I agree with you! Similarly, studies on masks have shown that N95 masks are among the most effective, but only under certain conditions: that the mask is fitted, worn indoors (in a room where no one is coming and going, and all are also wearing fitted N95 masks), and the mask is replaced once an hour. Wearing one outdoors ruins the efficacy of the mask.
I'm sure it catches some of the pollen, but how well at that point? This is why I said it's not necessarily psychosomatic. Instead, I would simply try to avoid going outside a lot and have very good air filters at home. Otherwise, who are you fooling, really?
For those of us who have watched the Mike Lindell movies, watched the senate hearings from 2020/21 with affidavit testimony, and who were watching the numbers change live on election night -- we don't necessarily need to watch 2000 Mules.
I've watched it and was sort of bored by the whole thing -- not because it wasn't shocking or anything! But because I know about this stuff already.
I've shared the movie as I can, with those I think wouldn't watch it unless I did. I used to live in Wisconsin, and their election reeks. Now I live in Nevada and our election similarly reeks.
I've reached out to my representatives and the SoS. Bupkis!
What I want to see? I want to see the courts take this seriously. I want to see action. I want the 2020 election decertified. Yesterday.
Came here to say this! But also that it's not necessarily psychosomatic. I don't know the size of pollen particles in the air, but they are certainly bigger than the SARS virus. Some pollen is definitely getting caught.
That being said, however! The caught pollen is now in her mask, from which she then breathes in along with any bacteria or other junk collecting on that mask. It makes practically no long-term sense to use the mask. The surgical masks aren't built for this usage, either, and there have been claims that they contain carcinogens.
I sincerely hope she finds a new, better solution. I've heard local bee pollen is a great way to slowly desensitize the body to local pollen and allergens (although it is an allergen itself). Maybe worth a try?
Like all things memorabilia-related, Funko Pop figurines are well and truly popular by a wide range of people, from kids to adults -- well-adjusted to... well, not!
I know folks who are big into collecting these (like, lining whole basement walls), some who have one or two, and some who don't bother, young and old alike. I personally have a few from some of my favorite shows/movies, but I'm no hoarder. They just put a smile on my face.
Marvel / Hollywood stuff, however, that's a different story. Both Marvel and DC have been going woke for a while now, and popularity is most definitely waning.
Dr. David Martin has mentioned, I believe a few times, that the pandemic was in part a mechanism by or in conjunction with insurance companies to maintain their wealth and control. I have no doubt Social Security has a role in all of this.
I believe it's been mentioned, but consider Quinine. It's a good zinc-ionophore, iirc, especially if you can't get your hands on HCQ or IVM.
I'm constantly reminded, especially with cases like this, that although the court system was created to preserve justice it's often reduced to games and one-upmanship. Lawyers have such an important job, and they often do a terrible job because of several factors (ego, reputation, etc).
Case-in-point, Heard's team is going straight for emotional appeal, allowing Amber to make baseless claims, together with hearsay, to slander Johnny Depp while protected on the stand. Her testimony is bizarre, the evidence doesn't support her story, and there's a complete lack of corroboration from witnesses. Her lawyers are letting it play out, but so are the plaintiffs...
The judge has made some strange decisions, too. "What, if any..." is going to be the new legal phrase to get out of trouble!
Oh, I like him.
Much like books-to-movies, manga-to-anime will always have it's pros/cons. I love manga and often avoid the anime version of my favorite stories. That being said, FMA: Brotherhood does a great job of it! Such an awesome story and a good start for those new to anime.
Great points, as always, Sleepydude!
(As an aside: the "Disney" of Japanese anime comes from Studio Ghibli and features largely Hayao Miyazaki films, which are great stories to delve into. Although most feature a female protagonist, several are male (Princess Mononoke comes to mind, as well as Porko Rosso and The Wind Rises). I highly recommend most, if not all, Hayao Miyazaki movies and shows. This Japanese "Disney" appears to have avoided the pedophilic/sexual mania our Disney covets so much.)
Virtual Premiere: https://secure.2000mules.com/event/2000-mules-virtual-premiere
If you do go to the theaters, just know that you can't buy the tickets at the box office. You can only buy them from the website, as far as I know.
