Because the training that doctors receive for vaccines is for propaganda and not for discernment. If the underlying reason is for birth control, then it would be suspicious to give a female only cover story. I would not assume motive. If it were only for birth control, only a handful of people would need to know. The rest just need a profit motive or false narrative.
My theory is that they are only around to stop us from detonating nuclear bombs. Why? I am not sure. Maybe they want the energy for themselves. Maybe the detonation attracts unwanted attention from elsewhere in the universe. Maybe the detonations interfere with their technology. Why hide from us? Probably because we would end up hurting ourselves with the technology that they have. Imagine if most people on the planet had something that could be repurposed as something that acts like a nuclear bomb.
Maybe I do not watch Tucker enough, but he does not strike me as being extreme. That said, I did find Tucker's autistic comment odd, even though it is not a diagnoses. I guess a lot of normies struggle to explain how Trump can be smart and also do things that seem stupid from their point of view. Of course, MSDNC skips over Tucker's comment about Trump understanding that Russia and China getting together is an obvious bad thing that seems to go over everyone's head who works in MSM. Maybe MSDNC should tell us what their mental issue is so that we do not have to speculate for them.
The karen part is called Munchausen syndrome by proxy. The concept is not new, but the widely available treatments and social acceptance make it much easier.
This is the correct question. Autism is a spectrum, so there could be more than 1 cause.
- Children getting strokes from vaccines, or an accumulation of adjuvants.
- Artificial hormones or chemicals that affect them. 2-A. From birth control. If a mother gets pregnant while there is still birth control in her system, that child's eggs/children can be affected. 2-B. From hormones used in livestock. 2-C. From plastics. 2-D. From soy.
- Both parents working. An infant needs to be around their mother most of the time.
Daily doses of the human pill form were used to treat active COVID infections in some people's protocols (others spaced them out), but that should be for a sort period of time. But I assume that we are not talking about that for this person's case.
As far as I know, heart muscle does not perfectly regenerate. Once it is damaged, there is always a long term risk. You might feel better after treating a virus or bacteria because the immune system is what makes you feel sick. If he had chronic Lyme, it would be more reasonable to blame that on his death, either from the heart damage created before the treatment, or the treatment not being good enough.
It seems that in order to be an antichrist, the person has to, at minimum, present themselves as a religious leader or maybe at least claim to be an authority on the subject. Trump does not do that. I would encourage people making these claims to read their bible a little more carefully.
What I remember, from watching one of the angles, is that someone who was leftwing declared her dead without doing anything to really know that. For example, he did not check for a pulse. It is like they wanted a death, or to prevent her from receiving medical attention so that she would become dead.
This video is about bank risk and safety, which was recorded back in October, but is very relevant to today:
Basically, avoid investment banks and banks that have derivatives, which are basically the very large ones that everybody knows the names of. FDIC only goes up to 250k per bank, not per account. Checking, savings, CDs, sole proprietorship in total should be less than 250k. So if for some reason you are holding that much cash, spread it around to different banks. Having more than one bank might be useful because if one fails, you might not be able to access it for a while. Also, if you need a lot of cash on one day, you can use the daily limit of each bank instead of being limited to 1. Also, consider gold.
Recommended viewing:
- Manufacturing Consent
- Noam Chomsky - The 5 Filters of the Mass Media Machine
The concept of the NPC has been around for a while. The 1976 movie "The Network" called them humanoids.
Do these videos still exist somewhere? I find it strange that a community that was told "Learn how to archive offline." has trouble with this sort of thing. I wonder if there was a targeted effort, or do we need to do better?
What I do not understand is that some video showing this was available online shortly after the event. How is this news? Did the democrats somehow remove all of that video from the Internet, or did people simply not report on it? I know that we lost some video when the video hosting sites that Voat users used went down, but some people should have had backups. "archive offline" should have been followed by at least a few people.
The problem is that there are so many artificial hormones that kids are exposed to, that I would assume that their bodies are not developing into the natural gender properly. That said, a lot of this is political and autistic kids are more likely to go along with this kind of abuse.