Lip read #1
Lip read #1
Lip read #1
Aside from the outright EVIL, how could any person with a functioning brain believe that a quarter of a million children (at minimum) were going to just shrug off what happened and become normal, healthy, emotionally mature adults? How's that for your "successful" society? As though the horrors that happened to them wouldn't carry forward in their lives and affect EVERYTHING, including their ability to work, have healthy relationships, be good parents..... Those involved, whether direct perpetrators or the enablers and politicians who allowed them to get away with it need to be HELD RESPONSIBLE and we all know what that means.
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Where are the people going? With thousands of people displaced, hotels can't house them all. Fema must have community style camps set up in schools, etc. But where are these people going to go? How do they function. Do they still get to work every day? Same can be said for places like Maui and NC. The logistics of this mess are mind boggling. I'm particularly concerned for the children as many of them must be so terrified.