healmehealme 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don’t doubt that we’ll have a black swan event, but I’m not holding my breath when the guy is telling someone I’ve never heard of “Since you’re the legend…” and it’s just a TikTok video.

healmehealme 2 points ago +2 / -0

Very true.

I didn’t get into it because it’s a whole separate issues but I feel that parents could be more involved these days if they had more time. Even when I was growing up in the 90s it was tough for your parents to be fully present because they were so bogged down with work and debt and stress trying to just get through each week. Now it’s so much worse.

Not that this excuses parents plopping their kids on a tablet all day.

healmehealme 3 points ago +3 / -0

There’s a big difference between somehow intruding enough into someone’s life to know if they’re doing something you think they shouldn’t, and encouraging parents to monitor their child’s online activities.

It makes me think of China and how strict they are on the kids, to the point of controlling how much they can be online or play games. It’s not the government’s business.

I grew up on the internet, back when it was good. Did I see things I shouldn’t have? Sure. But I also learned far far more than I ever did in school. It gave me a thirst for knowledge. And I believe it helped make me open minded enough to eventually end up as a part of this movement, too.

healmehealme 3 points ago +3 / -0

Or we just go after these people putting evil stuff in media and stop them.

healmehealme 5 points ago +5 / -0

I understand exactly how you feel. It feels hopeless and scary and like you were defeated before you even started.

For now, I’ll of course pray for you but here’s a shot at fixing your phone.

First, shake the hell out of it until no more water comes out. Then put it in a baggie of rice ideally overnight but it can sometimes take longer. When you take it out of the rice, shake it again and make sure no water comes out. Then try to turn it on.

If it still won’t turn on, look up how to repair your phone. Parts are cheap and if you’re lucky it was an especially cheap part. I know a little about phone repair including water damage so let me know your model and I’ll do some research if you need to repair it.

healmehealme 2 points ago +2 / -0

Reddit lives entirely on their hatred for Trump. They talk about him constantly, believe every single lie and refuse to consider any alternative that paints Trump even remotely favorably.

But if you sort by controversial you’ll see few real people supporting him, getting downvoted to oblivion.

Saw a real fun thread the other day. It was a photo of Barack and Mike and the downvoted people were asking for pregnancy pics and calling him big Mike. And of course someone argued that you’re surely a fetishist if you want pics of Mike pregnant. And in typical Reddit fashion, the Lefties were outright hateful even when treated more nicely than they deserve.

Those people have black souls for sure.

healmehealme 2 points ago +2 / -0

Whoa. Never expected to see Rev on here.

The gaming industry is overdue for a crash. These dumbass developers constantly caving to the investors deserve to lose it all.

It’s so hard to find a game without an agenda these days. They’re getting almost as bad as Hollywood.

Hell, it’s just hard to find a good game these days, period.

healmehealme 1 point ago +1 / -0

Aww, happy birthday! I hope it’s a good one!

healmehealme 4 points ago +4 / -0

Cicadas are my absolute favorite insect. You’re right that they don’t bite. They don’t even have a proper mouth. They have a straw like thing that they poke into trees to suck sap/water/whatever out.

Sometimes if you hold them they think you’re a tree and poke you. It doesn’t draw blood and doesn’t hurt bad but it’s startling at first.

The brown shells are also super cool. This is what they molt out of during the final stage of their growth, after crawling out of the ground. Sometimes you can even find a cicada that hasn’t yet escaped the shell. Those are wild to watch and hold.

healmehealme 6 points ago +6 / -0

We can just pick up the pieces when it’s all over. But I’m sick of suffering because of idiots that refuse to consider something even a tiny bit outside of their comfortable box.

healmehealme 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly true about Kevin Hart. I saw a special on Comedy Central for a bit, maybe two, then bam, he's in the majority of the movies for some reason and just keeps getting more.

