I had some dreams that woke me up and I can't get the idea of class action lawsuits for all the covid/DIE discrimination we went through from 2021-24 out of my mind.
Stargate SG1 has an episode about a life-extending shot the (((Aschen))) give everyone and turns out it makes them infertile. only solution was to go back in time and stop it.
its a warm-up to full blown project blue beam. they warmed us up to covid with china having a virus first. its predictive programing.
Cliff High predicted this to the date.
They tried a shutdown with crowdstrike and failed. They will fail at this too.
Jesus is from Galilee which is land of the gentiles. Jesus was not born from or as a 'jew'. Also modern jews are not biblical jews but kharzarians anyway.
There is nothing judeo about my Christianity
Seemed like the whole rnc entertainment was for Nikki Haley
It was always the plan to have the biden years. Do not be surprised if he "wins" again
I went through all my paper and 2017 was the newest
Maybe you shouldn't have vilified, censored, and dismissed us 3 years ago. Not my problem. No vax in me.
Illegitimate president has no authority to sign away anything
Really it got crushed when US markets opened
There has to be another event. Election is less than 6 months. They fired off covid too early. We have to be in lockdown by October for sure.
It's got to happen again before November
since the late spring/beginning summer of 2019
How do people have their timeline so wrong? None of that happened until 2020
2020 was covid, BLM, election
2021 was the shots, mid 21 were mandates
2022 was Ukraine
2 tiered justice system
Best decision in my life was to say NO. Thank you, Lord!
Dxy is fine and not why gold is pumping
Non-ZOG markets aren't playing along with the suppression any more
Interesting. I've been wanting to get one of these
2 years ago 130 a month and now it's 190 for my same / depreciated car's insurance. I have a perfect driving record and 800+ credit score
I was at a big store yesterday and was thinking how once the high priorities are rounded up the next step is to just post ICE agents at the entrance to the stores and require ID to enter.