bcfromfl 3 points ago +3 / -0

What "credible" sources? They're just using websites owned by the same individual...outlined in one of the links I provided.

But, in lieu of investigating the "sources," does it pass the stink test? How, exactly, would meat companies do this? How would they get past FDA inspectors without someone sounding the alarm? Too many improbables. Perhaps something like this might happen in China, but the article implies something else.

It behooves us to do a little homework before posting highly unlikely material, especially from a source known to create fiction like Real Raw News. I'm not a mod, but I value the standards of this message board.

bcfromfl 6 points ago +6 / -0

A couple of things that are not widely known about Churchill would have him dishonored and torn from the history books.

His policies were directly responsible for at least three million deaths in Burma: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2019/4/1/churchills-policies-to-blame-for-1943-bengal-famine-study

But the most important revelation is his tactical involvement in the deaths of Londoners. WWII was winding down, and the U.S. had not yet entered into the arena. He began trying to provoke Hitler into attacking England, by bombing German civilian targets...in direct conflict with international law. Hitler practically begged him to stop, but Churchill's goal was to get the U.S. involved as an ally. Finally, Hitler relented and began bombing London, which was what Churchill wanted, and got public opinion to bolster his cause. By the way, this was essentially the same tactic FDR used with the Japanese and Pearl Harbor.

bcfromfl 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's not intuitive, but they're finding that athletes are at a higher risk for cardiac issues, perhaps because of the regular stresses they put on their hearts. It amplifies the weaknesses, in conjunction with the amyloid structures which restrict blood flow.

bcfromfl 20 points ago +20 / -0

Alan Parrot's interview was done I think in late 2020, complete with all the facts and claims of evidence. What's been going on for four years?

bcfromfl 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was commenting on the 2020 election. You are right -- today, people are concerned about the UPCOMING election, mostly because the MSM and politicians have been pushing the narrative that the Republicans will cheat this year.

bcfromfl 3 points ago +3 / -0

What has happened with the general public's perception is that since all the court cases were dismissed or referred/dropped, that they assumed the MSM fraud was the truth. The advantage was lost. If you conducted a man-on-the-street interview today, nearly all would say that the claims of election fraud were baseless.

Something like this is extremely difficult to reignite enthusiasm. The people who know the election was stolen...always knew it. I think the number of people's minds who have been changed since 2020 is nil.

bcfromfl 4 points ago +4 / -0

What Garland described Russia doing, is exactly what the ADL and AIPAC have been doing for decades...

bcfromfl 12 points ago +12 / -0

The article linked in the OP implies that these cells are derived continually from aborted fetal material. This is not true. They are using cell lines from original 1960s-era cells: https://www.verywellhealth.com/do-vaccines-contain-aborted-fetal-tissue-260337

Still distasteful, but not on the level implied...

bcfromfl 3 points ago +3 / -0

"The transmission of AIDS from person to person is a myth. The homosexual transmission of AIDS in Western countries, as well as the heterosexual transmission of AIDS in Africa and in other underdeveloped countries- is an assumption without any scientific validation"


bcfromfl 9 points ago +9 / -0

You might ask yourself, why would all these companies be (apparently) so willing to adopt these radical policies and risk sales? Many of these companies have an international presence, and require accounts receivable loans to leverage themselves and float inventory, expenses, etc. The DEI/ESG scores are tied to corporate banks, such that a poor score might cause a higher interest rate, or perhaps close off access to money entirely. Thus, it becomes analogous to legalized blackmail if they don't comply.

bcfromfl 3 points ago +3 / -0

There are different causes for anxiety. A relatively common but somewhat overlooked cause is from overactive/exhausted adrenals. There are natural treatments for this.

Unless your friend is exceptionally in-tune with how his body feels, unfortunately, the only way to diagnose such a thing is through lab work.

bcfromfl 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think your implication is that government working in concert with large corporations is similar to what is happening today...with tech companies doing the government's bidding to silence unwanted speech. Nothing like that happened in Germany during that time (of course there weren't high-tech firms or the internet like today). Such an action would be unquestionably a negative partnership to harm citizens and gain control of the populace...and, yes, I understand the point you're trying to make.

Germany did its best to silence the propaganda coming from the jewish-owned press, because it was intentionally devised to demoralize the German people and create a negative perception of Germany and Hitler to sway public opinion in the world. But the best Germany could do was counter with positive messaging to encourage the German people and build pride and patriotism.

Since the mark had become worthless because of policies from the Treaty of Versailles and manipulation during the Weimar Republic, Hitler had to find a new basis for Germany's currency. He settled on labor. This is why the German government worked with companies, to build on that system of labor to stabilize and grow the economy. The results were nothing short of staggering, and it was a positive partnership to rebuild the nation from the ashes.

Again, would something like this work today? No, but it was the right decision for the time given the circumstances.

I didn't mean to sidetrack your thread. I just wanted to point out the differences in types of socialism. I haven't watched any of the shows you linked to, but I can imagine that they are disgusting works of fiction meant as further propaganda against Germany. As long as the cabal can keep the "evil Germany" lies going, they can continue to hide. Many folks shrug their shoulders about discussions having to do with WWII, claiming it doesn't matter. However, IMO, it's the keystone in exposing the true enemies of the world, with plenty of documentation and evidence for those willing to see.

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