I developed a wheat allergy about 10 years ago, thanks to an antidepressant. On the one hand, it makes it very difficult to eat out and almost impossible to travel, especially since I've cut out seed oils as well. On the other hand, I have to by default avoid most of the processed crap in supermarkets. It's amazing what they put wheat in. Even some "gluten free" products contain wheat.
I agree. The left wants us to see every cultural/ethnic/racial group as a monolith...we can't fall into that trap.
No, mine are graduate loans for an MBA from a good school, so there's probably no way I qualify for any of the forgiveness schemes they've come out with. I thought my degrees (undergrad and grad) from two of the best schools in the country would all but guarantee a well-paying job so I wouldn't have trouble paying them off, but I found myself overeducated and underexperienced so nobody would hire me.
Yeah, mine sure as hell hasn't been cancelled.
RIP Great Uncle Robert, killed in 1943 on the USS Liscome Bay.
That once happened to me...I had a bad stomach bug suddenly and was puking constantly. Every time I tried to ingest even water, I puked. My Mom called an urgent care hotline, and the nurse advised me to try not eating or drinking anything at all for a while. Counter-intuitive, I know, but it worked. I stopped puking and after a couple hours I was able to eat and drink without puking.
Moses Hess wrote that "Judaism is inseparable from Collectivism," and that only the "Jewish genius" could make the world what it should be, in his eyes. He lamented the fact that many Jews were assimilating to the countries and cultures they lived in (calling them traitors), and called for a return of all Jews to orthodoxy. He wrote that all non-Jewish people need to be turned to atheism, and thereby could be ruled by their Jewish masters. (Paraphrasing Rome and Jerusalem)
Interestingly enough, he had a special hatred for Germany because he felt the Jews there were assimilating too well. In fact, all early Communist/Bolshevist/Zionist literature I've read had a particular hatred of Germany, and sought its destruction.
Not just your daughter, but any girl over 1 day old and under 3 years and 1 day old. The reasoning is, it is ok because in that age range her hymen will grow back (thus she will still be considered a virgin) and she will still be worth 300 shekels for her marriage contract.
At the Yad Vashem, they have the names of 5 million Jews supposedly killed in the Holocaust. They also list the place of death, if known. Over 1000 of them died in Siberia (hmm), and many living visitors to the site today find their own unique names up there. I'm sure it's just a coincidence.
When I was in high school (mid 90s), I knew only one kid who had a heart attack. Nice kid, 15, rather overweight, and a really dedicated student (he was Indian). The official story was that he overworked himself studying and not sleeping, and just keeled over and died. I never heard whether he had an underlying heart condition, but it would make sense that he did. Either that or he had had too much caffeine to stay awake.
PDW is how I found this site. I lurked on TD, but after it became PDW, I was dismayed by all posts seemingly calling for violence. And then I saw one post shitting on GAW, and I thought, "hmm, I should check that site out." I've been here ever since.
I bought something off of ebay a year or so back, and the seller packed my item in an old Land O' Lakes box for american cheese. It has the Indian girl on it, and says "White American." It is actually pretty funny. I'm thinking about framing it.
I googled the phrase "white woman gives birth to black baby" and a quora result popped up, someone asking "if a white couple has produced a black baby..." Some of the convoluted answers people are making to explain this naturally are hilarious.
Try the William Davidson Talmud on Sefaria.org. i've found a lot of these things in there.
I'm sure they wouldn't like it if everyone started applying the same logic to them for WWII.
Yeah, especially since I would have had my loan paid off 4 years ago if it hadn't been for Sallie Mae's deceptive tactics with income-driven repayment (which they were sued for, if I remember correctly). I technically already paid more than the loan was worth, including all interest. So I'm not gonna turn it down if it comes. However, I never have good luck, so I'm sure my loan will be one of the few that won't qualify for whatever harebrained scheme Biden has come up with.
The interest is tax deductible, but there's a cap. Maximum $2500 a year in interest paid. So nowadays when I do my taxes I see them go down about $35 because of my student loans.
If Biden wants to forgive my student loan, I'll take it. Won't vote for him for anything, but I'll take the payoff. The amount of taxes I've paid over the last several years would cover the amount of my student loans many times over. It'll be like getting a refund.
Showed this to my husband...he is laughing so hard right now tears are streaming down his face.
There's still a gab url available in one of the comments on TGP article.
You are absolutely right. And they didn't start WWI either. They were dragged into it by their treaty with Austria-Hungary. Love that youtube channel, by the way. Great stuff.
By contrast, my 1958 Grolier's Encyclopedia set doesn't really mention anything about it. It just says that Hitler deported a lot of Jews and "shot innocents in batches."
I have a WW2 history book printed in 1945. It only has 1 line in it about the Holocaust, doesn't call it by name of course, but does claim that Hitler killed millions of Jews. So they were printing that in books even that early because the narrative had already been established.
The concertmaster should've kicked her behind the knee to make her fall off the stage. First chair cello too for the other one. That would've been great.
You're lucky. If I have wheat I can go into anaphylactic shock.