That’s not saying much considering Clif High is a dipshit who has correctly predicted exactly ZERO things accurately.
He does move some pretty mean goal posts though…
Still trying to figure out where he moved that $600 silver goal post to though … 🤔
This cat gets it.
It’s almost as if with his recent whiffs he needed a way to to stay relevant…
So he retcons himself in regards to his previous views about Q and dismissing people for even mentioning it…
Beware sheisters like this posing as “being in the know”.
For a dude who runs around calling everyone else blind idiots he kinda misstepped there….
What I’ve noticed with him is he doesn’t really have many original thoughts…
he just curates things from his heroes and throws a “holier than thou” spin on it…
Also, he is not very open to anyone questioning him…
His parting line is “And you can quote me on that!”
Funny thing, every time somebody does quote him on his misses and asks him an honest question of why he whiffed he just bans them…
And in the same breath will bash Twitter, FB and all the others of suppressing free speech and opinion.
He’s really kind of a hypocritical boob.
That pompous lard bag has been wrong soooooo many times it’s not funny. He should start a Goal Post moving company given the amount of times he does it. Heck, he only recently embraced Q! (As in only after the most recent posts…so looking to him as an authority on anything about Q is laughable really)
He should stick to his Sussman goal post moving and his other Durham predictions cuz hes soooo good and accurate at those.
Seriously, that dude is full of himself.
You forgot Sussman too….
For a guy that rails against censorship he is really quick with the ban-hammer when you ask about his many botched predictions…
I guess his approach is throw as much excrement against the wall and eventually something sticks…
Seriously. I mean if it’s a DS Disinfo Psyop then I’d say it colossally backfired as it literally woke up millions…
So based on what I just said and the absolute buffoonery committed on the part of the lefty moonbat DS fuckers I guess it absolutely could be DS disinfo…but not really.
Cuz maybe they’re just really shitty at this game… 🤔
Or the Orange Bastard is in full control.
I’m leaning Orange Bastard in full control.
Who created the Q Clock?
Correct me if I’m wrong but it wasn’t Q….
And I remember Q mentioning something about “no outside comms”…..
I mean, without performing mental gymnastics and Olympic gymnast level stretching to satisfy cognitive bias’ can anyone tell me what this “Q Clock” has predicted and resolve it with the “no outside comms”?
Trump had a pretty commanding lead in 2020….jussayin….