fponick 9 points ago +9 / -0


So today, out of plain curiosity, I decided to look up as to what exactly was up with a few of those celebrities that were not only super fucking vocal regarding promoting the deep state cabal's agendas, but also were highly vocal against those such as Trump. And the more and more I looked into it, one thing was just pretty fucking clear as day, the real celebrities have been removed (likely from existence itself) long, LOOOOOOONG time ago.

Take the notorious Emma Watson, for instance. Last tweeted on October 16, 2021. That's almost 6 months without a tweet, and that too, from a Hollywood fucking celebrity. And before this, girl was tweeting like every 2 days. Not like these Pedowood types can go for even hours without posting their PR and Social Media updates lol, let ALONE going off on 6 fucking months of silences. Same with Instagram. See any of her own pictures being posted as of late? No? I thought so.

Anyways, so I went to Google image search and put in the keywords emma watson march 2022. Guys, having seen Emma in the news for a while, and plenty of her appearances and interviews right from the days of Harry Potter, I can guarantee you that this new girl looks nothing, absolutely nothing like the real Emma. But hey, at least that explains to us all this incredible gem from one of her final few tweets, eh?

Let's take yet another example of a celebrity who was most VOCAL against Trump, Supergirl lead actress, Melissa Benoist. You only have to scroll down a little on her Instagram to see that just a few posts back, she was all about that Joe Biden juice. Hmm, just a "few posts back" you say? Don't these celeb types update their Instagram's regularly? Well, clearly, they used to before those Biden posts went up lol (feel free to check her previous posting frequency to compare and contrast things here). Finally, other than the fact that her replacement clearly looks nothing like her (to those such as myself who have followed her work for quite some time now), did you know when this one last tweeted? October 8, 2021. Yeah, crazy I know.

Now, once you go down this particular rabbit hole folks, you're just going to find more and more and more of these weird little "coincidences", and that too absolutely every fucking where you so look at that. Which is why Will Smith and Chris Rock are looking so very young for their age at the moment. And Beyonce, lmao, she's got like the very worst double deal on the planet here right now lol.

Ben Affleck, regular Tweeter. Gone missing from Twitter since August 2021. Elizabeth Hurley, missing off of Twitter since December 2021. Howard Stern, vanished off of Twitter December 2021. Michelle Kwan, vanished off of Twitter December 2021. James Corden, vanished off of Twitter October 2021. Taylor Swift, vanished off of Twitter January 2022. And some others like Aubrey Plaza who hasn't been seen on Twitter since February.

One, that's just way too many missing celebrities to be found in like, a 10 minute long search. Two, absolutely ALL of the above mentioned celebs were tweeting at fairly regular intervals, that is, until their respective day of completely and totally vanishing off of Twitter (and I haven't even bothered to check their Instagram's yet. Three, and this is quite so very interesting --- in that nearly all of their last few tweets have a surprisingly "that's all folks" type tune to it, if not other cryptic AF looking messages. For example, Taylor Swift's last message reads, and I quote, "PS I wrote this tweet all by myself in case you were wondering 😑". Alrighty then! Still better than Elizabeth Hurley's final tweet about her hashtag "wretched ankle" (ankle bracelet?) I guess.

So now, what about so many other blacklisted celebs still having their Twitter accounts? Well, first off, other celebrities having active Twitter accounts still doesn't explain the fact as to how the above mentioned regular-frequency Tweeters suddenly vanished late 2021. Next, who even knows who's actually running those Twitter and Instagram accounts anymore? In some cases, you can clearly see that the new <celeb name> looks nothing like the original one somehow, but it's kinda hard to point out exactly how. Just like how it is with the old Biden vs new Biden comparisons. You can clearly see it, but it's hard to describe it accurately to another given that we are no face structure experts on here.

Finally, what about celebs such as James Corden (who literally commented on the whole Chris Rock vs Will Smith situation on his TV show but a couple of days ago?) Well, for one thing, have you met him in person? Two, can you tell if he's even real? Three, can you guarantee that deepfake technology hasn't been advanced enough by the powers-that-were far, FAR MORE than what they've shown us?

What if the entire Oscar ceremony itself was staged, pre-recorded, and even deepfaked? I mean, if nothing else, that would at least explain as to why some actors and announcers were coming "LIVE from their homes" that night. I mean, when was the last time these Pedowood bastards miss out on a chance to do their little red carpet jiggles and wiggles? Not like the Coronavirus is an issue for them or anything, they're the first people to show up to public events without a single little mask on.

Think about it. In a world where things predicted by a Q fall perfectly into place not just a few mere days later, but even years later --- is it really that difficult for you to believe that there's more to the story than what meets the eye? Remember, even at this very moment, something as obvious as Big Pharma Propaganda is completely and totally unfuckingbelievable to the normies.

Finally, I do believe that at least some people have switched sides in exchange for whatever it is that the White Hats have required them to do in return; and some others, have been taken care of under the guise of COVID. And what we are now seeing are a helluva lot of recorded shows, deepfakes, clones, and what-else-have-you. I mean, even the cabal aren't dumb enough to show the complete list of executions on national television just to make fun of their beloved "Qanon".

Besides, have you noticed that a lot of prominent folks on mainstream media have been openly mentioning one of the most Q-est Q phrases possible, the shot heard around the world? Yeah, I'm so not kidding about things here and this is just like the first search results page for the term. Not too hard to believe in that though, now that it's pretty clear that the MSM are fully under White Hat control, else, that troubling laptop story wouldn't be leaking out of some of the least expected places.

