How soon until the US Dollar is replaced by the US Note?
I hope they shot back. FAFO
I hope that these reinstated service members blow the whistle on the links in their chains of command who signed off letting them go, so those who are still in command get forced to retire for reducing America's fighting ability.
State of the Union.
Worlds most dangerous phrase:
"I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."
Go back in your shell Mitch.
From 8chan/8kun > Voat > PDW > GAW
Been one hell of a journey the last 7+ years and it's only just begun.
Last minute saber rattling by the deep state. That lawsuit will be over.
Canada is natural resource rich just like the USA. Canadians are waking up to corruption of their government.
This mostly removes the 5 eyes spy network that bypasses domestic spying on US Citizens and violation of the 4th Amendment in the western hemisphere.
Remember the child sex trafficking of the global cabal will unite the world.
BRICS will control everything South of the US Border. Mexico has joined and Brazil will become a super power
Canada & Alaska represent the last of the unexplored American frontier.
Potential hostile takeover. Another piece moved into position.
I was watching that live and reading the qresearch posts as it was happening.
That was a fun time as an anon.
I was wondering who and what the next body would be dropped as a distraction.
I wonder if King Charles death announcement will on Jan 20th.
Hope the adrenochrome was worth it cabaltard.
Everything Scaramucci just said can apply to Trump.
Like all of Hollywood, forced to stand in solidarity with the khazarian Mafia for Satan.
It's either do this or lose everything. I wonder how many kardashian family members are orange hats vs red/black hats.
This happens on the California coast line also, more socal than norcal though.
The goals on the Georgia Guidestones of the great reset was defeated, but was taken over by Q-Team/ White hats(WH) to become the great awakening.
The precipice is the only part of the great reset remaining, the destruction was replaced by the great awakening.
Normies will see the methods of destruction setup by the deep state global cabal, but Trump will 'save the day' as part of the great awakening.
And the 10 days of Darkness starts with the shortest day of the year Dec. 21st which is the seat of the Winter Solstice. When Trump is inaugrated, Daylight.savings time ends and we don't jump an hour ahead in March where we don't lose an hour of sleep.
You have GPS through Google maps. This is the EBS through the T-Mobile cell network.
RINO's are trying to get access to what Trump knows regarding military ops.
I want my normie friends and family members to awaken. I'm tired of having to live in 2 worlds.
Its crazy dealing with the strain of having to live a red pilled life in a blue pilled world.
The shooter stands behind a car that has tinted windows offering concealment of the shooting. The victim trips and falls (due to being shot). There are only 2 witnesses, the one person on the sidewalk, and the camera recording.
This was a hit. If big pharma CEO's are being assassinated, this could be black hat taking out black hat.
This also works as a warning to others that may be cooperating with WH's being orange hats trapped by blackmail looking for a way out.
'They won't be able to walk the streets' per Q is happening.
Trump could be nominating people who by past actions could justify shutting down a government agency and and transferring those who should keep their jobs to another agency and letting those go that have no usefullnesss to the US taxpayer.
Because Trump is a rich man north of Richmond.
CDC needs to be abolished for pushing the Covid scams and poisons.