inspoken 4 points ago +4 / -0

I know he has a dubious past but it's pretty obvious he's working for the white hats today. Black hats don't fund lawsuits for Tina Peters, Guilani & ect

I wish him well. Things are obviously heating up. BTW he is personal friends with Warren Buffet. Buffet is one person we haven't heard much about one way or the other. He used to be close to Gates but not anymore. IDK but I suspect more will speak their minds before Nov 5th...

inspoken 13 points ago +13 / -0

It's almost like she posted this in reply to Musk saying those things I think with Tucker. Almost like that was her cue. This must be part of the white hatq plan for the this is part of the October surprise. It's just timed too well for it not to be. In that sense, we are watching a movie.

inspoken 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's a wonder towns like that are really Democrat run! What I'm saying is: I doubt it. I can't wait for all that vote cheating to also be vacated.

inspoken 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think it's unlikely that they make all there products :https://www.slpipe.com/ from raw monomer. Usually one company converts monomer into polymer & another molds or extrudes them into forms

inspoken 1 point ago +1 / -0

By 'bodies' can we assume that JFK Jr has indeed passed away after that crash a 1/4 of a century ago? Is there any possibility that your friend revived him & his family, brought them to safety & is privy to the fact that they are secretly still alive somewhere?

inspoken 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh I agree, he has been on Trump's inner team for a long time. Taking distance was an important stage. Remember the DeSaster on twitter? kek

inspoken 2 points ago +2 / -0

I didn't even think of it but I like your interpretation better than mine!

inspoken 10 points ago +10 / -0

IDK, but it's kinda how I feel right now. Sad, almost seems hopeless. Think of all those lost in Western NC & etc. How can we rescue them all? Even if you try, look what happens smh

I am guessing that Dan is just posting that to reach us where we are right now. To validate what we are feeling. It is NOT a defeat, it's just not denial either. We have to be honest with ourselves with where we are at the moment.

It does seem dark. We are in incredibly dark times. Trump is dodging bullets left & right. Trump supporters weather bombed & help is denied. What Trump area will get weather bombed next? I feel like the rocket man there. I can relate. I think we all do.

It is the darkest time of night, everything is so confusing and seems hopeless. It is from my experience, that, it is at these darkest times that, if we sincerely pray, God will deliver us.

inspoken 0 points ago +1 / -1

I'm just kinda curious if JFK Jr's reappearance is the October surprise we have been waiting for for so long. I assume he can't say, of course, and I don't want to encourage him to let it be known before the Q right time for it. I am also curious who else might be still alive & living incognito. Once again, please don't tell us anything before the time is ripe.

inspoken 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sorry I was in a rush this morning when I sent that off. So are you saying it's more likely to have been Satan that sent the lightning bolt? (Since it was done on his week) I've often contemplated that. When he cried out to adornai was that his Lord God or was it his lord satan? Today's templers have some sort of connection with the Freemasons but that doesn't mean they are both evil. IDK. They do seem to have some sort of think for baphanot, though. So it seems....

What of people corn that week? I know a few....

inspoken 3 points ago +3 / -0

Clement V was born on Hitler's Birthday? wow! I don't know much more except that the two men knew each other. I am sure the Pope & De Molay would have met up & talked several times. They might have had different opinions on things & etc but they had to have known each other personally. It's nothing for the Clintons to sign off on the execution of a friend but a supposed holy man? Why didn't they negotiate 1st? Maybe there's a lot lost in history...

inspoken 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is totally unrelated to any of this... except very remotely:

Speaking of 33 days. Did you know that Pope Clement V was burnt to death exactly 33 days after Jacques de Molay (grand master of the Knights Templar / 1300AD) was burnt at a stake because the pope gave the king permission to? (The king owed the Templars way too much money & etc)

I just wonder what side to take on that. Here we have, the state turning on the bankers, some parallels to today, but some different. It's not necessarily the case that the money holders were evil & the church & state both good. (today all 3 are) Back then both the state & the church seemed to betray their word (although all we have are history stories to go by)

Anyways, i just wonder. While burning to death de Molay shouts revenge Lord (or maybe revenge lord) 33 days later the pope dies in a church fire during a thunderstorm. One report said that the church caught fire because the popes body was burning way beyond control. (In other words the pope was struck by lightning while inside a church)

inspoken 1 point ago +1 / -0

What do they mean by:

Although neither of these initiatives will come into effect before the impending 2024 elections, the vote —

inspoken 1 point ago +2 / -1

WOW great point but, not only that BUT: Donald is forcing their hand in a very similar way as warp speed. They maybe would have preferred to have this at a more opportune time but they HAVE TO have it now, before he get's in & even before the election so that they can use the war as an excuse to stay in power, one way or the other. (I think the WH have a plan for that though, called 10 days of darkness)

inspoken 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think there are herbs (or pills) that con stimulate your body to produce insulin. It's probably not as good as what you currently do but it might be something to look into as an emergency back up.

Besides that I wish you the best & prayers

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