cara_c 5 points ago +5 / -0

If you're talking about the Republicans, they're just as corrupt as the Democrats. If you go by what the framers' meant by "natural born citizen" - born on US soil to US citizen parents, with no blood or soil ties or obligations at birth to any other nation.

McCain wasn't eligible either. He was born in Panama, not on a US base, which would have been considered US soil. Like Obama, he tried to hide his birth certificate. But Panama was less reluctant to release it than Hawaii was to release Obama's.

The cabal wants presidents that violate this requirement so they can put in whomever they want.. They know they can't change the requirement through the legal process, so they are trying to do it by precedent, along with control of the courts and the media.

cara_c 16 points ago +16 / -0

I believed him then and I believe him now. The Obama we were sold is a fictional character.

Tucker, next interview Jack Cashill and review his extensive research strongly suggesting the communist terrorist Bill Ayers ghostwrote Obama's autobiography "Dreams From My Father."

cara_c 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Feds provided the violent agitators and used the peaceful Trump supporters as extras in their "school play" to paint Trump and his supporters as violent insurrectionists. If Trump and his 80+ million mostly armed supporters had actually staged an insurrection, it would have looked very different.

cara_c 2 points ago +2 / -0

We don't need armed officers in schools. We need to stop the MK-Ultra program, send the people running it to Gitmo, replace the FBI and CIA, remove Commies from teachers' unions and school boards, arrest criminals, and expose the truth about SSRIs.

cara_c 3 points ago +4 / -1

Most cops I've known got in because they want to help. But police training is not big on Constitutional rights, just as modern medical training is not big on natural cures.

cara_c 4 points ago +4 / -0

Scribble a sentence and you're done is not good, but hours of homework every day isn't good, either. Children do need to learn to be able to work independently. But after a full day of school, children also need time to socialize, play, relax, and engage in some extra-curricular activities, maybe sports, Boy Scouts, drawing, or practicing an instrument, etc.

cara_c 1 point ago +1 / -0

He is wrong, as he's saying it's a racist term, which it's not. Most wokesters are white or Jewish libs, progressives, or Commies.

cara_c 16 points ago +16 / -0

A country doesn't have to be big on incest to have a lower IQ population. Different races have different average IQs.

cara_c 1 point ago +1 / -0

A person being paid millions and put front and center by a media outlet pushing a globalist agenda, a person who asked Hunter Biden to write his child's college recommendation and whose favorite restaurant was Comet Ping Pong and Pizza might not be sincere even when he seems to be. I'm all for his message here, but I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.

cara_c 2 points ago +2 / -0

He's wrong so often, he must be conducting comms, alerting his team to do the opposite of whatever he says, while getting the suckers to pour their money into failing investments.

cara_c 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm no Oprah fan and I highly suspect she's up to no good. But in this clip, Oprah was talking about the complicated feelings that can arise when a child victim is molested by someone they are close to, who uses "love," attention, and affection, rather than violence and force, to sexually abuse them.

In some cases, there are parts of the relationship, including the physical relationship, that feel good. Many child victims have reported this. She was saying that's part of what makes this kind of abuse so devastating. These mixed emotions can cause the victim to experience immense shame, self-blame, and self-hatred. It can take decades for some victims of this kind of childhood sexual abuse to realize that they were not consenting participants in a relationship with someone who loved them, but innocent victims of a manipulative abuser.

cara_c 3 points ago +3 / -0

"No one's coming for your guns" is condescending, manipulative gaslighting by leftists, who are absolutely coming for our guns.

cara_c 5 points ago +5 / -0

Sometimes, experience makes you a different kind of person, which is what the teacher was apparently trying to accomplish.

cara_c 10 points ago +10 / -0

True, it seems like they were quite welcome to enter the building.

cara_c 2 points ago +2 / -0

They were dishonest, not wrong. Those at the top pushed a depopulation and creeping totalitarianism agenda, and most of those who work within the system followed orders without asking too many questions, as is almost always the case.

cara_c 2 points ago +2 / -0

Even if the COVID and vaccine narratives were 100% true, this is an twisted thing to brand yourself with.

cara_c 2 points ago +2 / -0

Most of them seem to be the controlled opposition, gaining our trust, making us feel we have a voice and a champion, only to lead us off the cliff at key moments. The war in Ukraine seems to be one of them.

cara_c 5 points ago +5 / -0

Never think that! They always find ways to go lower that decent people can't imagine.

cara_c 6 points ago +6 / -0

If he's brain dead, that might explain why she didn't stick around.

cara_c 3 points ago +4 / -1

Many people can't make heads or tails of the Q drops, many of which are coded and confusing. In addition, normies think they're the nonsensical ramblings of a nut. We'll never redpill skeptics by insisting that they read all the Q drops. It's better to pick a few Q drops on topics you know the person is interested in and explain and interpret them, tying them to real world events.

cara_c 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe they start infiltrating some drag queen story hours for first graders to reveal how children with early exposure to drag learn to read and write earlier, score better on tests, and are just all-around more well-adjusted.

cara_c 11 points ago +11 / -0

No, I don't think so. The Deep State always tries to take over all patriotic, freedom-loving movements it sees as a threat. The Tea Party was an organic movement. The Deep State sent its actors to pose as Tea Party leaders. They said the right things and gained support, but then didn't do what actual patriots would do. The Tea Party fizzled out until Trump revived it as MAGA.

Project Veritas exposed corruption and bad actors to the public. Because this work requires revealing one's discoveries with the public, there's no continuing the mission in secrecy. James O'Keefe and the reporters loyal to him and his mission will most likely continue to do that work under another banner.

I'm sure he'll be more careful about whatever corporate structure he forms in the future, to avoid allowing a corrupt board to be able to kick him out of his own organization.

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