There's only one thing to add. God actually knows what will come to pass before it comes to pass. This is the power of timing things perfectly, to the millisecond, to the millimeter. Instead of missing completely, it grazed him so he felt the pain and immediately fell to the ground, rather than trying to discern what was happening. Ponder upon this and take great comfort in all things.
This was an act of love greater than just for Donald Trump, he loves this country and doesn't intend for it to perish. He loves the good and decent people in it that are still the vast majority. He has heard their pain and anguish.
He wants us to love one another, this does not mean accepting of darkness and sin, but he wants us to learn to love others as he does. That has always been the point.
Fear not, it has all been taken care of.
Stop putting your faith in men and put it in God, where it has always belonged.. God alone saved him when all men failed.
Men always fail. Without God this Earth would soon turn into an extension of hell, but for his grace. The plans of men are less than a speck in comparison.
Donald Trump is alive despite men, despite planning. People can be gifted a living divine miracle in tragedy and totally miss the breathtaking significance of it.
It should be mentioned that its the good lords work to have met with her when they were speaking together. Things such as that are seldom a coincidence.
May she rest in eternal comfort and may you and all you love be blessed with comfort as well.
She's a beautiful soul, many countless of us were enriched by her words and thoughts, immeasurably so.
This picture lacks depth. This isn't about toughness, this is about the only way out.
For all the supposed toughness of men 2020 still came to pass, did it not?
What exactly does one have to defend themselves from someone that is no longer on the earth? They are gone, they have nothing left to give. The creator has already gone to the trouble of backfiring the plans of all of the wicked.
Meanwhile, the devils sole goal is to get as many souls to self destruct as possible, one of his most successful methods is by getting someone to become the very thing that they revile.
Your battle is not with flesh and blood. You may not understand these words today, but remember them for a time later, perhaps when you are ready to allow yourself to truly see.
This echo chamber that people have created, doesn't allow many to see very much. That's the only reason it was worthwhile to point the truth out, for the few that may hear reality.
Trump is negotiating for a waiver from the board to waive the 6 month lock up.
If you think about holding the stock as a campaign donation, its not so bad.
Not financial advice, but people should see things with both eyes open.
God bring you all comfort and rest his soul. It's the hardest thing for any person, but you are not alone. Even if you're in a room with no one else you can see, we are never truly alone. I wish you all peace and goodness. Speak to the heavenly father, he will answer.
If anyone needs something to point at, look at how much the world has changed since covid.
They were hell bent on vaccine passports, concentration camps, fear of one another, desperation, submission, total control.
Yet... it all dissolved by the wayside, like flakes of salt in water. The world has already been on the brink yet it was brought back. One would ask, why?
The answer is simple, they do not have control, they have pretended that they do.
If they had total control, most would not be around to have the conversation.
Sigh, may God lift you all up and displace the demons.
This gift of life is not to be squandered, God's plan for us all isn't endless suffering and while all his children may not know it at the time, his love is boundless, even if they cannot see.
God bless you both friend. Know that your standing with her through all of this is truly what matters and that neither of you are alone, even if you can't see anyone in the room, the angels are with you.
We pray for her quick healing, many years of long life, fulfillment and comfort. None of us are perfect but that doesn't stop God from loving us.
God is great, love one another, bless one another with each day you are given and spread good in all ways you're able.
May God bless her with quick healing, relief and for both of you to ride on the wagon together. It shall be a good day to laugh over.
God in heaven, please help heal his wife Alison. Send your angels to her and her loved ones and provide healing, comfort, knowing and love in all ways and all things.
These heavy times weigh on us all, but each of us are not truly alone. May God be with you all and his bountiful love fill our spirits.
God bless you all with comfort and peace in this most difficult time. You are not alone. Very many of us have had to endure such a thing and you are right, the answer is to submit yourself before your creator.
He can do anything for you, all of it. Give it all over to him and find everlasting peace. The sorrow will endure but even when they pass, they are no only not truly gone, but they can and do persist with you.
None of this can take your pain away, I know, but God bless you and us all on this most arduous journey. May our loads be lightened, may we find joy in the unending glow and love of creation.
The answer to why now? is simple.
They figured out that he cannot be beaten.
It was clear that Biden isn't leaving, there are too many cooks in their kitchen seeking their own personal ambition, they do not operate with one voice.
Snakes always turn on one another eventually, its only a matter of when? There is no honor amongst thieves.
That is why, they saw no other way and God saw fit for them to sink ever deeper into their quicksand; he also saw fit to show the world of men that he is still there to deliver miracles.
All of this has been God's invitation for everyone to come to him.