ilovetrump4 12 points ago +12 / -0

Yup. They'll likely say it was, "nothing" or blame it on recent problems with Boeing's maintenance program, but especially since PDJT recently had "issues" with his airplane, Q's "7/10" drops regarding deadly airplane "mishaps" immediately come to mind - https://qalerts.app/?q=7%2F10

ilovetrump4 3 points ago +3 / -0

They'll likely say it was, "nothing" or blame it on recent problems with Boeing's maintenance program, but especially since PDJT recently had "issues" with his airplane, Q's "7/10" drops regarding deadly airplane "mishaps" immediately come to mind - https://qalerts.app/?q=7%2F10

ilovetrump4 1 point ago +1 / -0

While that may be, if someone expects everything to go wrong, people to dislike them, people to be against them, and to generally have a sh-tty day, week, month, year or life, they usually get just "that" -- not necessarily because of "the law of attraction", but because their mindset caused them to behave/respond in ways that perpetuate their expectations and to be negatively perceived by others, thereby making their interactions with others negative as well.

Consider how easy and enjoyable it is to interact with someone who's genuinely cheerful versus how difficult it is to interact with someone who's a perpetual doomer or someone who hates their life, the world and everything/everyone in it. Regardless of income, social position or life events, the former will have more positive interactions and will usually get more joy out of their lives than will the latter. Again, not "the law of attraction" as presented, but more simply (self-interested) human nature to seek positive experiences and, accordingly, others who enhance those experiences.

Adages and verses such as, "What goes around, comes around," "FAFO," and "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," speak to this.

ilovetrump4 22 points ago +22 / -0

While legal, that would've instigated the total chaos and civil war (that would have crippled or destroyed the country, permanently divided the country and resulted in many more deaths and made it "prime pickens" for foreign invaders) for which the DS had planned, hoped and expected. The insurrection act would also not have been accepted by the brainwashed, the sheeple and ignorant normies. As such, many of them would've seen it as a dictatorial/tyrannical overthrow by someone who couldn't accept losing and made all it look real via AI-generated confessions/trials/sentencings/executions. PDJT would also likely have been a virtual lame duck because of domestic strife/war and impeachments and other shenanigans designed to thwart his effectiveness that would have begun on Day 1 and continued non-stop until he either was removed from office, killed or his term ended. The country may not have survived.

MUCH has changed since 1/2021 to wake up people and make The People see how compromised, corrupt and evil practically EVERYTHING is (and has long-been). To name a few, in 1/2021:

*the economy wasn't in too bad a condition; The People didn't yet truly realize that "elections have consequences";

*child- and human-trafficking hadn't been adequately revealed;

*the pedo and trans agendas were still mostly "under-wraps";

*the 3 branches of government (legislative, executive and judicial) and administrative (alphabet, 3-letter) agencies hadn't yet shown themselves to be utterly corrupt;

*the 2-tier justice system and Dems'/uniparty's extensive use of lawfare against political opponents hadn't been revealed;

*the Dem/uniparty open-borders, illegal alien infestation and total disregard for law hadn't yet occurred;

*the Dem party's disregard for the democratic process to nominate their presidential and vice-presidential candidates hadn't occurred;

*government-sponsored media censorship and MSM corruption hadn't been proved;

*the medical industrial complex (plandemic and toxic jab) hadn't yet been revealed; and

*elections at ALL levels EVERYWHERE were not yet shown to be rigged/stolen.

PDJT's walking away (and, most likely, devolving government so everything didn't go to h-ll) was a strategically necessary move to garner widespread understanding and acceptance of what had been happening, what happened while he was out-of-office and what needs to be done to (begin to) rectify things. It also enabled the awakening, education and activation of The People as partners to save the country.

ilovetrump4 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yup, early-20s "NBC News Desk Assistant" using sensationalism, lies and untruths to try to "make a name for herself". Perfect example of how despicable "journalism" and wannabe "journalists" have become. "Enemy of the people".

ilovetrump4 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yup, almost 30K on Badlands at one point.

Replays will get MANY, MANY more.

ilovetrump4 3 points ago +3 / -0

Apparently, the two "news sources" and the Trump campaign knew about the hack for a month before it was announced.

It may be that it was another DS op akin to the Steele dossier/foreign influence hoax they pulled a few years ago, and that PDJT's announcement (before theirs) thwarted their attempt to AGAIN claim foreign election influence and smear PDJT.

Good discussion about this at 1hr 49min on Badlands Media's 8/112024 Defected show - https://rumble.com/v5alf5h-defected-ep.-82-900-pm-et-.html

ilovetrump4 3 points ago +3 / -0

They're so desperate and in such a state of panic, it'd be funny if it wasn't so sad and despicable

ilovetrump4 1 point ago +1 / -0

No one should be surprised that this runs counter to, "Be fruitful and multiply."

ilovetrump4 3 points ago +3 / -0

To some extent, but IMHO, most people realize that one doesn't have to love a candidate in order to vote for a platform espoused by a candidate, so whether they "love him or hate him", they'll vote for the vision, policies and strategies of PDJT's platform. As such, PDJT already has more far more than enough votes from member of all parties to win.

