justme777 1 point ago +1 / -0

You personally know the size of every cruise missile in existence? A missile couldn't be built to match the size of a Boeing? A Boeing cannot fly that close to the ground going that speed...a cruise missile for sure can! Did you see the radar signature? Were you there or did you just hear about that bit of fantasy on CNN? Did you personally interview the ONE person that saw the Boeing that hit? Knowing what I know about aircraft after having been in the industry for 40 years...there was no airplane that hit the Pentagon and it takes far more faith in your fantasy to believe that to believe we were lied to...

justme777 9 points ago +9 / -0

Bravo to this brave woman! If look at the only video the FBI has released of the CC footage of the seconds leading up to impact and the impact itself frame by frame, you can clearly see it was a cruise missile that hit the Pentagon on 9/11. But this really doesn't matter because everyone involved will be dead before any of the truth of that day sees a courtroom. We are out 60 years from the JFK assassination and even Trump refused to disclose what we all know about that fateful day!

justme777 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ok...and your point is? Think about what you are saying! Do you think the whackjobs in government and DS care about the Geneva Convention? Think! If they did, they wouldn't have tried for force us to take a dangerous vaccine without our consent sonny!

justme777 -2 points ago +1 / -3

If you come to the Capital on J6 and support me in peaceful demonstration against a rigged election, you can be sure you will have my full support as we stand together. Meanwhile almost 4 years later...crickets!

Go ahead, take the vaccine, everything will be alright...it's a perfect vaccine...you will be fine! Meanwhile people are dying left and right and cancer is exploding!

If you rob a store, you can fully expect to be shot as you are leaving that store...AND you can fully expect to be thrown in prison for the rest of your life if you shoot somebody as well!

Remember, it's what they don't say that we have to worry about!

justme777 1 point ago +2 / -1

In the world of truth, all of these very demented, confused and sick people fall under the word "SODOMITES." The fact that they have been allowed to downplay and taint the truth by pirating good words like "gay" is sad. It's like the pro baby killer crowd calling a living baby a fetus or clump of cells. Just sick and unhuman behavior at best!

justme777 1 point ago +2 / -1

Sorry...not exactly sure what the purpose or big deal is about this video? What am I missing?

justme777 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am getting more and more curious about just how far South things are going to have to go in America before the Q plan really kicks in and meaningful, direct action is taken to right this ship? I fear that we will soon get to the point of no return if we have already crossed that point already.

justme777 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wish that lovely CNN anchorperson would have cornered the demo bitch and asked her "What about the violence being carried out against the unborn babies?"

justme777 7 points ago +7 / -0

Maybe eventually you will see the light and not back the blue, but recognize that all tyranny in this country is handed down and given to us on a silver platter by those so called men in blue! I am and always will be for the armed, responsible citizen and the county Sheriff. By supporting unconstitutional policing agencies, you are supporting the very tool that gives mandated tyranny its teeth! We need to disarm the police and arm the populace! An armed society is a polite society~!

justme777 1 point ago +1 / -0

So easy and irresponsible for you to say since your proudly pounding on a comfy keyboard...if you even remotely believe this is not going to come to your front door, you are dreaming...as are most the folks on this platform...thinking one man (GEOTUS...you've got to be kidding me...this title alone is enough for God Almighty to rise up against us for our IDOLATRY!) is going to save our sorry asses...and that just exactly what we are sorry. I do trust that God is going to ultimately going to decide our fates and will come to our rescue against the evil all around, but only if we are willing to take our freedom seriously and not just expect the false god Trump to do what he just cannot do...save us!

justme777 1 point ago +1 / -0

If this becomes reality...Pleeeeeze let Southwest Airlines be the first to bring back the mask mandate! That pathetic excuse for an airline singlehandedly destroyed the image of the major domestic airline industry forever! It's nothing but a cattle car with the most horrific stewards and stewardesses (yes...that's right, I called them by their real names). I would love to see Southwest go bankrupt! Pleeeeze bring back the mask mandate Southwest...I'm begging you!

justme777 1 point ago +1 / -0

Live comfortable? Seriously? How do you live comfortably after your life has been destroyed, marriage gone, health gone, house gone, future gone! It's We The People's fault those poor souls are still in prison. Donald Trump could have pardoned them and didn't...pathetic! We The People...We are pathetic!

justme777 2 points ago +2 / -0

Look at that bald freak of nature and how mesmerized by every word of that sick liar Fauci!

justme777 3 points ago +3 / -0

Always wondered about the Q400...makes total sense...thanks fren!

justme777 2 points ago +2 / -0

The US DA's office in LA won't extradite because they are in on it as well! Bullshit! It's not about the money! Hell, almost the entire LA County Sheriffs Dept are pedos! The symbol is on their damn badges, that's how entrenched this problem is and how unspoken and hidden. Reading The Franklin Coverup was a serious wakeup call for me!

justme777 3 points ago +3 / -0

Look at the photos in Dr. Judy Woods magnificent work, "Where Did The Towers Go?"

justme777 5 points ago +5 / -0

The elites 9/11'd those poor people. Compare this to what happened in California and New York on 9/11! DEW Weapons!

justme777 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is my favorite Gospel Song of all time! Love the Carrie Underwood version!

justme777 8 points ago +9 / -1

What Church is that! All I ever hear anymore is satanic rock music set to water'd down, feel good lyrics! O' how I long for the old hymnal songs!

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