And why would they make these plans public? What is the purpose of this leak? Trying to get us used to the idea so we won't fight it when it happens?
Keep the constitution, shrink the Fed govt back to original size and influence, go back to the evil days of states rights.
THE ICEBOX FIRE. There was a fire at The Icebox in Crooksville OH. The ICE BOX in Brooklyn CT closed after a long battle with the Fire Marshall over parking. No idea why we need to look into these.
Biggest one in front on bottom row has the mug shot stare.
Female leadership. Putting makeup over the black eye her abuser gave her.
Alex Jones speaking is always a publicity stunt. Even when he speaks truth for our side the grifting is so hard he isn't helping us.
Correct. Too many Iranian infiltrators in this administration.
So you are saying Jews only support felons??
Sentencing is shortly before the convention. I expect another RINO attempt to nominate someone else because muh felon.
I thought his entire fortunes had been lost in the Sandy Hook lawsuit so how is he on the air?
If the VP isn't leaked before the convention then you will know "It's Happening".
Good. The most ridiculous outcome possible, very quickly. Only way it could be more ridiculous is if they came back with the verdict after 5 minutes.
Sounds like Musk and Peltz are going to get raided and charged with election interference.
Imagine if we went back to judging people by their abilities, and assigning them work appropriate to their ability.
No reason for him to do this except he was told to do it. Desperation on their side.
Needs more sauce. The way the question was worded it could be simply hyperbole over shifting money in the budget. It sounded to me like the typical "vouchers are stealing money from public schools" argument.
I see a bunch of retards.
Late summer 1975. Watching how the media constantly celebrated Jimmy Carter's mama and hometown while portraying Ford as a bumbling idiot who falls down and hits people with golf balls. After a while it was just too over the top obvious to ignore. I recognized the media pattern early in life but thought it was about political preferences. By the middle of the Clinton era I knew the political struggle was all about money and power, but I did not understand how rooted it was in evil until shortly before Q arrived.
It benefitted a female. If it had been a white male moved for DEI reasons, there are at least 2 justices who would have gone the other way.
Wow. Extremely epic. Which extreme I'm unsure, but definitely not anywhere in between.
Yes, I'd like to hear how you cleared the arteries. I have multiple relatives who could potentially benefit.
I'm wondering about the Honest and Patriotic Eyewitness.
I enjoy reading a polite fuck you.
He looks cornered.
No, gotta give the RINOs one last chance to show themselves at the convention when they try one last time to put up someone other than Trump.