cucks_everywhere 5 points ago +5 / -0

Correct. But we had to do some hunting for a doctor that was ok with her unvaxx status which wasn't easy. It's a tough profession to be in right now for those that didn't follow orders.

cucks_everywhere 8 points ago +8 / -0

Seriously. They also kill the nurses spirit and will by giving them 3x the normal amount of patients, and making them work mandatory OT.

cucks_everywhere 8 points ago +8 / -0

Well her current doctor she works for is a pretty sweet deal. M-F, normal work hours. Not stressful for her like when she was at the hospital, during the start of the fake pandemic no less. She's pretty happy with it for now, but making only about 70% of what she could at her old job.

No big deal, money means nothing anyway. Happiness and having our self respect still intact because we didn't cave like faggots and get a fake death jab like so many others did is paramount to keeping a job.

I stood to lose my entire career, 22 years and 8 away from a pension. She lost her job at the hospital. I drafted up a religious exemption for my job, and she found something else.

We did not cave, I wouldn't even be able to look myself in the mirror if I did. So many people showed their true colors, they are spineless weaklings that did what they were told because of peer pressure. Laughable.

cucks_everywhere 17 points ago +17 / -0

My wife is still unable to get a job, she's an unvaxx RN. She did get a job at a local doctors office who doesn't require the death jab, but she can't make the good money at the major hospitals in our area.

cucks_everywhere 1 point ago +2 / -1

I know. I need to start now!

cucks_everywhere 1 point ago +2 / -1

Unfortunately that effects the whole state as you know.

cucks_everywhere 0 points ago +1 / -1

I love the Shenandoah region immensely, you're right it's sure a beautiful place. But, I'm not trusting a historically Blue state to stay Red for very long. They will do anything over the next 2 years to get Younkin out of there and then it's back to the normal.

cucks_everywhere 1 point ago +2 / -1

I'm looking at some land in WV. I need to stop dragging my feet and just purchase some asap. If shit hits the fan, at least I could just tow my camper out there and big out for a while. Tennessee is a great state to consider also.

cucks_everywhere 1 point ago +1 / -0

Becoming overwhelmed is a very real possibility. At that point you have to take your chances and do what you have to do. I would think that once the reality sets in for them as to what's happened, they will probably flee.

cucks_everywhere 6 points ago +6 / -0

They do NOT want to be coming out to the country. That will be a bad move as I'll be forced to protect my family and property like you. I'm not looking forward to doing it, but will do the work that needs to be done when my hand is forced.

They think of us all as stupid hillbillies, but don't realize that hillbillies and farmer/cowboy types are the exact kind of people who can make due and still sustain a stable and prosperous livelyhood.

They are going to find out, we are the majority, by a very big margin and they aren't going to like it one bit.

I recently fitted my entire property with motion sensors, coupled with a closed camera system. I have a pretty good idea what's happening on my property at any given time.

cucks_everywhere 5 points ago +5 / -0

They will say 'Im thankful to receive the jab, and it could have been so much worse without it'

Remember, these are the people that took an experimental jab they knew nothing about. They don't think like we do.

cucks_everywhere 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've never been west of Virginia, so certainly not Black Hills Nat Forest

cucks_everywhere 2 points ago +2 / -0

Indians are a totally foreign idea to me as I lived on the east coast my whole life. Sorry you have to deal with that mess.

cucks_everywhere 13 points ago +13 / -0

They just live in the Forest? I wouldn't think a bunch of soyboy faggots could survive more than a few days relying on their own resources.

cucks_everywhere 1 point ago +1 / -0

You can buy it on tractor supply website and they ship it right to you, same day depending where you live

cucks_everywhere 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah exactly. I don't even remember what it was exactly but I know I was giving him some fact about Hunter Biden laptop and he started getting loud with me and was like ' that's all you republicans do, go on and on with the whataboutisms'

I was like, well what would be a good resolution to the situation then? At that point he was just so pissed off at me he couldn't even talk to me anymore. He was all red in the face too. Over me presenting a fact that the laptop and pictures exist.

Then he started going on about how trump has the blood of millions of Americans on his hands. I think he said 5 million people or something like that.

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