bakcraker 1 point ago +1 / -0

MDs are now in on the take. They have become the primary gateway s to the medical shakedown of the sheep. Behind them are big pharma, big 3 letter protocol agencies which establish how to administer the M.D. puppet s. Each protected by compromised federal agencies who are in the revolving door pocket of corruption.

No one of them gives a shit about you. Not one. Don't fool yourselves. Medical insurance companies take your money and make $ billions. They hate anything and will destroy all that oppose them like mercola

bakcraker 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is great. This will be an additional 30 million we will take from her when she is convicted for crimes against humanity, and we confiscate the rest of her ill gotten gains.

Thank you so much Ms. Tranny.

bakcraker 5 points ago +5 / -0

The food was over rated anyway. Never had a good meal in Paris. Always had a good meal in Bavaria, anywhere....

bakcraker 20 points ago +20 / -0

I identify as a horse. I can eat this all I want because I am a horse. If they can identify as a fairy, I can fucking well be a horse. Play their game.

bakcraker 13 points ago +13 / -0

Crime against humanity. All involved must be punished for this. They know better that this is a scam, or, maybe they should be Nuremberged.

bakcraker 1 point ago +1 / -0

U need to factor in all those who participated in this shit. People will come after them and remove them also. It will be just like the Taliban today. All those who participated in suppressing them will be killed.

bakcraker 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you took out all of the Zionist Jews out of the MSM media, there would be no media left to do the propaganda. I know this has been done before, and can be done again.

bakcraker 1 point ago +1 / -0

The guy who ran the Dog Kebob down the street died and it looks like we will have a replacement within a month. Thanks Joe, now we will be able to keep the place open and keep the strays under control in our community. A BIG Win Win Win for us.

bakcraker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Go woke, go broke. I would go out of my way NOT to eat at any of these places. Their owners deserve to lose their business.

bakcraker 3 points ago +3 / -0

They send their chicken to China for processing and then ship it back to the USA. What did the Chinese put in to the chicken? Another loss of american jobs.

bakcraker 1 point ago +1 / -0

This dumb shit did not learn anything while at school except how to get free meals and vacations from Daddy Pharma. Remember, 50% of the doctors graduated in the lower half of their class, while the lowest ranking one was called DOCTOR.

She needs to stick to doing Trucker physicals and stay the hell out of the ER.

bakcraker 8 points ago +9 / -1

Na.... They need to ammo up and find those who participated in the scam and eliminate them from the earth.

And to those who were the scammers and the complicit; people are going to come after you so you had better get fucking really lost in the woods kuz they gonna be after your ass. Meanwhile, fuck you for your service as a pawn in the Deep State Zionist Army.

by BQnita
bakcraker 3 points ago +4 / -1

Cdc is run by Zionist Jews. What the he'll did u expect From them?

bakcraker 5 points ago +5 / -0

Their needle is their gun. Same difference as them shooting you and leaving you to die.

bakcraker 2 points ago +2 / -0

They just created Wakanunda where they own everything, kill non blacks, everything is free and wonderful. Next up will be NGOs asking for money that won’t get there. Let them starve. They own the pain. No pity from me.

bakcraker 3 points ago +3 / -0

Does that thing in the front qualify as a female ,male, tranny, or a feral human? They are all absurdlists.

bakcraker 2 points ago +2 / -0

And, then fake their deaths, oh glorious Komrads, to live secretly on some big ass yacht for the next 5 years.

bakcraker 8 points ago +12 / -4

Because all black fuck ups are covered up and they are never held accountable.

Never hire a black person. You will get bit by the snake.

bakcraker 5 points ago +5 / -0

Racist black police officer shoots unarmed white female protester with out cause. Why are you not pissed off white people!???? WLM.

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