Some disgruntled Republicans might defect to RFK, Jr. if they can stomach his traditional Democrat stances (social welfare, abortion, gun control), out of pissy-ness because he's "not Trump", because he's overtly anti-jab or for some other reason, but that number will not be significant.

Dems have A LOT to be unhappy about re: the party's extreme radicalization toward socialism/Marxism/facism/communism and its "antics" (Buydan's "covered-up" dementia, Kameltoe being complicit in the cover-up FOR YEARS, Buydan being the only Dem candidate in most primaries, having Kameltoe/Walz shoved down their throats without a "real" vote, SS denial to RFK Jr., demonization of RFK, Jr., etc.)

RFK, Jr. is "Dem-light" - more traditional (70's through early 2000's) Dem policies (social welfare, abortion, gun control). As such, he SHOULD be THE choice for disgruntled Dems who don't want to leave the "Dem farm", but cannot bring themselves to vote for the craziness and radicalization espoused by the current Dem party and whomever it eventually puts on the ballot. Their number could be significant.

As for those "in the middle" - Independents and Libertatrians - the choices are clearer: MAGA (freedom, prosperity and peace); Dem-lite (tradional Dem stances + anti-jab) or radical, extreme Dem (thinly-veiled socialism/Marxism/facism/communism) and will likely split among "usual" Dem/Republican/Libertarian %s with RFK, Jr. garnering most of the votes from those who would usally have voted for the Dem candidate de jour. This number may be significant, but the only harm done will be fewer Dem votes.

ilovetrump4 2 points ago +2 / -0

Or, they screw over the Dems' sacred "democracy" even further and rugpull them (because Kameltoe not eligible, Walz' stolen valor, Kamektoe didn't 25th Buydan and knowingly conspired to hide Buydan's incompetence, Kameltoe/Walz "not polling well enough", etc.) with Killary and Big Mike or Big Mike and Killary (because diversity (woman, [tranny?], black), "foreign policy experience", "it was her turn", globalist elite puppets, etc.)

ilovetrump4 2 points ago +2 / -0

Multiple shooters to create a (strategic) killbox - numerous posts and various analyses - https://nitter.poast.org/I_Am_JohnCullen

Interesting podcast with expert sniper/sniper trainer with 3d geospatials and audio analysis - https://rumble.com/v592bhg-multiple-shooters-john-cullen-and-clay-martin-tpc-1538.html

ilovetrump4 1 point ago +1 / -0

Or, it could be that "fake ballots" was the scheme of choice for the 2029 election and that "the machines going down" was the scheme of choice for the 2022 primary.

Coaches - even evil ones - can't repeatedly use the same "play" because the other team quickly learns how to counter it. Rather, they use a variety of "plays" to win games. 'Same with the DS/swamp -- they may be evil but they're not stupid (AND they're literally "playing to win to save their lives"). As such, they'll use a the intelligence, cunning and strategic-thinking they can muster to formulate and implement numerous "plays" to "win the game".

Since the 2020 election, lawfare (at various levels - alternate electors, canvassers, election officials like Tina peters, J6ers, Tweeters [AlphaWarrior], podcasters [Alex Jones?] and PDJT) and assassinations (Lamb's family members(?), Kemp's daughter's boyfriend and the investigator looking into it) and assassination attempts (PDJT) have been some of the more obvious "plays" to mess with elections by scaring/terrorizing, bankrupting, compromising and distracting people and to shut down disclosure/whistleblowing, opposition and investigation - for past, current and future elections. And, in all likelihood, they will try more novel "plays" in 2024.

ilovetrump4 2 points ago +2 / -0

Or, their plan is to let MAGA candidates win their primaries so that a lot of normies and MAGA will believe elections are "unf-cked" and will let up on encouraging MAGA voters to vote and pursuing election reform and monitoring. Then, they'll rig and steal all levels (except maybe president because it'd be too difficult and obvious) in the general election and say that the state is actually turning blue but PDJT's win was an anomaly.

ilovetrump4 8 points ago +8 / -0

Full text:

Remember when you put on the news, you actually got the news? Remember when you didn’t give a rats ass about Politics? Remember when you went to sleep without a worry in the world? Remember when you felt safe walking the streets in your own neighborhood? Remember family time while everyone ate dinner together as a family? Remember when learning and embracing your religion was an important part of your life? Remember normality? I’m not saying it is all lost but I am saying nothing is the same. Everything has changed. The world has changed especially here in our United States. It seems like happiness has been replaced by fear. Smiles replaced by frowns. Respect has become a thing of the past. It just seems hatred is now embraced by a party who wants nothing more but to divide us while sticking a dagger directly in the heart of love. It seems like a party wants to strip us of happiness and bring us all to a dark place in order to control us. Hatred is the new love. The worst part? The Dems couldn’t be more proud of their hateful accomplishments. They embrace their creation.

