A very straightforward and well founded prediction so far as I can tell. I don't claim to be certain about any of them but yours may be the most seemingly likely yet.
It would be very fitting for it to turn out at the end that it was all right in their face all along just seven years off.
I am fully prepared for white hats to allow Dems to steal it in an even more blatant and in our faces way if that's part of this show. I've watched millions wake up since 2020 and I don't buy into the black pill that rigged elections outweigh societal awakening.
Somewhat true in areas of Mexico but in the globalist run big cities or the cartel run territories I doubt things are so good. It may not be LGBT nonsense but they're certainly degenerates and anti-God even if they act Catholic sometimes at the surface level.
McDonald's as a company has been slowly poisoning Christians for decades, granted those people should know better than to eat there.
Point being I only give credit to whatever franchise owner presumably allowed this. The company is evil to its core.
Anyone with an economic record that good will win in a landslide. It really is that simple. Did his party pad the results in their favor? Possibly. They shouldn't, but the fact remains that even if they did, the real number was still an overwhelming victory for Putin.
I don't doubt their intentions for a second, and while we should be prepared for the worst, I do not see them having the level of public support needed to make this happen any longer. That doesn't mean they won't try and in some countries succeed for a while.
Just remember all the doomers three years ago were saying it was absolute fact that vaccine passports would never go away, and that anyone who thought we had any ability to push back was snorting hopium.
I keep saying it, I am open to the possibility that Gen. Flynn is on our side but if he is then he's putting out an awful lot of red flags on purpose. If that's a show then it may be our part in the show to oppose him.
No doubt it's far from ideal but the question is whether it's worse off for our enemies than the current setup, and I would argue that it is. This is something they feel like they have to do to try and salvage some level of influence and control. If we are aware of that and keep pushing in the right direction they gain nothing.
Based on how early I started following and posting about Q, I'm virtually certain that I've been put on some sort of list (not the bad kind). And while I don't feel like I'd be considered consequential enough to warrant individual attention I'd be surprised if there weren't some sort of AI type of system keeping tabs on me and most of the people here to gauge where we're at, whether we've gone down the doomer path, etc.
Any decent health food store will have it for sure and even drug stores like CVS might have some. I would just follow the directions on the bottle unless you've got a specific issue you're using it for in which case there's probably more specific info you could search out.
There are a wide range of options. I see only a few I legitimately trust like Ben Carson but there's the age issue there. However if you include people white hats may control, a whole plethora of options I wouldn't normally accept become acceptable. The value of someone like Tulsi Gabbard is massive, IF, we control her and she isn't one of "them".
Ugh. I'm sick of the faux "unity" trope where they try and twist the truth of the two parties being corrupt into the blatant lie that left and right, freedom vs slavery, are just trivial differences they have us arguing about. Their solution, inevitably, is to give up half or so of our freedom, in the name of "compromise" and "unity" and with a pinky swear that it's as far as they will ever go.
And yet the doomers told me that everyone in countries like Ireland are fully cucked and on board with the globalist agenda. They pointed to the corporate polls (which we for some reason always take as gospel fact) to prove it.
So weird, it's almost as if doomer influencers exist purely to make you feel like there's no hope while seeming like a purveyor of truth.
People have been living their lives under increasing demonic influence for decades. All this tells me is that some are becoming aware of it and embracing it rather than mindlessly following.
No matter how much fear porn I see being circulated, I've consistently seen the number of Christians in my community/workplace only increase over the last five or ten years. Before that things were absolutely in decline overall.
They want us to believe their polling and then influencers doom endlessly and imply that all we can do is sit around and have a pity party.
Are we really going to pretend Hitler and the Nazis were anything more than a pre-planned solution to the manufactured problem of communism? Or that we're sure of his own family background?
"Oh but they burned some really bad books.". Yeah and Dr. Phil is out there saying very true very good things. Doesn't make him less of a swamp creature with an awful track record. You've got to do or say SOME good things if you want to gain public trust of a people. That doesn't make the group in question benevolent, only maybe better than the alternative, which is often the entire point.
If you know any women who need to use donated breast milk, it might be good advice to make sure it's a woman providing it.