I’m seeing with my own eyes in my area in a conservative area in Northern CA! Some of the schools in my area have 25% of the students engaging in this insanity!! I’ve sat with kids going through their yearbooks pointing to student after student who identifies as some kind of animal or creature! It’s madness!
i love Trump but do not like this at all! This is giving fuel to those who think we worship Trump. They are now equating him with Biblical figure Nebuchadnezzar who erected a golden statue and commanded people to bow down to it.
I’m still praying for much of my family to wake up. Sooo many I know are still asleep and still freak out whenever anything outside of their narrative is discussed. I’m praying for a big breakthrough and hoping it’s soon!
It’s such a good movie!! I remember loving the book and original film as a child and was excited to take my family to see this new version. We went on Friday last week and they all loved it! I have lost all interest in tv/movies but these types of films are the exception. I love to get behind projects like these (and The Chosen series)! That’s something I’ll spend my money on supporting!
Thank you for working so hard to do your part! And thank you for your prayer as well! Amen!!! However God chooses to move His hand to deliver us once we get through the darkest days ahead, He gets all the glory! The world will see Him on display in a powerful way as He moves against the wicked!
Yes!! Let’s go!!! Praying this happens soon!!