frazzledrip 2 points ago +2 / -0

This isn't what you think it is. Handguns are still legal if you already own them. There is a 'freeze' on all handgun stuff ; can't buy new, transfer, trade, etc. All processes involved are frozen as well so, if you were in the process of getting your handgun, not going to happen.

This first went into effect in April of 2022 btw. He just codified last year. Handguns aren't outright banned yet, but we all know it's coming.

frazzledrip 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is all I know for now, sorry. Just getting stuff in my feeds lately about the money shit actually behind the idea of USA absorbing Canada

frazzledrip 2 points ago +2 / -0

From what I'm seeing, Canada being part of the USA is already pretty much a done deal. Canada is in probate and needs to be liquidated so it can legally be, basically, absorbed by the USA.

Something with ASIFAC securities ( beyond my knowledge ) and it's why Marc Carney is going to be appointed Prime Minister because of his former position as the Governor of both the Bank of Canada and the Bank of England - tied directly to the Crown.

The Crown has all the allodial titles in the ASIFAC securities. In order to get an Administration Bond to liquidate the affairs, it has to be someone who has actually officiation with the ASIFAC stuff - Marc Carney.

Seeing a few posts about this on instagram

frazzledrip 2 points ago +2 / -0

"here for Canadians the whole time" he says. Ask any Canadian what he said about money to veterans. Yea... here for Canadians.

You're seeing what's called a 'narcissistic collapse'. It's what happens when they realize the gig is up.

However, Marc Carney is going to make him Deputy Prime Minister. Just watch how fast and how hard they turn over on Chrystia Freeland. They will blame her, solely, for the Truckers Convoy bullshit.

frazzledrip 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ahhhh good ol' projection :D. Once you see it, you can't unsee it.

frazzledrip 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's beyond irrefutable at this point

frazzledrip 1 point ago +1 / -0

Omfg.... they're STILL going about the make believe insurrection? These people, literally, have the psychology of a fucking teenager.

frazzledrip 2 points ago +2 / -0

Funny, I just saw one of these on instagram but it was "taylor swift is not a psy op"

frazzledrip 4 points ago +4 / -0

I posted this on a thread here earlier this morning; probably good to put it on this one too:

Ok so for those not in the know ; Canada won't and can't shut off the power to the USA. All the power generated in the western provinces going to eastern Canada is put though "Line 5'

Line 5 goes through Michigan ( to provide power ), and branches from there to another few states before bending back up into Sarnia, Ontario to the power grid in Ontario and Quebec.

Cutting off power to the states cuts off power to Ontario and Quebec as well. Luckily in the Maritime provinces, we produce our own power here.

So... all this shutting off the power talk is just 100% pompous posturing by Canadian officials trying to convince Canadians we don't need the USA. They are completely uniformed of how the power grid actually works.

Just ignore it from now on ; won't and can't happen ever.

frazzledrip 6 points ago +6 / -0

Ok so for those not in the know ; Canada won't and can't shut off the power to the USA. All the power generated in the western provinces going to eastern Canada is put though "Line 5'

Line 5 goes through Michigan ( to provide power ), and branches from there to another few states before bending back up into Sarnia, Ontario to the power grid in Ontario and Quebec.

Cutting off power to the states cuts off power to Ontario and Quebec as well. Luckily in the Maritime provinces, we produce our own power here.

So... all this shutting off the power talk is just 100% pompous posturing by Canadian officials trying to convince Canadians we don't need the USA. They are completely uniformed of how the power grid actually works.

Just ignore it from now on ; won't and can't happen ever.

frazzledrip 4 points ago +4 / -0

Calling card of liberal retards : using words they don't know the correct meaning of. I keep saying it; leftism is narcissism.

My ex - a horrid malignant narc - did this all the fucking time. Always used words in the completely wrong context trying to sound intelligent.

frazzledrip 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wish I could link from my phone to my PC. THIS is on my PC but I don't have IG on the PC , just my phone and I don't have this place on my phone ;/

frazzledrip 7 points ago +7 / -0

Shit.... ok... think about the freeze frame thing some of these celebrities have done in interviews and stuff. Programming gets mixed up sometimes?

frazzledrip 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting. All over instagram he apparently had to be sedated because he was "screaming at the demons trying to take him to hell"

frazzledrip 11 points ago +11 / -0

I mentioned on another post, yesterday, that there are all kinds of videos of them doing this on the kills sites. They've been doing it the whole time

frazzledrip 3 points ago +3 / -0

Didn't win the last one either. Can't remember dude's name ( cause he immediately dropped off the face of the earth after Trudope "won" ) but he had more than 110,000 more than Trudope for the popular vote. NDP and Liberals did their coalition thing twice

frazzledrip 26 points ago +26 / -0

I think some people forget sometimes that "the list" isn't just a literal list of names that has been involved with Epstein Island.

There is money paper trails to track and check, testimony to go though, and, most likely, video evidence of things that would absolutely horrify the greater percentage of the public.

Something about the truth would put most people in the hospital?

Don't take for granted these were just young girls and boys these horrors were performed upon : it's children, folks. Don't ever fucking forget that : it's children.

Could you image 10 years ago being one who had zero clue there was a world wide pedo ring, to then being the one watching ( only ) ONE video of a 'celebrity' or politician raping a 2 year old??

Try to understand these people are just learning the TRUE nature of the beast

Wanna go further? Let's ask a question nobody wants to ask because nobody wants to really know the answer.

What do they do with the bodies? You don't think they ever let any of these victims live, do you?

Imagine being the one who has to deal with that evidence. Give these folks some time. This is way, way worse than just using young people for sexual exploitation and blackmail.

frazzledrip 2 points ago +2 / -0

There is no such thing as convid - it's the flu rebranded. The entire goal was two fold - get everyone injected with the poisoned nanotech and see how easy it would be to lock the planet down.

Convid, like 9\11 was a test of their ability and control over the people

And, they need an excuse for when the deaths really start ramping up. Remember, after doing the math from the test animals trials, it works out to 3-5 years. We are just about to enter the 4th year since the shots got rolled out.

All the death, cancers, strokes, heart issues, etc... it hasn't even really started yet.

frazzledrip 8 points ago +8 / -0

Convid was supposed to happen around 2017 under Hillary. This is part of the reason they went so crazy when Trump won.

Trump knew what was gong on. I've said it from day one : Operation Warp Speed was nothing but Trump forcing them to release the already made poison shots.

It's why he also mentioned other medicines ; hoping enough people would educate themselves. Trump had nothing to do with the shots except forcing the DS to release them

Under Hillary, folks, we'd still be in lockdowns. 16 year plan to destroy America? Y'all know about this. 2 terms of Obama followed by 2 terms of Hillary = 16 years.

frazzledrip 4 points ago +4 / -0

You're in the process of expelling your liberal problem, we have to do the same. Problem is, our liberal government is fully involved and invested with WEF people. Liberals are currently working on not having an election until NEXT October ; Canada will 100% fall by then if that happens.

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