Not looking like it is, but it could be being covered up.
They are wanting too look as if they"re protecting the Election from the Fraud. Show of force.
House is clean or now House cleaning begins?
Military is the only way, here or everywhere else. After the elections in November depending on what happens if the elections is stolen again will it bring us to the Precipice and then military will then take control ? I believe this is what is going to happen.
Well put, because the white hats will not reveal them selves as such or not confirm ether way.
Everybody seems too think that's there's a Off/On switch making everything normal all at once, have patience Elon just took over it'll take sometime and that doesn't mean everyone will be happy in the end.
LOL but I can see it happening.
Agreed , but every little bit of socail media advantage will help, yes?
except nothing is ever deleted. and even if they made an attempt to delete, that would be a deal breaker, I'm sure its in the contact.
I agree fire all the misfits and bring in new.
Thanks goog info.
A special aviation foam is required for this kind of fires, not water water will only make it worse just like an electrical house fire, you have to either cut the power source or use foam.
Fluoride Bad, water department Good and should be Praised by the residents of Vermont.
I couldn't agree more, this is the direction our country would be heading if the our Patriots were not in control.
Maybe the person is using fake name and pic, I would. Just Saying
At this time it's only being Introduced, it has to pass the House/Senate/To the Resident/ Became Law.
What if we're watching a movie that's a re-run and it already happened and just playing out as if it's happening now? That would more explain future proves the past or seeing into the future.
Far left or Center?
It want matter if the power goes out.
What did Trump say that tied these Q drops to correlate.
I believe Trump an military are in complete control and timing is important lots of things needed too be inplace for every step that Trump makes. I also believe President Trump is still President put legal steps most taken and he's doing just that.
Absolutely. He's on target, Q said enjoy the show.
Their attempting too discover just what Trump and the Military are up to and expose it, under the name of transparency.
I ran into this with many sites.