Up the entire west coast of South and North America and down the far east side of Russia and Asia is the "ring of fire" and most of it is comprised of undersea volcanoes. A major area of tectonic plate movement; which just so happens to be the most likely spot to find volcanoes.
Fellow Gen X'er's and older. Ask your parents if you went for deworming a few times in your first few years of life. Guess what ;)
Usually asking people if they've ever seen images of planes that have hit birds makes them at least stop a think for a second. Sometimes, you get lucky and you see their eyes widen a bit and they go " heeeeeyyyy.... yyyeeeeaaa what the fuck..."
This is how they use people's cognitive dissonance against them. Just think about all the basic stuff we learned about viruses and how our immune systems work and apply it to convid.
People just shut their brains off to the fact that they already have the knowledge to tell them what they're seeing isn't right, yet.... here we are lol
Birds. So, they're spraying something to make us sick but the birds are unaffected? That's going to be no from me.
Their respiratory systems are 100 times more sensitive than ours. So... if you're not finding dead birds everywhere, guess what?
You probably have a cold or a touch of the flu.
I own a bird and have owned birds for years. Their systems are so sensitive you can't use regular cleaning products, air fresheners, scented candles, or even smoke around them.
Monsato and Gates went into partnership a few years ago to create seeds that would grow with less exposure to the sun - probably something to do with that
Problem with this is, the prime minister of Canada doesn't have the ability to make 'executive orders'
Bingo. Someone gets it :)
Explain to me like I was born today :
How does anyone have any authority over illegals besides the federal government? Like, why do these retarded governors and majors actually believe they can keep illegals in the country?
So... local beat cops have more authority than federal agents? Interesting take. I almost want to see that happen, would be quite funny I think.
Gee but the tunnels they found in New York has got NOTHING to do with molesting and trafficking children. Cool story, bro.
It's over. NDP party, the current coalition party with the Liberals giving them power ( for those who don't know ), called for a vote of no confidence when Parliament sits after Christmas.
Trudope and his band of faggot loving maggots are done.
Notice the large protection detail in this clip. He's been travelling like this since the Trucker Protest because we ALL know he would absolutely get jumped + thumped otherwise. Trudope will 100% disappear from the public eye after this.
I've been saying it for quite some time now ; they created AIDS / HIV, studied it for 30 years or so to try and figure out how to give it to everyone = hello convid shots.
"I remember Canada as a child as of it was just last week. It was a safe and calm country and the people were very nice."
Come to the Maritimes, friend. It is still very much like that here. Stay away from Halifax and you'll be fine. I live in southern NB and the old school way of being is still very much alive in this part of Canada.
You'd be surprised to find out how wrong you are on that assumption.
See, here on the east coast of Canada, he'd wake up about 3 hrs later only remembering picking up the bike.
yea no lol Trudope is calling the shots still. As a Canadian, trust me when I say, we ALL are hoping he steps down or gets forced out.
You'd have to be living under a rock not to see the division and hatred Trudope has brought to this country.
She's native. Enough said. The government and RCMP are horrid towards the Native people here. They just straight up assume they're all criminals and treat them accordingly.
Look into the native women disappearing up here; its been happening for quite some time and "nobody knows what's going on"
Ritchie from Boston is 100% CIA asset. He started the flat earth bullshit in the late 2000s. Someone posted a paycheck from the government to his main account and he and all his channels disappeared.
Ritchie from Boston was telling everyone the sun and moon are actually CGI and they have an invisible disk they put in the sky to fake eclipses. Don't take anything this clown says as truth.
Here's one that gets them real mad :
If one person in a gay relationship decides to "transition'... who isn't gay anymore?
I will definitely try it. I'm sure the Rams and Gourami's will appreciate it for sure. Thank you very much for the information :)
There's flashing lights on them - beacon lights - are we sure they aren't just airplanes?
In my 60 in the living room I have fancy tail goldfish - always love them, so peaceful - with a pile of zebra danios. My one bedroom tank has Bolivian Red and German Blue rams and my back room tank has Sunset Gouramis.
I was never a plant guy, couldn't get the fish to stop destroying them, but a newer local shop here has all kinds of good plants instead of the usual half destroyed crap you see in most pet stores.
What do you keep for fish, friend? I'm a long time fish person :). I even got to work for an Importer / Distributor in Calgary for a few years. I've got 4 tanks running ; one just has some corys as I don't know what I want for the tank lol.
Not a rarity. There was one video that immediately came to mind, but I can't find it right now. But, here's one anyway