"Latine" is the word they're trying for, but obviously this looks and sounds like "Latrine". Genius at work, folks.
Maybe the 'e' is pronounced like the "ə" (schwa) from the international phonetic alphabet? In which case, it still sounds like "Latina". If pronounced like "LaTINE" (rhymes with "nine"), it departs from typical Spanish phonetics as far as I can tell -- I don't speak Spanish. I suppose it could be pronounced in other ways, but those pronunciations don't really add or change anything in a neutralizing way.
Does anyone else feel like pointing out their "language colonialism"? (insert eyeroll here)
I go to his official website from time-to-time, maybe to listen to archives or just look around, but I always tear up. I miss him immensely and the pain from his absence is difficult to overcome.
She never really supported the antiabortion movement, she tells Sweeney, in a scene filmed in 2017. “I took their money and they put me out in front of the camera and told me what to say, and that’s what I’d say.”
It's interesting this is all coming out now, at the same time.
I seriously doubt the 12% efficacy rate. Waaaay too high.
I think there's an major difference between the pro- life/choice issue and the decision to vaccinate or mask yourself, enough so that they're unrelated and have no business being presented as similar arguments. You can disagree, of course, but this is my opinion.
Pro- live/choice issue: I consider your argument unreasonable. We are discussing a life (the baby) sustained-yet-separate from the mother. Both the mother and the baby have individual rights, no matter how far along that baby is in the development process, inside or outside of the body. The mother is integral to this conversation, yes, but the life of the baby is sacred and termination of a baby should only be in consideration in very rare circumstances, such as if the life (not the quality of life) of the mother is in question.
To argue that a baby who is detached from the mother's body is their own person is spurious, in that you need to define what "their own person" means. In terms of mental development and dependency, a baby can be argued "not their own person" until they reach legal adulthood. A coma patient can be argued not "their own person" because they show no brain activity, but we don't arbitrarily abort/unplug them because of it. As this becomes an argument of legal minutiae, I would avoid this kind of argument, OP.
Vaccination or masking issue: No other life is included other than the sovereignty of the individual who is masking or receiving vaccination upon their own volition. The individual should have the choice whether or not to undertake the medical procedure without coercion.
To both ends, in any case, these issues should be worked out by the States.
Username checks out!
But to contribute:
I learned a lot from the Vaxxed movies, in particular from reading and watching the information compiled by Dr. Judy Mikowitz and Dr. David Martin. Blew my mind! There's so much out there I didn't know.
But when I learned that Vaxx companies have basically zero liability, I knew the system was rigged. Why would anyone -- anyone -- partake in medicine by which you can not sue for damages done (unless for some circumstances, I suppose -- Right To Try comes to mind)?
My nurse friend is completely blind to this and is so leftist she refuses to acknowledge why anyone would be anti- or ex-vaccine. Further proof, in my mind, that the education of our medical personnel is and has been declining.
I don't see why (k)not! haha
This is a good thread on the dangers of Protonmail. I've used Protonmail, which is why I saved the post. Might be good info for you as well!
I always thought it was a portmanteau term for something both interesting and dastardly, which sort of sums up a lot of behind-the-scenes chicanery that might be going on (black hat vs. white hat).
My first thought (because I'm horrible): And we can bring back the stocks and throw all the rotten fruit at our least favorite politicians! Win-win! XD
I could be wrong! He certainly appears genuine, but I suspect it's parody. You can see he retweeted Scott Presler, and, in response to a comment that says "how I wish you weren't a parody acct", he says "Aren't we all somehow a parody of something?" Other comments make you go "hmm"...
Parody account (I'm pretty sure)! But the comments are great.
It's not the first I've heard of this. I had a great (great?) Uncle who had dementia. Mentally, he deteriorated albeit slowly. Physically, he was doing very well. But those kids puzzles? He rocked 'em. I think that helped his quality of life immensely toward the end.
In the original German: https://www.mdr.de/nachrichten/deutschland/panorama/corona-impfung-nebenwirkungen-impfschaeden-100.html