djaeveloplyse 5 points ago +5 / -0

Property taxes are a state/local thing, so Trump would not be able to easily eliminate those. It would take either a Supreme Court case challenging property taxes as unconstitutional (which, they are, but I digress) or each state outlawing it for themselves (not entirely unlikely as the election fraud should be coming to an end).

djaeveloplyse 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's right! It's being a history buff that makes you a conspiracy theorist.

djaeveloplyse 2 points ago +2 / -0

I doubt very much that Musk would argue that anyone be forced to take an mRNA treatment.

djaeveloplyse 1 point ago +1 / -0

That textbook is out of date. Most of the "junk" DNA is actually immune response markers, parts of pathogen DNA stored in order to recognize them again later. It is genetic memory for the immune system.

djaeveloplyse 1 point ago +1 / -0

mRNA is gene treatment, and can absolutely revolutionize medicine. It is not the technology's fault that the satanists used it for an evil purpose. Don't blame the tool, blame the wielder.

djaeveloplyse 3 points ago +3 / -0

Imagine being a trillionaire and marrying Tony Weiner's sloppy seconds. Maybe he's not a trillionaire anymore.

djaeveloplyse 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's been the same for 50 years. Why is not now a problem?

Generational decay. People raised in the old world, before everything was broken, retain their cultural behaviors, but subsequent generations internalize the new rules and things go wrong. 50-60 years for cultural changes to show their full effects is normal.

Rural Japan and Urban Japan are two very very different things.

Of course, but their birthrate is catastrophic nonetheless.

It's a dumb rigged game with a fake embarrassment ritual designed to extract the last bit of cash from the empire while keeping everyone too depressed to do anything about it.

I agree 100%.

djaeveloplyse 40 points ago +40 / -0

Unfortunately, a dating app will make no difference, as the problem is psychological and cultural. Japan needs to take a hard look at themselves in a mirror and analyze what cultural mores they engage in that cause men and women to not want to be in relationships, and to not want children even when in one. Japan's work culture is destructive, no one has time to have a family, or even a marriage. Japan's egalitarian expectations of both genders at work and in education, like feminism here in the west, turn women into pseudo men, and simply put- men don't have children. Japanese culture is valuing academic and business achievement above family, and the result is a lack of children.

djaeveloplyse 3 points ago +3 / -0

Correct, there is only one obscure brain cancer known to eat fats, all others survive on sugars (including carbohydrates, which are just "complex" sugars).

Eat a zero sugar/carb diet and the cancer starves.

djaeveloplyse 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think historians of the future will know very well who the ringleaders were, and how this all happened. We here already do, and the days of their control over information are soon to be permanently ended. Nothing can stop what is coming.

djaeveloplyse 1 point ago +1 / -0

The solution is actually extremely simple: end public schooling. When a parent no longer has an easy route to shuffling responsibility for the mental development of their children onto someone else, then the outcomes for children will immediately dramatically improve. Parents have an instinctual, god-given drive to do what's best for their children, whereas teachers (who are fundamentally strangers to these children) are fundamentally driven to push their personal ideology onto the children, because that biological instinct is missing.

djaeveloplyse 3 points ago +3 / -0

Mostly adding to previous damage, a bit of preventing your body from repairing and healing. The vaccines protect you a bit from the specific disease they target, but make you overall more likely to get sick and those illnesses you get more severe. Over time, your body very slowly clears out the toxins they inject, but it takes many years, even decades, depending on the dosages and your general health. Childhood vaccines are the most dangerous and harmful, because they affect the development of the body. The autism epidemic is 100% being caused by vaccines, and not just the vaccines being given to the children but also the vaccines the mother had taken before even getting pregnant.

djaeveloplyse 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hundreds of millions of flu shots are given every year. Are they killing people?


Are we seeing wave upon wave of death or other disease that clearly delineates between those who get the shots and those who don't?


People who regularly get vaccines end up with depressed, dysfunctional immune systems, and do indeed get sick more often and die earlier. Vaccines in general cause this problem, and the more you take the worse it is.

This fact is covered up by the way they game the stats for their government approval. If a vaccine protects you with 50% efficacy for a year for that year's seasonal flu, but causes a 2% increase in all cause mortality, it will be approved and the danger it poses will never be divulged.

djaeveloplyse 4 points ago +4 / -0

Pasteurization kills the probiotics, leaves the mold. When legally mandating pasteurization, they only compared the rate of the specific illness caused by raw milk, and did not divulge the illnesses caused by pasteurized milk, which in fact are more common AND more severe. Pasteurization is just another scam.

djaeveloplyse 2 points ago +2 / -0

That was said when Republicans ran CA, and is fundamentally why Democrats worked so hard to take it over. But, the Simulacrum of California that it has become is no indicator of anything.

djaeveloplyse 1 point ago +3 / -2

There are 2 ranks of feminists: Rabble-rousers and Useful Idiots. The Useful idiots are idiots, and don't even know what the word "consequences" means. The rabble-rousers know exactly what the consequences are, and those consequences are their desired outcome.

djaeveloplyse 3 points ago +3 / -0

Maybe, but we have ironclad historical proof of the napoleonic wars being manipulated by the Rothschilds communication/news companies of the time, so of that we can be certain.

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