a_man 10 points ago +10 / -0

No more air travel for me. But not just masking; most pilots have been jabbed and are now on the hook for "suddenly" going lights out.

a_man 4 points ago +4 / -0

When we home schooled (starting in the mid 80s) we quickly and easily found the others around us doing the same just by bringing it up with others in our town, starting with our friends, who often had a friend or two that were home schooling and would arrange an introduction. Made for a large loosely connected circle of folks in our county that could hold/create special classes and events. It was a great experience.

a_man 5 points ago +6 / -1

Creases/lines on the two faces are too far from being a match for it to be the same guy..

a_man 1 point ago +1 / -0

I would suggest trying Kefir. It is easy and inexpensive to make. Kefir grains can come from a friend or can be purchased at a nominal cost on-line. Once you have them, you can use them for a lifetime. I make and use it regularly.

a_man 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just in time for winter, as well. The amount of harm that will cause to the people who relied on that power for their homes and businesses I can't guess, but I see even higher energy bills in their future at a minimum (if the energy can be replaced).

a_man 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes. Put everything into the stable value, or money market fund and let it ride there until you can roll it into an IRA. Cash is king right now as stocks are in a recession and could easily go much lower (which means, if you have cash, there will be some great bargains. )

a_man 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm wondering... If the constitution is abolished, Would not the government that it authorizes be abolished as well? Would each state then be an independent sovereign nation?

a_man 3 points ago +3 / -0

Some gas stations sell them here. A son got into it at a party and described demons that wanted him to put a gun to his head.

a_man 2 points ago +2 / -0

How can you offer an honest opinion without having access to a complete vocabulary? This will require speaking with a forked tongue at all times. No good.

a_man 5 points ago +5 / -0

I got a flu shot in 1975 when I was in the USN and it made me sick as a dog. Tried another in 1982 and it did the same thing. Swore them off after that and haven't had the flu since.

a_man 7 points ago +7 / -0

Government becomes a party to the marriage contract and obtains certain rights over the output of the contract (children) if any.

a_man 1 point ago +1 / -0

I lose my sense of taste and smell every time I use Tylenol. When I stop, it returns.

a_man 4 points ago +4 / -0

No vax or PCR for this CPAP user here. Fortunately I have not encountered any such denial of service. I agree with weight loss to reduce dependency on a CPAP, but in the meanwhile you still need one. I would try a different sleep doctor or clinic if that was at all possible. My sleep doctor asked if I was vaxxed, I said no, not interested and we have continued on as we were before the plandemic.

As for weight loss, I have not been able to exercise for more than a year due to bad knees and subsequent knee replacement surgeries (one of which remains problematic). In spite of no exercise, I've successfully lost 50 lbs off my high of 287 in the last year with no exercise, heeding advice found in a book call "The Obesity Code", and can recommend with confidence. 42" waist to 38" waist, 3X shirts to 2X shirts, etc. Makes a huge difference in CPAP pressure needed, as well as in the way I feel. There may be a time when I don't need a CPAP in my future, however I have allergic rhinitis and enjoy sleeping with filtered air anyway.

a_man 3 points ago +3 / -0

Treason season is the reason. These dumb asses need to read the story of the boy who cried wolf.

a_man 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is a thought provoking question. I'm thinking that the West Virginia vs EPA ruling may ultimately prove the decision that de-barbs the CDC and FDA.

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