I think she should write a book. It would be nice if genuinely written by the kid herself, maybe put some of her drawings or whatever. Make a little money, get her boosted in life. Refreshing next to the garbage making millions out there.
I thought most folks here pretty much put that together already, but helpful to point it out. Ivermectin cures damn near everything. Even had some guy said it 'cured' him from being gay. Good to keep in mind. If something in/on your body ain't right, no harm to put some iver on it, see if it helps. I put on a fever blister, seemed to help.
It makes me want to make extra effort to minimize taxes, to find those 'legal' means that the rich use. I guy I grew up with told me that after his income reached above 100k, he paid less and less taxes, quite legally. I didn't ask for the details because I was nowhere near that income. Must be some 'loopholes' out there.
Just chip in my experience, can take as 'advice' if you like it. I worked for a company for fifteen years, troubleshooter on a very specialized kind of expensive machinery. I liked the job challenge but not so much the people around me. Years ago, I finally decided to take my chances and quit and go find something in a better situation. I was very worried about financial security but my spirit needed 'mercy'. All turned out great, had great jobs and adventures, made enough money to stay well, have wonderful memories of my adventures. It turned out to be a great decision. Retired now, the fifteen years just a page in my story, but the life after are several amazing chapters. Don't get the vaxx.
Yes, hard to be too harsh on folks making the vaxx choice, I see it around me too. I am retired so I have time to hang out in truther places and learn the 'back story'. I pass on the cautions to my younger relatives but they don't have time, or don't take the time they have, to research, but often just try to make ends meet. One daughter with TDS got vaxxed, would never admit any reactions to me after i cautioned her against it. It's a choice with both physical and spiritual implications. So many 'miss' the implications.
People tend take Simon Parkes with a grain of salt, but he recently released this in a newsletter- Timing unknown- " The military activity is due to take place on a large scale in areas such as New Zealand. Military will be advising citizens to stay inside and do not come out- explaining that they may hear explosion, gun fire and children crying. This will be the final clearing of the last of the strong holds in areas where the deep state/cabal are holding children. Some of these are in highly populated areas. There are foreign troops operating in different countries. They are*** not** **NATO troops."
Clif is ok by me, lots of insight, topics all over but educational. Not familiar with Max. Channelers have long said that the 'bug' or other alien started pushing evil into the minds of men long long ago, and has now culminated in the deep state control efforts. It matters not, even call it satan, same idea, no plan to meet personally either way.
Just watched the utub of Mark Dice gathering signatures to 'stop Joe Rogan from hunting and killing Triceratops'. Some people are intelligent enough to memorize the info in their college courses but don't know squat about the world. Some are just hopeless. I think we just have to let them vaxx themselves out of existence, wish them well, and move on.
Be patient, we're working on it.