I just want to wake up from this nightmare, walk outside my house and once again seeing kids playing on the streets. I want to see people sitting in front of their houses, talking all hours of the night. I want to drive in my car and see streets filled with American loving citizens. I want to drive to the gas station, fill my car and still have money in my pocket. I want to know when I’m at work my family is safe. I want to be able to go to the supermarket and be able to afford it. I’d love to afford my bills, do family things and still be able to put money in the bank. I want our entire education system to return to normal and teach our kids everything we learned especially the history of this great country. I want the return of religious beliefs and the return of God in everyone’s life. I want the end of division, the end of racism, and the return of love thy neighbor despite your skin color. I want our kids to once again realize, through hard work anything is possible. I want them to know when I leave this earth, everything is going to be Ok. I want an end to all wars. I want the American Dream to be resurrected. I want the love of our country to return along with American pride.I want live and respect to return to our police officers. I want our justice system restored, criminals taken off the streets. I want the return of mental institutions for those who aren’t fit to live in society as they receive the proper care they need. I want love for our flag and country to be prioritized.

That’s my short list. That is the America I remember. That’s the America I want. That’s the America I want our younger generation to embrace and always ready to fight for. Many of us were fortunate to grow up in that America. We are the backbone that can help restore that America. We know what it takes and if what you are witnessing today doesn’t have you on edge, and willing to do what it takes to get us back to that place, then I’m sorry, you are not made to be a part of our America. Everything I said sounds great. Sounds like a fairytale. A pipe dream. What if I told you, you can have all of it. Everything I said and more. What if I told you we have one last chance to return to the place where many generations all got to enjoy? Sounds impossible? It’s not. We are in the fight of our lifetime, a fight we must win, our donor die moment. I promise you, if you give it everything you got, fight for love of our country, and bring the American resolve we all have deep inside us, that picture perfect America is within our reach. It starts with decimating the people looking to take it all away and it starts with strong leadership. It starts with your faith in God and it ends with your trust in Trump. Donald Trump is the chosen one and he will be our Champion to return our Country back to the people and Trump Will Make America Great Again. You have my word. God Bless. My two cents

ilovetrump4 24 points ago +24 / -0

Full text of referenced post:

UPDATE: Last night, Kamala Harris personally filed an updated Statement of Candidacy (aka Form 2) to designate Tim Walz as her running mate.

Since she used Biden’s personal candidate ID number (P80000722) instead of her own (P00009423), the FEC records are convoluted. Her newly filed Form 2 shows up on Biden's personal FEC page. But if you look at the 2024 election cycle, Biden is erased and replaced with Harris, as if he was never never running for President.

Looking at Biden’s campaign committee’s FEC record, it’s now associated with both Biden’s and Harris’s candidacies for President for the period of 2020-2022. But that makes no sense, because Harris’s Presidential run in 2020 was never linked to Biden’s, and she ceased her campaign for President in 2020 and did not run again until 2024. Now Harris’s personal FEC candidate ID number (P00009423)—which is supposed to follow her for all Presidential campaigns for life—is somehow linked to Biden’s Presidential campaign in 2020. Only her Vice-Presidential campaign was ever linked to Biden’s, but that is separate from any Presidential campaigns.

The current 2023-2024 FEC record for “Biden for President” (aka “Harris for President,” ID number C00703975) is linked to two Presidential candidates. Both are both named “Kamala Harris.” One of these candidates is associated with Harris’s candidate ID number (P00009423), and the other “Kamala Harris” is associated with Biden’s candidate ID number (P80000722).

The Statement of Candidacy that Kamala Harris filed on July 29, using Biden’s personal candidate ID number (P80000722), now shows up under Harris’s ID number. But last night’s filing for that same candidate—number P80000722—shows up for the other “Kamala Harris” who is running for President. (Based on what happened previously, I suspect the FEC will shift these records in the future, to make it seem like there aren’t so many discrepancies between the names and the ID numbers.)

Confused? That’s because these filings from Harris are irregular. If Kamala Harris had used her own candidate ID number, like every other candidate in modern history, this wouldn’t have been so complicated, but then it would have been difficult to make the case that she’s entitled to Biden’s war chest. Undoubtedly, these filings are trying to circumvent those pesky campaign finance laws.

By the way, since Walz has never run for President, he doesn’t have his own FEC candidate ID for a Presidential run. According the the logic of Harris’s supporters, Walz is equally entitled to any funds from the campaign committee associated with ID number C00703975. And, just as Harris felt entitled to file an amended Statement of Candidacy using Biden’s personal candidate ID number because she was the Vice Presidential candidate, Walz could do the same, using Biden’s personal candidate ID number to run for President if he wanted to. The Democrats could pass this campaign down in perpetuity, without even obtaining the formal agreement of the prior candidate.

This reminds me of a system of government that isn’t considered anything like a democracy.

ilovetrump4 4 points ago +4 / -0

OSTENSIBLY, only to control access to credentialed areas, but:

". . ., While the NFL presents this effort as a crucial move towards improved security, there are concerns about whether it signifies a troubling transition towards a surveillance culture in America.";

EVERY time they implement tyrannical measures that trample on, or take away, rights and freedoms, it's ALWAYS touted as being about "safety" and/or "security".

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