On FB you can go to the Occupy Democrats group for example, a bunch of hateful lies and bullying against Trump and his supporters. Plus there's a bunch of leftists going on pro-Trump pages posting "bullying language". No bans for them of course
I remember shortly after the shooting, when I didn't know if Trump would be okay or not, I was quite furious.
As a young person, it was as if taking away my dreams, mass humiliating me, ruining any chances of finding a good partner, and lowering my standard of living wasn't enough for these psychopaths, they had to take away my only hope, my hero.
I felt ready to get revenge on everyone responsible, but thankfully those thoughts never evolved as we found out President Trump would survive.
I assume I wasn't the only one who felt this way.
I was confused about that as well. President Trump's gesturing his hand towards his body as he says "I'm (a/not) Christian", which I would take as him including himself in the categorization, so I take it he meant to say "a"
Nothing wrong with saying your opinion. The founding fathers could do the same, why shouldn't you be able to