This list came out in 2018? Got a ton of stuff that came out on early Rumble channels that was blown off and hidden ny mainstream media. It was also said Robert's adopted 2 children Epstein. You know Q said SCOTUS was compromised and upon this reveal the military would use the Constitutional provision for restoring the Republic. Other reveals were Amy Comey Barrett adopted children from Haiti during Hellary reign with Clinton foundation stealing all the money AND the children.
Ps. I think you have some judges trying to run the executive branch. Can you look into them please. Obviously they are breaking Constitutional law but why would they risk it all to do this? Time to find out. Already know McConnell judge was taking care of his daughters job. Highly illegal.
TOTAL LIES! He is and always has been pro deportation of illegals, pro borders, pro gun, totally against BLM and anyone breaking laws , he is loved by all of us for refusing Chidens DHS to unload buses of illegals in his county. One if his cities, Temecula, made world headlines because citizens blocked unloading of buses of illegals. They were named the most unfriendly city in the US fir this. Which we love. He never was a part of any fake or real assassination attemps on Trump. His pro gun and refusal to enforce Chiden and Obummers illegal anti 2A laws really endeared him to all of us. San Diego county wishes he was our sheriff! Speaks common sense, sanity and doesn't play libtard games. The National pulse is not on the people's pulse, it's on the Deepstate scum pulse. I hope he sees you for a cool billion. Like Trump is doing to fake news left abd right!! This guy who wrote this is a BLM antifa lover. Look him up and his trash stories
Gee, how long have you been in office and yet you failed to protect water from fluoride, sky's from chemtrails, food from pesticides and weed killers like Roundup, meat from improper feeding and poisonous vaxxes....dare we go on? All those fired act like they are noble and have done such a great job. BS, you let people get poisoned! You looked the other way or got paid to not look. You did nothing for Americans. You participated in genocide. We pray you're not just fired, but prosecuted for your crimes.
My husband is in LA weekly. He has seen men and women drop pants at the corner of the street and take a dump or pee. They have special disinfectant trucks that spray sidewalks and parking lots. It's a fortune in clean up costs. He's also seen homeless having sex out in public. He's seen smash and grabs. He's been stuck in traffic due to street activists blocking roads. In our hometown further south, I've encountered a man rolling back and forth in the street at NIGHT! People walk or bike out into busy streets. This state is liberal fail job. We d8d not vote in the DEEPSTATE pedo's on the hill. We can't get rid of them. Praying Nuiscance and all santuary city law breakers arrested soon. GRENNELL FOR GOVERNOR!!!
I'm so sorry.I send love and prayers for peace to you and your loved one's. My father spent 5 years with hospitals and rehabs. He passed last June. It was a blessing but deeply painful. I still cry everyday but I do see it's getting better. I'm just happy he doesn't hurt anymore and doesn't have to suffer being seperated from family anymore. 🥰
He's the lead for 9/11 as well