Hence the name Cyber NINJAS. The company knows what is at stake here. Think they are just gonna let dirty evil people know where they operate and keep information....Cyber Ninjas have their role and are playing their part.
I was 27 and never voted. The 2016 melt was just humor for me. Good humor at that.The weirdos lost and that gatta be a good thing right? Fast forward 2019. Videos of people falling over in China. Holy shit...maybe I should keep up with politics and my government as this could be big. Begin research......why does everyone hate trump? Humm okay...what has Trump done in office.....wait this doesn’t make sense....how could people hate what this man has done for our country? IT DOESNT MAKE SENSE?!?
Wait...who’s Soros..why does that sound familiar? Think I saw it in this thousands of pages long Q thread that I lightly skimmed over.. on my main site. Let me click that threa....HOLY FUCKING SHIT!
Now I’m a registered voter. Part of the solution to this country’s problem and am wayyyyy more excited for the next rounds of melts. Though truthfully I hope all the red pills have been served because it’s gonna hurt a lot of people. A lot...of people.
She really did a great job. I believe her role was to simply red pill. A lot of people watched her briefings especially with lock downs and she really just shit on and exposed the media again and again. Incredible job.
Solid 10/10 propaganda.