Saw this on today's Johns Hopkins, who worked with the nonprofit FAIR Health to analyze approximately 48,000 children under 18 diagnosed with Covid in health-insurance data from April to August-2020, and found a mortality rate of ZERO among children without a pre-existing medical condition such as leukemia
It seems that AZ audit is where the rubber is hitting the road, for the public eyes. Some of the Senators there are as fired up as we are, and even the wussie senators know whose side the People are on. Not just the AZ People, the US and Global. So if these AZ Senate fence-sitters follow the Will of the People, they might get elected again. If not, not even dog-catcher. Of course elections there would be tainted, but watched closely, and the whole Country gets more red (and pissed off) every day.
My supposition is that they are supplementing existing data base for future use, something beyond vaxx, beyond 2A, although if they should ever overcome 2A, they are on the downhill ride, we're toast. Same idea though, knowing where the holdout thinking patriots are. Maybe they're thinking to give a "non-toxic" ID chip.
Speculation- I was thinking that he had to decide whether to call in The Storm or ride things out behind the scenes. I think he chose the slow road, to save the lives of hostages, underground captives for example, the ds was extorting with.
Makes no sense, as usual. I use an injectable Ivermectin on my farm. Label says it's for pigs, but I use it on all the mammals, for parasites. (I was advised to do so and it is very effective) So if ivermectin cures 'covid' in people, why not animals? Now they'll have the entire zoo shedding crap. God these people are evil.
I saw this guy perform a couple of times, back in the day. He was really funny, and very skilled which he used to underscore his comedy. I didn't feel that he was trying to come across as a woman, more of showing where women's skills excelled beyond men, in this sport. I came away with the idea that his message was that women's sports were for women, and men's for men, and crossing the line is just ridiculous.
I live in a place where we get power loss about 10% of the time, for no known reason at all. So we get plenty of practice and hardly notice the loss of current. We have battery powered fans and have a motorcycle battery for the wifi- last a day or two. Use a car battery for the fans. Have a small solar for extended power loss, it can recharge enough for phones and wifi. We got all this sorted via practice, so maybe it would be a useful idea to turn off your power for a day and a night, and see what you need, see what works, etc. Just a suggestion.
Found this, hope it might help. I think it's German university research using dandelion extract. I'm a big fan of Ivermectin also, but I have no personal experience.
At least we're not as 'sheepish' as Canada. 2A in the background makes the voice a little louder, maybe. Europe and GB are rising. Some people hopeless, some have never bent the knee, and the big herd in the middle are opening their eyes.
I live in a place/country where the feed stores sell ivermectin in little packs of powder, 3mg active ingredient (ivermectin) per pack. I had been using it for a year on rabbits for external parasites when I saw it mentioned here as good against covid. No covid here but one day I had chiggers, had my spray bottle in my hand, no more chiggers. Since then I've found other uses around the farm. I had a chicken dying of a disease passing around, looked it up, its a viral disease, gave the chicken a dose of my spray water, cured after a week. A friend gave his rabbit an ivermectin injection, but made a mistake and overdosed 10x. Rabbit cured and recovered, did not die. Hmmm....not so dangerous, Read of a study in German universities using iver against cancer, don't have the link anymore