accessed parallel universes
a) Universe implies to turn (verse;vertere;wer) one (uni;unus)
b) Parallel implies besides (para) one another (allēlois;allos)
Being implies parallel (life) during same direction (inception towards death), hence being able to have intercourse with one another.
c) Ones consent to any suggestion gives another parallel access to ones mind/memory, while tricking one to turn against others within conflicts of reason.
multiple parallel universes simultaneously
Aka mass consent to suggestion by few multiplying parallel access simultaneously, while turning each one of many against each other.
to solve an impossible problem
Being implies temporary problem (life) within ongoing solution (inception towards death)...hence each ones problem to resist (living) the temptation (dying) of being dissolved, hence living (growth) and dying (loss) happening simultaneously.
believing it is work
To believe implies to hold onto, which contradicts work aka an expressed force.
Catherine Banks on active to banks.
They are very big into immigration, abortion, homosexuality, multiculturalism.
Aka destroying anything native with everything foreign; child sacrifice; sodomy and equalizing differences to invert nature differentiating equality... simple as RIP...
The German Chief of police admits
The German chief of police (Präsident des Bundespolizeipräsidiums) Dieter Romann made no such admission, nor is this guy speaking in his name.
500k illegal "refugee" soldiers; Day X etc.
Same propaganda as usual...state bad; foreigners bad; be afraid; get angry. How to spot propaganda? It's always kosher aka suspiciously devoid of any jewish involvement in anything.
wondering how I got like THIS when I came from THAT
a) Off-spring implies differentiation from one another..."like" implies differences choosing to react alike to each other.
b) One didn't come from comes (inception towards death) into being (life) through that.
c) Father (motion) generates mother (momentum) for each off-spring (matter) coming to be (life) in (inception) and out (death) of origin.
d) Resisting the temptation of likeness grows each different ones resistance. Reacting alike implies the path of least resistance.
how did nobody else end up like ThIS?
If THAT implies "alike" and THIS implies "different", then THIS and THIS ain't alike each other...if one resists THAT, then THIS will become clearer and clearer for one aka growth of self discernment.
a) Having sight within (in tueri) implies a setting apart of all perceivable and each ones perception aka from whole into partials.
b) Few utilize suggestion to tempt many to connect with the suggested by consent, which in return divides (dis) many against each other within conflicts of reason.
c) One isn't connected with nature...nature sets each one within free (will of choice) to react to everything offered.
Dear France. You Owe America...
Dear America. You are owned...
$34.9 trillion in debt to (((foreigners))). Their business is your debt. Your stance is in circumference of their central banking.
competing social constructs
That's because COM + SOC + CON imply "together", while nature implies being set apart from one another. It's ones CONsent to suggested SOCialism which tempts many into COMpetition against each other.
These conflicts against one another are called "reason".
imposed on biological reality
a) Reality implies ones response (re) to all (al) (life) + logic (reason) implies life reasoning against one another over each others suggestions.
b) To impose implies to lay upon...ones consent to any suggested information implies taken on from another and into self. Only by consent of many can few layer fiction (suggested information) upon reality (perceivable inspiration)...making it in return harder and harder for ones sight to see through the layers of deception.
Prime example...suggested words over perceivable sound. The majority view reality through the lens of suggested words/brands/definitions/meanings/truths by few. This is called spell-craft and nobody forces one to consent or uphold theses crafted spells within a moving reality.
profound spiritual implications
a) Profound implies foundation (found) forwarding (pro) aka flow (inception towards death) forwarding form (life).
b) Spiritual (Latin spiro; to breathe) implies form adapting to being forwarded within flow, hence inhaling and exhaling.
c) Implication (if/then) is derived from being (life) driven (inception towards death) forwards, hence...if flow (motion); then form (matter).
harnessing the energy of others
If all is one in EN'ERGY, noun (Gr. work) - "internal or inherent power", then velocity (inception towards death) generates resistance (life) by setting whole apart internally, which for each ones life implies...needing to resist wanted temptation.
For one (perception) within all (perceivable)...other ones (suggestion) imply a temptation to ignore resisting, hence falling for each other or intercourse for off-spring being simultaneously tempted with lust for one another.
This brings one back to nature setting apart, while those within are tempting each other together.
