drakus 2 points ago +2 / -0

BUT, BUT...walls don't work!!!! They are LITERALLY the biggest fucking hyporcrites on Planet Earth. And how about that cucktard, JOSH GORALSKI (the "Near West Side Resident") that they interviewed at time index :34?? "I love democracy, like, I WISH I was going to the convention..."

That motherfucker? He COMPLETELY deserves to feel the wrath of WHATEVER protesting fucktards show up at the DNC this week. FUCK your "parking restrictions which have changed three times," Josh. I mean, c'mon...is he and any "Near West Residents" THAT surprised that the dems and libbies are NOT communicating with them???

Also, fuck you all over AGAIN, Josh, and the LIBERAL SOCCER MOMS across America...because YOU ALL are EXACTLY why we're all in the battle for the fucking SOUL of this country right now. Josh (and the rest of them) need to have voting credentials REVOKED.

drakus 5 points ago +5 / -0

Colbert is the absolute WORST of the bunch...will never forget him putting on the choreographed "GET YOUR FUCKING COVID SHOT" bit on his show...but it's a close race between him and Kimmel. BOTH need to swing from ropes with their orange jammies on.

drakus 9 points ago +9 / -0

Oh, THAT'S CUTE. Look at the NYT pretending to "know" that a coup occurred...when they FULLY SUPPORTED that coup occurring a month or so ago. When are we going to hold MSM accountable? When are MSM journalists like MAUREEN DOWD gonna hang from ropes in their orange jammies???

drakus 8 points ago +8 / -0

I LOVE this...look at the wife's face. I'm pretty sure...SHE KNOWS, that her days of eating leisurely out in public are rapidly coming to an end. And I sure as fuck hope they are.

drakus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh, there is full-blown cognizance of resurrecting that insipid slogan, based on its odious origins decades ago...but to orangetastic1's more salient point, giving into the comfortable coma of blissful ignorance is FAR more desirable, than actually, y'know, knowing your history.

Of course, the fucking leftists have been trying to ban "real" history for decades from our K-12 curriculum, in full Orwell "1984" fashion. And these hateful fucktards absolutely MUST held accountable for THAT.

Trump is on the right track...KILL the fucking U.S. "Dept of Education."

drakus 3 points ago +3 / -0

EVERYONE needs to watch this video. Yes, it's an investment of time...about two hours and 20 minutes...but it was one of THE most eye-opening videos I've ever seen, and one of the best interviews Tucker has ever done. And you need to watch it while it's on YouTube...because I wouldn't be surprised if they get rid of it in the next 1-3 days.

drakus 4 points ago +4 / -0

"Strength through Joy" is analogous to "Hope and Change" -- because the stupid, puerile leftists can ONLY EVER throw away their votes by basing the casting of such on their stupid, shallow EMOTIONS...as opposed to informed FACT.

God, I despise them. I'm struggling folks...but even if Trump ascends victorious (and I happen to think that he will), I don't see/understand how this country can move beyond its current fractures. Even if millions more wake up...I fear it will be a temporary wakey period, and they'll slip back into their comas as quickly as possible.

drakus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Came here to respond similarly. Will there be another sternly-worded letter issued? Will there be even more pearl-clutching? Honest to God...if election integrity isn't "handled" within the next two months, there ain't gonna be much else to worry about...except what our forefathers had to worry about.

And nothing says "SMUG CUNT" any louder than that odious Whitmer pic included with the above tweet. GOD, I want to live long enough see her hang from a rope, with the last of her shit/piss dripping down her leg while she dangles and twitches.

drakus 13 points ago +13 / -0

Right there with you, fren. Was treated much the same as you...by co workers, as well as family and "friends." My wife and I have few friends and family to socialize with anymore...but as far as I'm concerned, that was THEIR choice...not ours.

drakus 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, with you here. We have, for the most part, thoroughly enjoyed P+ in recent years...primarily for the Taylor Sheridan-produced/written shows, but also because of my lifelong guilty pleasure -- all things Star Trek. (Yes, I know...has often reached peak woke in the past decade, but I still enjoy the 60's and 90's TV shows and movies.)

drakus 9 points ago +9 / -0

Me too, fren. Voat helped me shake off that last bit of sleepiness. Learned so much there.

drakus 7 points ago +7 / -0

AND the retardation....oh, LORD, the Redditards. :/

drakus 9 points ago +9 / -0

I know, right? Have you ever noticed how EVEN MORE smugly self-righteous and virtue signal-y liberals get, when you use their own language and rules against them. They are, every single one of them, puerile.

drakus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Amen, brother. Haven't watched these damn Olympics for at least the past 3 cycles...and I'm also tired of hearing about them from all of the sleepy normies around me.

drakus 2 points ago +2 / -0

When is this fucking traitor held accountable? He's one of the worst.

drakus 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yep, my instant thought...the odious fucking Krassensteins.

drakus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Seriously. I'll probably be down voted as Dr. Doom....but I wonder if WH waited TOO long. Too much for the country is too far gone in terms of belief, and honestly, redemption. I'll bet a quarter (maybe more) of the population would rather die than have Trump as their president again...because their political worldview is that comprised and diseased.

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