal alligence, nepotism, and hatred of white Christians by defacto of their group think that makes them troublesome. The old Yiddish saying...if we make the cats and dogs fight the rats can eat their cheese.

ZackMorris_osbro 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fuck and they call Q a conspiracy theory....when this is exactly what happened.

Wide awake and here for the revolution.

ZackMorris_osbro 2 points ago +2 / -0

My goodness, look at how much Kinzinger is recoiling and protesting! This son of a fucking bitch doesn't deserve the mercy of a long rope, we want to see him squirm and kick at the end of a short one!

ZackMorris_osbro 41 points ago +41 / -0

So I watched the Comedy Central Roast last night (its on Paramount+) and my God...the amount of pedo and gay jokes were through the roof. Disturbingly so. Even looking at it from the lens of 2008, it was abnormal. They hid the truth in plain sight. Pedowwod needs to burn to the ground.

Norm was the only good comedian on it, a true master of his craft. Levels above everyone else on that stage and his jokes were hilarious and he didn't have to be a pervert and say sick shit to get the biggest laughs. He is the only person we should be still mourning.

ZackMorris_osbro 6 points ago +7 / -1

Neo: What are you trying to tell me? That I can check their "Early Life" section on Wikipedia?

Morpheus: No Neo, I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready, you won't have to.

ZackMorris_osbro 1 point ago +4 / -3

This practically reads like a phonebook in Tel Aviv!

ZackMorris_osbro 4 points ago +4 / -0

You mean reformulated ivermectin at 1000x the cost of ivermectin?

ZackMorris_osbro 6 points ago +6 / -0

Ok we'll be hearing a ton about this "new" variant. How it is so deadly and spreads so rapidly etc etc.

Here is the thing. It is not new. It has been around for months. If it is so virulent and lethal shit should've been locked down months and months ago. I had to dig for hours to find this...they are burying it like a mother fucker.


New variant my ass. They are just drumming up another boogeyman to scare the shit out of people. Why? Scared people comply like little bitches and thats what Klaus Schwab and his cronies of fuckers want.

ZackMorris_osbro 11 points ago +11 / -0

It is not even a "new" variant. They have known about it for months and months. See my other post on this thread. This is just a fear machine operation.

ZackMorris_osbro 9 points ago +9 / -0

Ok we'll be hearing a ton about this "new" variant. How it is so deadly and spreads so rapidly etc etc.

Here is the thing. It is not new. It has been around for months. If it is so virulent and lethal shit should've been locked down months and months ago. I had to dig for hours to find this...they are burying it like a mother fucker.


New variant my ass. They are just drumming up another boogeyman to scare the shit out of people. Why? Scared people comply like little bitches and thats what Klaus Schwab and his cronies of fuckers want.

ZackMorris_osbro 8 points ago +8 / -0

Here is the thing. All the press you are seeing about this "new" variant is a fucking lie. It has been around for months and months. If it is so virulent and lethal we should've been locked down a long time ago over it. I had to dig forever to find this article and ones from July and earlier that mention the b.1.1.529 variant, they are actively burying it by blasting the headlines the past few days about this variant just now. Full court press.


It has been around at least since July. This is a pure fear campaign unleashed on the public. Why? Scared little bitches comply with little resistance.

ZackMorris_osbro 14 points ago +14 / -0

Ok we'll be hearing a ton about this "new" variant. How it is so deadly and spreads so rapidly etc etc.

Here is the thing. It is not new. It has been around for months. If it is so virulent and lethal shit should've been locked down months and months ago. I had to dig for hours to find this...they are burying it like a mother fucker.


New variant my ass. They are just drumming up another boogeyman to scare the shit out of people. Why? Scared people comply like little bitches and thats what Klaus Schwab and his cronies of fuckers want.

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