Resistance (matter) can only exist at the center of temptation (motion), hence harnessing each being from one another. Few are tempting many to spend resistance within conflicts of reason against each other, which in return permits few to harness resistance without spending on others.
psychological manipulation
a) Psyche implies animating power; logy implies reasoning about something affixed, while ignoring to be (life) animated (inception towards death).
b) Perception implies psyche, while ones manual consent to suggestion establishes logy aka a conflict of reason among many around an affixed suggestion by few at center.
This implies circumcision aka few erecting at center (suggestion), while cutting of many into circumference (reason). If one reasons, then one chooses a side, hence tempting choice from center into circumference aka off-balance.
Only within motion can there be balance, and only within balance can there be choice.
as old as humanity
a) Old implies versus new...a conflict of reason about a suggested side, while ignoring ones sight within perceivable NOW. A being (life) within momentum (inception towards death) of motion can only perceive a perceivable MOMENT(um) aka now...not before or after.
b) Human implies hue of man aka color of man aka visible spectrum (momentum) within light (motion) for each ray (matter) within.
Male (motion) through female (momentum) into trans-formed child (matter)....not a conflict about old vs new, but internal separation of ingredients within base aka alchemy (chemistry of all). NOW implies the cauldron for partial ingredient within all base.
The easy response is to say that there are a lot of stupid people but it's a lot deeper than that.
Stupid/stupor - "cessation of motion"...that implies ones ignorance of being (life) moved (inception towards death). Few suggest progressivism to tempt many towards outcome, while ignoring perceivable origin. The suggested rhetoric "stupid" then tempts many to placate each other as not being progressive enough.
In short...motion operates a lot deeper than those within believing in the cessation (stupid) thereof, while drowning in it.
I've always had an aversion to cheering crowds
Because many cheer on few, who in return utilize many against one standing out from the one having an aversion to follow orders.
even cheering crowds from "my side"
Change sides to notice that both are aiming at the same source, hence giving consent to same suggestion (abortion) from opposing sides (pro-life vs pro-choice).
It doesn't matter which side one consents from or how many others one has behind or before one...only that one ignores self (ones choice) for the suggestion of another (chosen one) by choosing a side, hence shirking response-ability (free will of choice).
Pro-life vs pro-choice not only sustains suggested abortion, but those suggesting abortion have the chutzpah to mock those consenting with an open implies choice; choice implies life.
- "I choose pro-life with my choice" vs "I choose pro-choice while alive"
Both sides are focusing on abortion, while being blind to the implied contradiction.
Once you see it you can't unsee it.
Ignorance is bliss...never underestimate the power of temptation over ones resistance, which is only fertile while resisting.
Empty vessels
These vessels ain't empty...they're called golem and each is filled with suggested information by a jew. These vessels imply ones mind/memory, and filling it with suggested information (artificial) while ignoring perceivable inspiration (natural) permits another to shape one into an automaton aka artificial man....
It's ones consent wrapping itself upon the suggested information, which permits another to control one from outside, hence one becoming clay within the hands of another...
a hoax
Hoax/hocus/hokum/hocus-pocus/hanky-panky/higgledy-piggledy/hokey-pokey etc.
Aka a trick/a juggle/a deceit/a legerdemain - "sleight of hand".
Christine Anderson aka Christ...Son of Ander/aner (ἀνήρ) - "man".
Guess who isn't invited...
same group; different club
Different implies apart from one another; same implies together...few suggest groups and clubs to tempt each one of many together.
deep state
Ones consent to any suggestion by another implies submission/under-standing...a deeper state.
Meanwhile...ones adaption to perceivable implies ones growth...a higher state.
famous big-name
FAME, noun (Latin fama) - "to speak"...nature doesn't name anything; it's those within nature who suggest words within sound, which implies spell-craft.
a) CION, noun - "a young shoot, twig or sprout of a tree, or plant, or rather the cutting of a twig, intended for ingrafting on another stock; also, the shoot or slip inserted in a stock for propagation"...
b) -ist (zionist) implies ones consent to suggested -ism (zionism)...if suggestion is the shoot and oneself the stock; then what does consent propagate?
c) What if propagation (inception towards death) generates resistance (life)?
you'd think he'd be with them
How did "Albert Pike" stood out from them to be noticed by those not part of them?
plan to form a league of nations
Before that came the "Concert of Europe" based on the congress system aka few tempting many to walk (gradi) together (con).
