1st "Corona Virus" case in the nation. Bill's WA
I can tell they're racist cause they're well mannered. Sac-but prolly someone on twitter comments citing their white supremacist good manners.
I feel for you greatly and agree with prayers said here. Try "The Golden Key" by Emmet Fox-an easy pdf to google-if you like him there are YouTubes of his writings and books- he has helped me raise my consciousness with scripture including The Lord's Prayer- Try Golden Key- a quick read and an easy exercise to do daily- "The Golden Key" by Emmet Fox
So actually we pay for these protests through our taxes-its so satanic and mocking
His rap and her act seemed fake and gay
thought I read Re Assigning like as a woman lol
But do they? Or they want us to think they do
I'm proud of you for holding the line at NYU
When Rogan said at the end he has to get you to consent to let the demon in your head-I'm reminded of the fall- the literal ingestion of the verboten tree of "knowledge of good and evil' to be and see as-like God. It's like a spiral fall.
word pandemic so cringe
A House divided cannot stand
A post so great I saved it for review. Thank You for this FractalizingIron!
Agree. They can't give up the feel good narratives that we're the baddies.
Their like puppets of Satan. I think if they called on Jesus Christ it could break the programming. They say gospel reaches sex trafficked teens too-like nothing else-to restore them.
Seems entire world luciferian beast system is a pyramid scheme. We all work to "Feed the eye" at the top. Sick
You mean green haired person in pic isn't smarter and more virtuous than me?
This train has no brakes!
By AI for AI
Big dumb fascist fake flu shot sale.
Nephillum-before and AFTER the flood
Those who scream loudest..
OR do Military ops and CIA use "witchcraft" as obfuscation because there's also her and Charlie's connections to MIC-layers within layers-nothing is as it seems.
That aint Kevin Spacey