a_man 3 points ago +3 / -0

My experience is quite the opposite. He says it raises blood pressure. It lowers mine. But I'm unvaccinated.

a_man 7 points ago +7 / -0

That's a hell of a way to buy some more voters to ensure the fairest and honestest election ever held in one small rural town in Georgia. Some other "NGOs" got more than the measly little 2 billion she got from it. She's still bush league!

Keep on DOGEing! Who knows what tomorrow will bring!

a_man 4 points ago +4 / -0

Spot on. Disclosure has to be managed with the utmost of care, and totally by the book. People are not able to digest much at a time. Some just don't want to hear about it because they feel nothing they could do would matter anyway, so a thought process akin to "eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we could die" kicks in.

a_man 1 point ago +1 / -0

"May Consider Charges." Hmm. I'm thinking its a lead-up to popcorn time. Someone somewhere just filled up their skivvies when this headline popped up on their screen.

a_man 17 points ago +17 / -0

Agree. At the right moment it will happen. Everything we wait for. A great plan has brought us this far. As a close friend told me, God made time so everything wouldn't happen at once. These things will happen in a way that will create a historical example for future generations to learn from.

a_man 9 points ago +9 / -0

I had it as a child circa 1957-58. Almost all the children got it. It was miserable, then it was gone for good. A common childhood disease that no one worried much about.

a_man 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bow- leggedness is rickets, which is soft bones, stemming from a vitamin D deficiency.

a_man 3 points ago +3 / -0

I read about it in a book titled "Doctor Yourself" by Andrew W Saul while looking for an orthomolecular way to get off the prescription drug I had been taking for restless leg syndrome. I had run out on a cross country trip and it was a major headache to get enough pills to drive home safely. In it he points to other books just on the medical uses of Niacin that I haven't read yet. It's knowledge from the pre-allopathic period of medicine. I just use Niacin in a pill form, the cheapest i can get on Amazon. It costs me less than $0.06 a day for my gram. And it works perfectly. I went from being able to drive 3-4 hours without getting drowsy to being able to drive as much as 24 hours with no drowsiness.

a_man 4 points ago +4 / -0

A niacin deficiency can cause schizophrenia. Many such cases were being treated successfully in the middle 1900s by giving the sufferers 3 grams of Niacin daily. Some people just need more niacin. Personally, I completely eliminated restless leg syndrome (which my sleep doctor had been controlling with a prescription medicine for 25 years) by supplementing 1 gram of niacin daily. It was an immediate cure. It seems quite possible that there may be multiple mental "illnesses" that are really just indicators of a niacin deficiency.

Also, I have not had sciatica since starting niacin supplementation. It was previously relatively common to have a bout of it.

When a baby's brain is being formed in the womb, a lot of the mother's niacin is used.

Although I think it is of great value to every aspect of central nervous system health, I'm not a doctor so do your own research and become informed before starting if you think it could benefit you. Not too long ago I would have said consult with your doctor, but these days that takes more trust than I can muster.

a_man 18 points ago +18 / -0

Excellent theory, and indeed we seem to see more rats exposing themselves every day.

a_man 6 points ago +6 / -0

I've always had to be able to provide current status of my projects including cost and schedule status, risks, etc. to upper management. I see this as management 101 stuff.

a_man 4 points ago +4 / -0

Would not be surprised if initial screening can be performed quickly using AI.

a_man 1 point ago +1 / -0

Irrational fear is one of the most effective tools of the left for keeping their sheep in line. This is the fuel that stokes their echo chambers.

a_man 4 points ago +4 / -0

I would like to see all childhood vaccines shelved until safety has been honestly established. I only had 3 childhood vaccines; after one of them I developed allergies. I look at the present day childhood vaccine schedule and my mind sees an image of a skull and bones flag.

a_man 4 points ago +4 / -0

It is approved for treating malaria, prevents the parasites from being able to metabolize hemoglobin, rendering them unable to replicate. It penetrates the blood-brain barrier and is effective against parasites in the brain. To take it a little farther, I hypothesize that parasite control of the brain with methylene blue may be the best way to minimize the risk of migraine headaches, dementia, Alzheimer's, and brain cancers. At my age, I'm for all of that.

I read that it is the material from which hydroxychloriquine is produced.

a_man 4 points ago +4 / -0

I am using several approaches in combination so can't definitively identify which modality is doing what. I started taking it for its anti-parasitical properties as it penetrates the blood-brain barrier, which Ivermectin does not. I've since learned more about it and it's all good.

a_man 7 points ago +7 / -0

I added it to my health maintenance plan about 8 months ago. Most days I make a "cocktail" with about a cup of distilled water, juice of 1/2 lemon, a pinch of mineral salt, 3 drops of methylene blue and a dropper of nascent iodine. Doesn't stain my teeth due to the dilution. On its own it's taste has nothing to offer.

a_man 3 points ago +3 / -0

No. It resulted the monthly oral dose! An unexpected bonus!

a_man 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is a question that I hope will be answered very quickly. They are not diplomats or emissaries of President Trump, yet there they are, looking like they're fraternity bros. My gut tells me they are up to no good.

a_man 6 points ago +6 / -0

Same. I shop at Valley Vet and take the paste at once a month at a minimum. It's completely healed several "conditions" not related to Covid (including a toenail fungus). Not even a minor cold since 2019. I keep enough on my shelf for several people for several years.

a_man 4 points ago +4 / -0

He looks worse than usual. Could be on his way to an OD.

a_man 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's a good start. But it does not begin to take into account the inflation tax imposed by the 37T national debt dilution of the value of the dollar. The year I graduated HS gold was $35 an ounce. So a dollar now is worth about one of the copper pennies I grew up with.

a_man 1 point ago +1 / -0

The enjoyment of seeing the desperation so many horrible people at once is enjoyable to me and makes me happy. I plan to enjoy it while it lasts.

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