It's amazing what he can do with strong swift & decisive action but the best part is that they are all incredibly kind to the people, even to the people of Columbia. Say no to the Demonrats & they create terrorists in your country who destroy your country or they file endless lawfare against you. Trump only does the sorts of things that hurt those that made the bad decisions & not in a way that costs any lives! This is real White hat power. I love it!
Yes! We have the technology today where everyone can see that their vote was accurately recorded but still anonymous to everyone but them & a receipt that they can prove how they voted if their vote was recorded incorrectly
Yes Qanaut did some great work by writing this here but your point here is also great. Fauci should go down, of course, but he was just a high level pawn. It is of ultimate importance that his overlords, like Bill Gates, go down. Thank you for explaining to me why Trump was friendly to Gates & Obama. Understanding that is as important as the rest. Yes, Trump is luring them in to do treasonous stuff so they can be brought to justice.
Pardons for the pawns in exchange for expunging the masterminds from humanity for all time is well worth the exchange. I wonder if Obama & Gates got Biden Pardons. (Even if they did, they can still be punished for new acts, of course)
From day 1, evil has always emulated good, to the point where, on the surface it almost looks better than good. This is what evil does. It tries to deceive us. As a good example consider all those virtue signaling pedophile elites & how they decive the normies. They don't deceive us anymore though We need to trust our ability to discern Satan from Christ.
The wheel is even more of a method of control. If everyone always has to bushwhack where ever they go it would be hard for anything evil to make it's way to your door. That goes for anything good too of course.
If one country bans all wheels & all paper too, that ensure that that particular country will be dominated by others. We have no choice but to be the AI leader of the world. That is the only way to help reduce the chances of it becoming evil
Isn't the 2nd beast the 'media' or rather where the media is headed? We already have things like Fakebook & like which does seem to "breathe life into" images. How else could St John have explained the likes of where these apps (Fakebook, twitter, you tube videos & like) are headed? (Currently we can see all kinds of videos but the next level is to have these videos interacting with us according information it gleans from us - how our eyes twitch, hearts beat & etc when watching them) They really will seem like another intelligence that we are interacting with when we open up our phone, computer, car or even smart home....
Yes there is a lot of good that can come from it but the possibility of total controlling evil far out weighs any good
Wasn't it Wilson who sold us out to the swamp? Though Carter made some very bad moves & was obviously controlled by the deep state to some extent he's not exactly the type of traitor as 41, 42, 44 & 46. If we are including 39 then we would have to include 2/3rs the presidents since Wilson
I wanted to say that, it is really horrible what she did to that country, but what he should have said is: We will deal with our criminals as long as you deal with your criminal, HRC, who single handedly destroyed us.