_styx_ 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is why placing strong faith in any man is dangerous; one should only trust in themselves to be their own hero. Don't let Trump's comments distract from the fact that you have been doing so by standing strong against one of the worst, if not the worst, global psyop in history.

You by yourself read between the lines and stood by your standards because it was the right thing to do. Be proud of that. There are also many in your position right now who understand you -- you are not alone, and it wasn't all for nothing. Never forget that the concepts of MAGA extend beyond what one man says or does.

_styx_ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trump has said some strange things before such as "take the firearms first, and then go to court" a while back. It's also strange that he and Pompeo staunchly shill for Israel. Apparently Pompeo believes "anti-Zionism is the same as antisemitism" (oy vey). These are some things we should be questioning, but I suppose it messes with the idea that everything is going smoothly.

_styx_ 3 points ago +3 / -0

No clue what the price would be, but it would be an obscene number assuming there's no interference from the government (it's something I'm admittedly worried about). Hypothetically, it could be worth infinite money if at least some people never sell.

_styx_ 3 points ago +3 / -0

Might be a good idea to get a share of GME when you can, if you don't have some already. It's the only one with true MOASS buildup.

_styx_ 1 point ago +1 / -0

According to the article, they are referring to the Supreme Court banning universal clot shots. However, it seems the article is fairly old. Here's an archive of it from August 31st of this year. Unless this so-called ruling has managed to be a secret for two months, it's probably fake news.

_styx_ 3 points ago +3 / -0

Reminds me of the Georgia runoffs where they kept arbitrarily flipping votes back and forth, as if they were offering the senate seat to the highest bidder. Not to mention, we can only select from a rat-filled pool of Dems and RINOs.

_styx_ 6 points ago +6 / -0

She'll probably divorce the guy and take half his assets and the kids soon enough. Nothing says romance like adressing your husband as one of "these people" while ignoring him and his struggles.

_styx_ 2 points ago +5 / -3

Cool, ANOTHER audit. It's been a year with absolutely zero states decertified. Even the "golden standard of audits" that went on in Arizona will probably lead to nothing, seeing the deals made on how they will handle it.

_styx_ 38 points ago +39 / -1

Similarly, I love how when you tell the Faucists you don't want to take it, they wish that you die violently from covid or so. So much for muh compassion and science.

_styx_ 1 point ago +2 / -1

The constant push for everyone to take it is bizarre at this point. I never found genetically altering tens of millions nationwide to be part of some Godly, by the books plan, but apparently the white hats should not be questioned since they know better.

_styx_ 0 points ago +3 / -3

Additionally, he shills hard for Israel and even owns a vineyard there that is said to be built on stolen Palestinian land. Not to mention, he was the former director of the CIA. Hard to completely trust him knowing that.

On that note, there are even things about Trump that I find odd. For instance, why did he say guns should be seized first before due process? Not trying to shill or anything, but I think that pretty much no one can be trusted without knowing their full background.

by gamepwn
_styx_ 3 points ago +5 / -2

They're human bots who pretend to be free-thinking intellectuals while being dangerously stupid and programmed daily by Mockingbird Media. They want everyone who doesn't fit in at this point dead, especially us and our families.

It's not even a matter of feeling sorry for them at this point; I genuinely believe we can't coexist with these bots if we want to have a strong country after the cabal's removal. Think about it: how much better would the country be if they all just disappeared right now? Also, how many are actually independent with decent jobs?

_styx_ 22 points ago +23 / -1

It means there are serious problems, if not a shutdown itself, with Evergrande. It's the second largest property developer in China. If it collapses, the housing market and other fields of business connected to it all will crumble down. This includes banks and contracts and whatnot that Evergrande has money tied to.

In other words, there will be global economical impacts on multiple fronts.

_styx_ 1 point ago +3 / -2

That's an issue I've been thinking about for a while. The only way getting involved locally works is if the root of the problem is removed, yet there's no outward confirmation of that happening. People are having their lives destroyed for not complying, and what's going on with that military that's supposed to save us?

Either way, economic collapse will happen soon. I don't imagine many will be peaceful and trust the plan by then when they can't feed their families.

by Quelle
_styx_ 5 points ago +6 / -1

So will this be the thing that crashes our market, or will they mysteriously "correct" the numbers like always?

_styx_ 3 points ago +4 / -1

My favorite is how they call the Fed throwing tons of money at the economy "quantitative easing."

_styx_ 6 points ago +7 / -1

Thinking from the point of view of white hats, following the law would not only establish its importance and legitimacy, it would also prevent precedent being created for a takeover of the sitting government in the name of national integrity. For instance, hypothetically, a future Marxist government could pull the same thing in order to keep us all "safe" using a 2020 takeover as an excuse for their actions.

That being said, it seems they might just watch as economic collapse occurs in the near future without any public moves. If that happens, I imagine militias would take care of the rest since many will have nothing left to lose.

I remember you said support for your work against human trafficking was pulled by the government months ago. If I recall correctly, it was part of a nationwide crackdown against investigations into such things. Why would something like that happen under the watch of patriots (in control, apparently) along with the destruction of our military? The fact that we can't just shrug off the idea that something is happening behind the scenes due to the oddities we've seen in public is extremely frustrating (an understatement). I don't think there's any reason to keep up the tick-tock shit with no visible action, so what the hell is going on?

_styx_ 3 points ago +4 / -1

It's because ((they)) used Marxism to destroy our culture subtly and methodically over a long period of time. The older generations didn't notice the decline due to such subtlety and the fact that they already lived through the best, most comfortable times this country has had.

In the early 1900s this country had a robust and frankly beautiful culture/set of societal orders that inspired the world (including Japan, for example). The nuclear family was strong, traditional family roles were around, no gross sexuality, and more. If I'm not wrong, infidelity was grounds for firing from a job back then as well. How curious now that such things are completely destroyed, the country is embracing degeneracy and sensationalism, amongst other things.

_styx_ 3 points ago +4 / -1

I don't agree that they should be banned altogether, but I do agree that aside from the occasional "comm" tweet, they're entirely useless. It's all just mindless entertainment to grab peoples' attention. Even worse that they also flood the front page and dilute the amount of actual information.

_styx_ 8 points ago +9 / -1

This is actually in NYC, of all places. It seems she's on the D train.

_styx_ 0 points ago +1 / -1

That's exactly what is going on. A major goal of the whole NWO plan is to make one homogeneous group of people with no clear culture or race to identify by. An overall lack of identity or belonging to a community makes control over the populace much easier. It also "helps" that the illegal invaders coming in are apathetic and loyal to their government saviors, qualities the globalists highly value.

_styx_ 2 points ago +3 / -1

The precipice will probably be economic collapse on a scale we've never experienced before (by design, of course). If nothing's changed and the debt ceiling remains unchanged, the country will run out of money very shortly.

_styx_ 15 points ago +16 / -1

I was thinking along the lines of them possibly using the order to enact a national lockdown or push to legalize voter fraud, but it's just too out there to make sense to me. This really is an interesting development.

_styx_ 37 points ago +38 / -1

Is there any feasible reason the cabal would allow this? If not, this is huge.

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