The trick...nature sets itself apart (from whole into each partial)...those within tempt each other back together, which permits few to remain apart among many herded/collectivized together.
a) Watching a suggested vision distorts ones sight within perceivable.
b) European (u r peon) aka PEON; noun - "pawn; a type of serf held in servitude by his creditor until his debts are worked off".
A distraction from "The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith" aka B'nai B'rith International (Children of the Covenant)....B'nai B'rith states that it is committed to the security and continuity of the jewish people and the State of Israel and combating antisemitism and other forms of bigotry.
Conservative Catholic
To conserve implies "to prevent from loss"...cata (down from) hodos (way) implies loss.
Consider anode (inception) towards cathode (death) as an electrical current for magnetic resistance (life) within...
the nature of...forced diversity
Forced (inception towards death) diversity (life) aka same loss generating different growth.
Instead of judging behavior as honest vs dishonest (a conflict of reason); try implication (if/then)...if few are arrogant; then many are submissive.
Camilla is taking a break from public duties...
"A horse is a horse, of course, of course; and no one can talk to a horse of course"...
a) Selected by few for elections among many...
b) To ignore "one's choice" establishes another as "chosen one"
c) ELITE (French élite) - "selection; choice"...
d) Calling others elite implies one's ignorance of self aka of wielding free will of choice within dominance of balance, for only within balance can there be choice.
e) Others suggest "freedom" to tempt one to ignore being free (life) within dom (inception towards death). Only during dominance (ongoing loss) can one be free (temporary growth).
vladimir putin
- PUTIN aka Путин; from путь (way, path, road) + ин (in; within) aka a sleight of hand for being within (life) way; path; road (inception towards death).
- VLADIMIR aka vlasti (to rule over) miro (peace/piece) aka whole (all loss) ruling over pieces (each ones growth).
by looking are we not then guilty of a host of laws?
a) Natural L(and) A(ir) W(ater) sets each one within free to perceive everything.
b) Ignoring perceivable (laws of nature) for suggested (laws of men) shapes ones ignorance into the host for parasitic exploitation by others.
c) Others suggest guilt and innocence to distract from response-ability (choice). Why does one requires the response ability of choice? To adapt to a balance based system...not to judge the choices by others.
Judging another implies shirking of ones response-ability onto another.
I don't know if any of the raw stuff should ever be made public
a) Public ignorance establishes the opportunity for private exploitation.
b) There's nothing more private than oneself...consenting to suggested publicism tempts one to ignore self for others, while permitting others private control over public.
c) Raw implies "not altered from its natural state"...Natural order (inception towards death) implies alteration for each one (life) within.
Alter implies "to make different in some particular"...being implies particular within whole, hence different from one another.
d) "don't" aka "doing nothing" implies ones consent to suggested nihilism (Latin nihilo; nothing), hence ones denial of everything perceivable (knowledge; to know; to perceive) when consenting to suggested.
too many would be changed for the worse due to the psych trauma
a) Psychology aka Psyche (animating power) + Logic (reasoning about suggested)...latter tempts one to ignore former, hence all the trauma.
Reason implies conflict; conflict implies trauma.
b) If children can survive abuse by adults, then adults can survive not ignoring how other adults are abusing children. Ignorance among adults represents the foundation for child abuse.
A pedophile couldn't fuck as many children as an ignorant adult fucks over.
"But I wasn't aware"...neither are children aware of what adults want, so who had more time to change awareness?
Maybe we need a number of citizen volunteers willing to view it.
a) There can be only one...oneself. Anyone else implies shirking of ones response-ability onto others.
b) Number implies "designation of a unit"...UNIT (Latin unitas; unus; one).
c) Whole implies perceivable need; each partial within implies suggested want to one another.
Partial (life) needs to resist whole (inception towards death), while being tempted to want from one another. Want tempts one to ignore need.
tl; dr: Many are guilty of ignorance, which in return tempts few to prey upon innocence.
Gaining power at standstill...
It's a karmic reveal of method to permit only the jester to expose the king...within a controlled environment, and in front of those directed to perform reactions in the name of "acting".