To end with, I'll just say this: A lot of people have mocked me in the past for sharing channelling videos and tarot card readings --- calling them fake and whatnot. In light of what I've shown you all in here today however, perhaps that Tarot explanation will soon be the only one that makes absolutely any sense at all. Enjoy the show.
(Q's been saying this for a damn good reason ya know) ;)

P.S. We now have great reason to consider that the people you're all dying to see get removed (off of the earth plane, permanently); have likely been removed to death already. So what now remains, is but a show for the normies!

by penisse
fponick 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can answer myself.

File titled “What is this place” contains this text:

people around the globe have gathered information and as it's been collected, it's being dumped here.

The reason is for archiving purposes.

We've made it amazing and super mkultra for you.

enjoy our dump. 💩*

by penisse
fponick 7 points ago +7 / -0

Nothing about Wikileaks anywhere on this site. Clinton’s Private Server appears to be a spoof. Top of page says “Index of /jedi-sec.space/“

Looking up http://jedi-sec.space/, it appears possible to upload and download whatever you want without registering anywhere. Maybe random people are just adding patriot, anti-NWO stuff, who knows? I wouldn’t without a VPN.

There’s a lot there. Looks like it was started in early February and added to since. Reasonably well organized.

NOT Wikileaks. NOT Clinton. Anybody got more/better info?

fponick 3 points ago +3 / -0

Site “exists solely to obtain and disseminate the data relied upon by the FDA to license COVID-19 vaccines.”

Also obtains and posts court records. Worth bookmarking!

fponick 9 points ago +11 / -2

Watching The Mickey Mouse Club on TV brightened my otherwise wretched childhood. What has happened to the Disney Empire has nothing to do with Walt Disney. He’s been dead for 55 years. Blame those who deserve it, not some guy who promoted classic moral values and yes, clean fun to children more than half a century ago. I know. I was there.

fponick 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lots of useful translations and translation tools here!

Next question: does anybody have a way of looking at the massive graphic that contains emails in English and outs the Americans involved in running Hunter’s companies? A lot of it is in Russian, yes, but I’d like to read the English parts. Enlarging on screen makes it too blurry to read.


fponick 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks so much. I'm starting locally, yes, and I'm fortunate enough to be in contact with The Virginia Project, which turned the state around and elected Glenn Youngkin as governor. What I want do is inspire ordinary citizens in every state to believe in their own power again and take action where they live. This will take time, and there's a bit of a learning curve for me b/c I'm not massively technical. Doesn't matter. I'm a pretty good writer and speaker & can figure stuff out, even if I have to do it alone. Let's stay in touch. I admire the work you do and will watch for it.

fponick 1 point ago +1 / -0

Same username. We communicated around Feb. 23. Thanks for your kind words. I'll keep you up to date.

fponick 2 points ago +2 / -0

Did you see Dr. Robert Malone’s speech in Hagerstown (where the truckers are) last Sat? He said they’ve spent $$$$ to get every WEF person possible and dox them. Using blockchain to keep the info intact and unhacked. Link below.

I emailed you before about WEF and you were very generous with your shares. After looking things over, I decided that I needed to focus on ways to help that regular people can do on a local level, like precinct and election work. My thinking is that no matter how much the titans clash, it’s the battles fought by ordinary soldiers that will rebalance the world. Unlike previous wars, this time we get to choose our own means of battle, what side we’re on, and where get our information.

You, sir, are one of the true information providers. Thank you. 🇺🇸


fponick 1 point ago +1 / -0

Does that include people who take care of dogs? Do they have to call themselves Dog Brushers?

fponick 1 point ago +1 / -0

I had to read Crime and Punishment in high school, along with Animal Farm and 1984—all taught by nuns. That was 1963-67, but I think that motivated teachers or homeschooling parents could excite kids (not terrorize them) about reading them. They are as much textbooks today as they were fiction then.

fponick 2 points ago +2 / -0

I listened to the entire Gulag Archipelago last year on YouTube. It’s about 77 hours—7 sections of 11.5 hours each.

It is SO WORTH IT! It is a massive documentary covering decades that came to life in my head. Taking the time to listen to that much for so long imprints on you an understanding of Communism and SLAVE CAMPS that you can’t undo. If anything, the experience toughened up my patriotism, loyalty to the United States, and respect for our Founding Fathers—and what they saved us from! Gratitude has given me enough strength for any battle ahead!

Listen to it in half-hour segments or (chapters if you can) while doing otherwise quiet routine work like painting or cleaning. Where you leave off will always be sitting there waiting for you to come back to it.


fponick 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hate Obama, but this quote is out of context and therefore unusable. There’s plenty of other material to do him in and it’s better than this slanted shit.

fponick 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did you find what you needed about your precinct? I’m volunteering to help Dan Schultz update his state listings. They’re posted yet, but I can help if you’re interested. Just let me know.

fponick 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here’s the drill, straight from the source:


Cammies? That word feels weird with ombre nail polish …

fponick 0 points ago +0 / -0

I’m with you. The minute i see this ransom-note formatting, I check to see if anyone made comments like yours, updoot them, and disappear ….

fponick 1 point ago +1 / -0

Done! By /javixpimraj

fponick 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thx! Looking forward to reading this easy-access version. Plenty to think about!

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