Zzirg720 4 points ago +4 / -0

I've always felt like he was just another CIA puppet politician in a place they just couldn't make a coup happen like they did in smaller countries.

Zzirg720 3 points ago +3 / -0

I was just casually searching some old high school classmates names the other day and found that the first two I looked up (outside of close friends) were dead. Both were kinda fuck ups so drugs is a possibility but they both said "died unexpectedly" so the jab is certainly a potential factor.

Zzirg720 7 points ago +7 / -0

Every single person I talked to over the last week was absolutely sick of the Taylor Swift stuff. Plenty of sports people still excited to see the game but at least in my experience this is has only turned people off of the NFL.

Zzirg720 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have my own theory as to why the elites pushed football so hard over baseball (which I was recently made aware has some pretty blatant Masonic symbology of its own). What would benefit the elites better than society pressuring all the strong young men to spend hours a day for years slowly giving each other lifelong head trauma? The science seems to be pretty cut and dry, though anything medical should be taken with a large grain of salt.
The more I think about it, the more I become convinced that this was intentional. That isn't to say that there isn't a place in the world for football and other more dangerous sports, but pushing them through the school system and attaching all kinds of incentives for getting good enough to play for a college was systemic, not just people naturally gravitating to their own interests.

Zzirg720 1 point ago +1 / -0

Every year today just makes me wish BASEketball were a real sport.

Zzirg720 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well that's a lovely list of talking points but none of it holds up to scrutiny. Hundreds of studies show the opposite of what you're claiming yet you'll just dismiss them as fake because they don't say what you've decided is fact. And ultimately you're the one with a billion dollar globalist infested industry on your side pushing for the results they want. They don't want you eating vegan they want the people who do as they're told to stay healthy and alive. Everyone else they want dead (you) they'll tell to keep going to McDonalds or buying meat at the supermarket until they can replace it with cheap processed plants or bugs. It's never been about the diet, they want you sick either from mass produced meat or even cheaper options. Obviously they don't want you hunting but they also know the world can't be fed by hunting alone.
You're not going to convince people who know they're not getting sick and nobody they know is getting sick that their diet is unhealthy and guarantees negative side effects. Most people who eat this way do so because they feel much better than before and have less health problems. You sit here citing studies from the trillion dollar globalist food conglomerates and the same medical industry that pushed the jabs and expect me to believe that over lived experience and the testimony of those I've known over the years.
I can tell you're just repeating talking points because if you really thought about what you're saying you'd see how little sense it makes. You claim that eating a plant based diet is bad because of pesticides. Do you actually believe that the grain being fed to animals in farms is organic and not sprayed with pesticides? Do you really think grass fed meat can sustain this population with meat any more than on occasion? Instead of growing plant foods one time and eating them, your alternative involves countless millions MORE acres and countless millions of gallons MORE in pesticide just to grow the feed for the animals, plus on top of that all the shitty environmental effects of large scale farming (no, not CO2 I mean real problems like ground and water contamination) AND on top of all that, causing unnecessary suffering to an animal. It's no different morally than someone killing a dog because it gets them off. Purely a selfish choice, which is why you try SO damn hard and have to reach so far to justify it and make yourself feel like it's necessary.

Zzirg720 1 point ago +1 / -0

During warm months I grow some. Otherwise I buy organic and local as best I can. If you're going to get into the fact that animals die in farming, that doesn't really make the alternative of killing even more of them any more appealing.

Zzirg720 2 points ago +2 / -0

I haven't eaten meat in (genuinely) 17 years and I'm healthier than ever. Obviously I'm biased but I'm on team "your diet is too extreme in the other direction and missing the mark in other ways." It seems to me that Conservative Inc has been shoving meat heavy diets down our throats and implying that is the only way to push back against the people who want you eating processed plants and bugs is to eat another less than ideal diet that will help get rid of us for them.

Zzirg720 2 points ago +2 / -0

It really does seem like the same thing in reverse. I grew up on a meat heavy diet but I've consistently done better on a vegan diet than I ever did eating normally. The idea that either extreme is necessary is nonsense. While I would strongly argue a diet without meat and dairy can be as if not more nutritious, I would agree that a plant based diet that simply cuts out meat and dairy without replacing them properly would be as short sighted as going full carnivore and wondering why you're getting new deficiencies and issues.

Zzirg720 2 points ago +2 / -0

If so that would mean we REALLY have control over Hollywood. Far more likely is the original scenario. Not that it's likely to win Biden any votes.

Zzirg720 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not sure if any of you saw that movie The Tomorrow War with Chris Pratt. Usual normie fare, had an awkward and forced side thing about how his daughter wanted to grow up and make vaccines (you're supposed to think that's cute and wholesome). Anyway one of the main scenes involves future people showing up in the middle of the Super Bowl to talk to the world. Was that a hint that some big event of some kind is planned?

Zzirg720 6 points ago +6 / -0

I always found Tom MacDonald to be painfully cringe. His whole style just seems so forced. Everyone else seems to like him so just shrugged it off. Now that he went and did this I'm feeling a bit vindicated.
I'm sure boomers who want us to be better at reaching the youth and people on our side who miss rap might be enjoying all this but I feel like it falls totally flat outside of our own echo chamber. Felt the same way when black pilled doomer extraordinare An0maly did that weird video with Trapt.
My two cents.

Zzirg720 2 points ago +2 / -0

To be fair I'm sure some number of law abiding cucks hate vigilantes too.

Zzirg720 2 points ago +2 / -0

I get that their system is different, but I'm pretty sure there is no legitimate grounds for the Supreme Court to be taking that level of independent action.

Zzirg720 12 points ago +12 / -0

Vegas is known as one of if not THE top city in which the police and local government is totally corrupt and on the take. People say that's why they killed Tupac there and/or that's how he faked his death so easily. Makes sense that if they were gonna stage a false flag that it would be their best shot at making it look real. (It still won't)

Zzirg720 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bingo. They would have you believe that until the mid 20th century the Catholic Church was on the up-and-up minus the occasional hiccup. They claim the communists came in and corrupted the church, and while I don't doubt that, my assumption would have to be that those who run the Catholic Church wanted to make changes but needed a scapegoat in case people realize the changes are making things even worse and start to push back (exactly what is happening today).

Zzirg720 7 points ago +7 / -0

George W. Bush did a handful of good things, didn't change who he was and who was behind him. If Dan Crenshaw ever became President he'd do a handful of genuinely good things. That's how these people gain public trust. The more aware the public in a nation is, the further these people are willing to go in order to create the appearance that they are on our side.
Given the early backing from international interests, the connections to the modern Bush family, accusations of Hitler hiding his own ancestry, the elements of occultism and hostility to Christianity in Nazi ideology, socialist elements, etc etc. I can only assume Nazism as Germany experienced it was either infighting among the elites one faction vs another, or just a ruse altogether. Too many irredeemable qualities. Reminds me of their usual style of creating a problem then offering a solution but on the scale of a full totalitarian regime. Scare the living shit out of people with communism then offer Nazism as an alternative.

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