healmehealme 1 point ago +1 / -0

I still get hung up on the fact that Twitter no longer exists. It's now impossible to 'look to Twitter'.

As much as I've been waiting for the moment 'My fellow Americans...' is dropped, I don't think this is going to be it.

I think it's gonna be when it's super dark. Either the left steals the election again and we get it around that time, or Trump wins and we get this when all hell breaks loose as they refuse to transfer power to him.

Could very well be wrong, but that's the feeling I get. I'd love to be wrong lol

healmehealme 12 points ago +12 / -0

On the bottom right sign it reads "Va**inations Equal Annihilation".

Why the hell is it censored? What crap.

Good on him for standing his ground, but that's 15 years gone. 15 years in which he couldn't be at peace, couldn't leave his property, had his children and grandchildren patrolling the property with rifles. It's disgusting that he had to live like that. And it's even more disgusting that if he hadn't, he'd have been arrested.

healmehealme 2 points ago +2 / -0

What accusations would those be?

I dare you to not link a MSM article.

healmehealme 6 points ago +7 / -1

Ahh, thanks for the heads up. Not watching anything of his, because he destroyed his credibility with the 'watch the water' bullshit.

healmehealme 7 points ago +7 / -0

Always prioritize a source of vitamin C too. Potatoes are actually a good source of it.

I’m dealing with an eating disorder and developed scurvy. Managed to get my shit together before it got too bad, but it comes kind of fast and takes a bit to correct.

healmehealme 3 points ago +3 / -0

Same. But why would a nobody grifter account know about it in advance? They wouldn't. It's that simple lol

healmehealme 5 points ago +5 / -0

I have always said that PapiTrumpo is Trump. Even on here, many times, I’ve pointed out about the bizarre EBS situation that PapiTrumpo was involved in. That alone cemented Papi’s legitimacy.

healmehealme 1 point ago +1 / -0

That would be amazing. Just buying ground beef is next to impossible now. Can’t afford a steak but even then, the ones at the store look horrible now.

healmehealme 10 points ago +10 / -0

No bitch on this planet is coming between me and red meat.

healmehealme 3 points ago +3 / -0

I heard they just went ahead and dug a pit to hell so they can have it there.

healmehealme 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not just cancer, but Alzheimer’s too. And he mentioned that they’d be cured quickly once we can bring innovation back to America.

healmehealme 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hateful little shit. I’d rather die alone than with an idiot I unfortunately spawned spewing vitriol at me as I die.

healmehealme 2 points ago +2 / -0

Cackles/Cankles ticket

lmao I love it

healmehealme 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m seeing more people correcting stupid Reddit posts and making posts questioning things.

Even on Reddit, the mob is starting to fall apart a bit. Just a little.

healmehealme 2 points ago +2 / -0

Man. There’s a reason Trump gets compared with Batman so much.

You look at Batman and just think, “Damn. He’s just SO COOL!”

It’s the exact same with Trump.

Mr. Trump, if you see this, YOU ARE SO FRIGGIN COOL!

healmehealme 5 points ago +5 / -0

You remember correctly. This has to be it.

healmehealme 5 points ago +5 / -0

Pray in thanks. Trump is okay and safe.

healmehealme 3 points ago +3 / -0

I want this framed on my wall.

This is undeniably a picture for the history books. Beautiful and glorious.

God bless Trump!

healmehealme 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is absolutely a fantastic start!

We need to gut the medical industry. I struggled to believe in medbeds and still do, but I can’t stop wondering where the hell we’re supposed to go from here after Covid. Even leftists hate the way the medical industry works and how it treats its patients, though they’re dumb enough to still trust them. We can’t have nothing, so what WILL we have? Countless medical staff need to be fired and punished. Not just for Covid, but for ALL of it.

The IRS and three letter agencies need to be shut down. No more taxes, period.

SS and Medicare need to be overhauled. I just learned Medicare is required at 65 and costs $180/month if you have no other insurance. My Dad turns 65 this year, and we can’t afford that. We will have to forgo food to do it. And though he’s worked since his early teens and always paid his taxes, he won’t earn enough to survive on from SS. So he simply can’t retire even though 50 years of intense physical labor have greatly taken their toll on him.

I’m probably just wanting life to be too easy but after struggling my and my parents’ entire lives, I was just hoping for prosperity. Not becoming rich, but being able to survive with ease. For everyone.

It’s the lie we were sold and it’s a bitter pill to swallow to see it won’t be happening that way.

healmehealme 6 points ago +6 / -0

I’m watching him right now. He’s not nonchalant. He looks concerned. But he didn’t duck down or anything.

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