It’s like riding a glacier.....
I agree with him, there needs to be accountability online. Internet of the Wild West doesn’t work.
To be fair, California puts that warning on couches.
Illegal? Our governments are trying to kill us and we worry about what’s illegal and still paying our taxes.
Fuck the airlines, we still ain’t friends.
2 words........ collapsible baton.
1 swing per person.
You mean our government.......
Honest question, has Kim ever delivered anything?
So important it’s going to the “news” channels.....
If I had a nickel.......
41 billion, I swear we just make up numbers now.
Garbage sacked?
They record it but you walk out with it.
The non knowledge of gun ownership is a great case to show brainwashing. There are lots of gun owners in Canada. I live in a suburb of Toronto and have four gun stores in a 15km radius, the stores are jammed packed and they are still processing firearms. Just bought another one last week.
So, how have they not shut down the stores? Why are they still processing the paperwork and allowing you to pick up? Why is there no limit on how much ammo you buy?
They aren’t coming for the guns and if they do they better bring the army and if the army comes out they better say bye to their families every morning just in case.
So slooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow
Give all the fags Greenland. Extinction in a generation.
At what point do I see this as a threat to my or my kids existence and take any actions necessary?
I now let whatever happens happen with 0 expectations.
Throw it in the nearest body of water.
Fucking better not be.
I’ve stayed calm and collected over the past 6 years, I’m about to lose my shit.