Did Dwayne Johnson blow up around the same time?

healmehealme 2 points ago +2 / -0

No one ever remembers Terry Crews coming out about this either. Poor dude lost a lot of work and still isn't as prominent as he should be (his growing popularity immediately plummeted), especially in comparison to actors like Kevin Hart that you just know are knee deep in all of this, which is how he keeps getting a ton of roles despite sucking as an actor.

Terry Crews barely scratched the surface, but none of his peers were willing to support him or step forward themselves and everything was stopped almost as soon as it started.

I have strong suspicions that Tracy Morgan's accident wasn't necessarily an accident but I have nothing with which to back that up.

healmehealme 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh, I am so, so sorry for your loss. Praying for you and your family to be able to heal and get through this horrible time.

I really am so sorry.

healmehealme 2 points ago +2 / -0

I just spent nearly $300 today for very little food but several household items like Kleenex, dish soap, sponges, the cheapest shampoo, q-tips, etc.

It’s insane. We didn’t even stockpile…just caught up.

healmehealme 1 point ago +1 / -0

Enough people DID vote, but the fraud overrode it. The numbers reporters, at least in KY, are not accurate.

According to the results, loads of Republicans came out and voted Republican for every position, then somehow simply didbt vote at all when it came to governor, or magically voted Democrat.

No point crying low voter turn out when people did what they were supposed to do.

healmehealme 4 points ago +5 / -1

I have had cats all my life and I can promise you that all you’re seeing with this is a difference in personalities.

I have a lot of cats at the moment. Only one is not chipped because I hand raised her and wouldn’t let anyone chip her. My chipped cats are sweeter to each other than she is to them. They’re all snuggly or needy in their own ways.

Only one is crazy and he has been since I adopted him as a kitten.

That said I’m all for not chipping pets or giving cats the vaccinations they require you to give them. I just don’t think the chip explains why your one cat is flighty. Some just are.

healmehealme 1 point ago +1 / -0

That would be very nice. Thanks for the hope fren.

healmehealme 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here’s something weird I noticed.

For months leading up to the election, Beshear ran an almost nonstop stream of attack ads against Cameron. One of these ads was a girl saying that she was raped by her stepfather as a young girl, and that Cameron is a monster for expecting young rape victims to carry the baby that resulted from rape.

I can’t confirm it but I swear that girl was standing behind Beshear during his victory speech. She was tucked in the back and often out of view but her head would pop out now and then.

That aside, it’s revoltingly obvious that the election was stolen. I just hope something will actually be done about it for a change.

healmehealme 5 points ago +5 / -0

The one gigantic issue I have with this is that Beshear is planning to making my city a ten minute city. While it certainly won't get completed before things finally kick off, I do worry about some kind of 'natural disaster' hitting us to usher it in. Particularly an earthquake or more tornadoes.

Plus, it really did kick my morale right in the nuts. Poor Cameron was so outnumbered on all fronts. There was 1 of his ads to 9 of Beshear's. Every single day. It seemed Cameron saved a good chunk of his advertising budget for the last minute and I loved that strategy.

And stupid fucking Beshear kept trying to back Cameron into a corner by going on and on and on about abortion exceptions and demanded that Cameron come out and say that he supports exceptions.

Beshear is a total lying prick and his cheating ass is gonna have a nice toasty seat, hopefully sooner rather than later.

healmehealme 46 points ago +46 / -0

Every other position up for election was won by a Republican by a large margin. Yet somehow the majority voted for a Democrat governor.

This shit is exactly why no one has faith in the elections anymore. Trump JUST SAID that the elections are secure now. This is proof that they’re not.

by BQnita
healmehealme 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you for the update and well wishes! :D

Flynn has always been a source of division it seems.

by BQnita
healmehealme 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm a bit out of the loop due to health stuff lately. What chaos is going on among anons?

healmehealme 5 points ago +5 / -0

That's fantastic! Good is wonderful. I'm so glad your friend and her baby are all okay.

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