freakin perfect!
It's so stupid and they keep testing and testing and testing and locking down everything thinking that its going to keep this shit from spreading? There has been far more damage caused from the lockdowns than just letting this shit virus run its course. People are so stupid about this and keep taking the shots! STOP! STOP TESTING, STOP MASKING, STOP JABBING! SAY NO!
shit aint gonna be right till jesus comes back. its gonna get worse.
did mitch get re elected or is that next year? is that old fuker seriously winning? people this is a huge blow to the Patriots. Mitch McConnell is very well the person that destroyed America. Im going to live in Russia.
fuk we are fuked.
she can take her racist ass on down the line, she is irrelevant.
he is way too deep and sci fi for me i have tried to watch him just cant grasp it. i dont believe in aliens other than the droves of them coming across our southern border right now.
bronvich is deep state and thats real unfortunate
they can't stop talking about Trump
im calling bronvichs office in the morning.
wow he's getting knocked the fuk out, maybe he will wake up.
he's probably going to be miraculously healed by satan
I love him, consider him a brother.
I guess the deep state got to him because there should have been arrests made by now wow.
wow I did not know that so Ukraine is bad?
Your get your ass to Tractor Supply and buy some Ivermectin and you sneak it into that hospital and start administering it to him,
Putin knows Biden is trash and didn't beat Trump.
wow!!!!! omg