All classical understanding of causality goes out the window with the double slit experiment. The degree to which you can explore the implications of that experiment goes well outside established space and time...this and other physical proofs of human observation literally causing particles to change state has a profundity to it that is so vast that we don't even have vocabulary to describe it.
lol and she kicked Liz's ass so hard now Liz can wipe her chin and her butt at the same time!
Oh yeah for sure. Look at my username, and I think that's only the easiest jumping off point for most folks to realize what's been going on. The first major part of this narrative started in 1776, but also threads through the French Revolution into the Napoleonic Wars, our own war of 1812, the Civil War, the Bolshevik Revolution that was a direct cause of the World Wars. Who owned Vietnam before we went there? France. Not a coincidence. And this is all just the most recent of centuries of continuous unbroken effort in a single war to free humanity from slavery and servitude. We are winning more now than ever before.
lol...who didn't automatically assume it was bout the RICO case? If Trump wins that thing it's going to destroy HRC, all her lawyers, Steele, Sussman, 10+ media companies, decades old political's the end of the world for many, many people. If it comes off the way it should, it will be one of the top 3 most important things to happen in our lives.
Russia has been winning the entire time, as a matter of fact it's been a steamroll all across Donbass and Luhansk. There are credible reports of over 200k casualties on the Ukraine side and less than 30k on Russia's side. Ukraine was towing dead military vehicles from 5 years ago out onto the streets and taking pictures of them and pretending they had just blown up a Russian vehicle when often it was in fact a Ukrainian vehicle from several years ago. We have sent almost 100 billion dollars to a war that was lost before it started.
Also, it seems like everyone stopped talking about Ukraine when Amnesty International's investigation found that they are in fact using people's houses, hospitals, and schools to hide soldiers and equipment which of course has caused thousands of unreported civilian deaths. Kind of hard to get the propaganda machine around that one.
How much more impact has Trump had because he was obviously cheated against? This is a rope-a-dope and it's working.
He had three dudes on him, and he was dying from massive overdose of fentanyl from the pills he had put in his mouth before getting out of his car (the pills that were found in the back of the police cruiser with Floyd's DNA on them.) More people would know he had three guys holding him down if they had seen Thau's bodycam footage...of course they would also know that almost all of Chauvin's weight was on Floyd's shoulder the entire time, not his neck. These are all real, known facts.
The Fresh Prince of No Air killed himself. The amount of free morphine in his urine indicated enough fentanyl in his bloodstream to kill a horse.
Epps was (((their guy))) and now he's drawing too much heat. They're going to either make him disappear or give him a case of mandatory voluntary hanging himself 60 miles from his house after shooting himself in the back.
People on dose 3 have AIDS, those on two doses may develop it also. Two days ago the CDC removed the section in their mRNA vaccine page that says the mRNA and spike proteins don't stay in the body for long, that means that they know now that they do. The UK vaccine surveillance report showed vaccinated infections rising to double, triple, and quadruple rates before they pulled that section of data and that was right about the time it became apparent you were more likely to die from COVID if you had been vaccinated. But buried down toward the bottom of that report is a little gem: the prevalence of the antibody produced by exposure to the spike protein made by the vaccine. That number has been at 100% for about a year now. That means 100% of people tested have that antibody, which means they never find anyone who DOESN'T have that antibody. Vaxxtards making the spike protein forever means they exhaust their immune systems, which means all kinds of disease and vastly increased chance of cancer. It also means they basically have to be exhaling those spike proteins and you're sucking them up, but it's not nearly as bad for you as it is for them.
So it's not just an "I told you so" coming up, it's you and me having to deal with 30% of the world population dying at a massively increased rate and then another 40% after that possibly following afterward.
And most folks will think Twitter is just dumb or misguided. Twitter is the propaganda wing of the Democratic party and they suppressed that information for political purposes. I forget his name but that streetshitter in charge is basically just a darker shade of Goebbels.
You know what's funny is if you post this meme on Facebook they flag it because the bottom image isn't a real lithium mine. The truth is real lithium mines are even bigger than that...the Bayan Obo mine is five times the size of whatever that bottom picture is.
Never forget that the establishment GOP is still our enemy. It needs to be made clear to them that they will comply and provide the vehicle for the return to American greatness, or be crushed by it. If they stick around for the ride they'll need to be dealt with at the destination.
In about 5 years you're going to see:
- 10s of thousands of court cases where children who have been brainwashed by parents, teachers, and medical "professionals" into ruining their lives will destroy the school systems, which is fantastic.
- Super Menendez Bros. except more like Super Menendez World. Maybe even Super Menendez Galaxy.
Sure but what I was referring to is that Obama's American accent is clearly a voice-coached product. English is not his first language.
"Act" is an interesting word. Compare Obama's speech patterns to Hugh Laurie in "House" and you begin to realize Obama's accent is not right.
Right, like poetry except something somewhere is retarded. Like Amanda Gorman.
I'm not sure "hulk out" is the correct term. Soyboy fags throw hissy fits and have a good cry.
Someone needs to shove a brick of seawater-soaked tea leaves up this guy's ass.
There are actually people in all levels of the left who hate the left's leadership just as much as we do, except they hate them for not doing what the insane left wants. They want to destroy the leftist leadership because they think, rightly, that those people are the greatest obstacle to their crazy fantasy world of communism, no work, UBI, anarchy, racism, and a leftist police state where they can force us to do whatever they want. They want to destroy the right also but it's important to realize that the militant left wants to vaporize all government, including the people at the top on the left who they see as a blockage to their goals. These people are who makes up Antifa and BLM, but they also have individuals up and down all levels of government. These are likely the people behind Ray Epps. They're terrorists and double agents and they are in every level of government from county boards all the way up to the Biden administration. (Maybe even including Joe himself...sounds crazy unless you look only at what he's actually done and the damage it's caused.)
Shooting happens in a town where the sheriff is an Act-Blue donor, supported Beto, supported anti-gun legislation, has his own daughter killed in the classroom but didn't send his guys in for an hour? All this happens in Matthew McConaughey's home town in the year that he's planning on running for governor of Texas.
Yeah, nah...nothing suspicious here.
Democrats cheated for Kennedy, LBJ spearheading the effort after he cheated in 1948 (this isn't even disputed, he cheated so hard it was practically like he was going around driving trucks full of pallets of ballots himself.) JFK probably didn't know, but LBJ had cheated in 1948 hard and almost certainly did. Democrats tried to cheat Lincoln in 1864 and failed, men went to prison for was a scheme to steal military ballots that stretched clear across the country. Democrats have been doing the same thing they did with Joe across all facets of government for 160 years or more.
Guess who wrote for major New York newspapers during the Civil War and after? Karl fucking Marx. They've been cheating and faking it in the media all this time.
JFK wasn't legitimately elected, you have to know that already...there's like 200 books written on the subject. I'm not saying he wasn't a good president, he was one of the best...hell that's probably why they killed him. Didn't do what the cheaters wanted. Ultimately we need to learn a lesson that the whole thing has been fucked for a lot longer than we were prepared to accept.
She should've punched her in the snatch. An uppergunt, if you will.
She's trying to tell someone to destroy box A-17. I wonder if they really think Trump would only have one copy of whatever is in that box. If she is talking about the box, I wonder if she realized the number on the box is a troll. "These people are stupid."