mac1221 5 points ago +5 / -0

Keep in mind that bisphosphonates have a half life if 5 to 10 years and can stay active in the bone for up to thirty years. The drug's mechanism of action is to inhibit osteoclasts - the cells that break down bone. Sounds great if you have osteoporosis - but the down side is that those osteoclasts are needed for bone remodeling and healing. Therefore, be aware that healing from a broken bone may take longer.

You will need boron doses much higher than what you will find in supplements. https://www.bitchute.com/video/OsESn7JQZavb/ Most of the bone supplements out there are frankly garbage. Look into Jarrow Bone Up Ultra if you can afford it. But, only take half the recommended dose. You don't need that much if everything else is good You will need something to provide building material. The minerals are a calcium hydroxyapatite formulation that is like what bone and other calcified tissues in the body are made of. Most of the mineral supplements out there for calcium are basically ground up rocks. Go out to a gravel pit and chew on some rocks - that is about how effective most supplements are. Most of them are NOT taken up by the bones but get laid down in arteries.

Healing bone is a two pronged approach - repair and inflammation. Increased vit C is necessary for collagen production along with healthy animal fats and protein. Avoid seed oils and sugars - they drive inflammation. Terry Naturals makes a clinically studied curcumin supplement, Curamed, that can help.

Look into infra red therapy to speed up the process. It works well for many.

I hope this helps. Prayers for healing sent your way.

mac1221 0 points ago +1 / -1

You are right - Judean was a geographic identifier. However, the word Ἰουδαῖος means Jewish or Jew. There is a difference. Jews from Galilee were Galileans but they were still Jewish. This is the same for any Jew no matter where they lived in Israel, or the rest of the world. When people finally stop making this about race they will start to come much closer to the truth.

mac1221 1 point ago +2 / -1

I did not say, nor did I intend, that we are speaking of the same covenant that existed between God and Israel. I meant that the US also made a covenant of sorts with God when they landed - it is akin to a vow/covenant. Therefore, the US would be held to the parameters and conditions of a covenantal relationship with God. Meaning, if you break it, you suffer the consequences.

Let us be clear... Jesus, his disciples, and the rest of his audience were all Jews with the exception of the Samarians and a few God fearing Gentiles, like the Centurion. Jesus interacted with those considered as Jews in the context of the time. Israel and Jewish were interchangeable terms in that day and not up for debate as it seems to be the case now. Even Paul, as well as the rest of the NT writers, made a clear distinction between who was a Jew/Israel, and who was not - the Gentiles. There was no question in their minds, so why does it have to be a question today? The Jews of Jesus' day never gave a thought to whether Jewish originated as a term for those from Judea. That argument had no meaning for them. Anyone that tries to read into these distinctions something other that how they were meant to be understood in their historical and cultural context is adding meaning not intended by the writers.

mac1221 1 point ago +2 / -1

The Almighty made an eternal, meaning forever, covenant with the people of Israel. If the covenant between the Creator with the sun and the moon can be broken, then Israel will cease being a people before Him. Mankind does not get to come along later and redefine what is meant by Israel. Jesus was speaking to a Jewish audience when he made the statement you mention. He also stated that there were other sheep not of the fold he was speaking to at that moment, which were Jews. He said about the others, that he would bring them as well - meaning Gentiles.

Even Paul stated that Gentiles were grafted into Israel as part of the commonwealth. That tree of Israel was the Jewish people of that time as they understood it - not what someone centuries later decided it meant. Christianity did not make a separate redefined tree apart from the tree that already existed. They were meant to be grafted into it. Following Jesus was never a requirement definition of who constituted Israel. That is replacement theology. Israel must be understood within its Biblical context - not what someone else thinks it means.

mac1221 4 points ago +4 / -0

You are right in that the context of these verses have to do with the nation of Israel - which was in conventual relationship with God. These curses would, and did, come to Israel if they broke the conditional covenant they had with God. There are consequences as well as blessings that come with being in covenant with God.

Some say that the US also is in covenantal relationship with God from the moment the Pilgrims landed on our eastern shores. As far as I know, the US is the only other nation to be in such an arrangement. Therefore, if this in indeed true, then we should take some lessons from the fate that befell Israel for their disobedience.

mac1221 7 points ago +7 / -0

Thank you. It is about time that these false prophets are called out. The Almighty takes false prophets very seriously, so we should as well. Stop following them. They must repent and stop spreading falsehoods in the name of God.

mac1221 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, the Sadducean priesthood was corrupt and held all the power - not in accordance with the law. Because they failed to do their job of teaching the people, this led to the rise of the Pharisaical sect. The Pharisees did the job of teaching the people that the priests failed to do. Jesus mostly interacted with the Pharisees because he had the most in common with them theologically. A careful reading of the text shows that not all Pharisees were antagonistic to Jesus - some were simply debating and discussing the finer points of the law and how it is applied. Jesus did not waste his time with the Sadducees because he had nothing in common with them. He also had no problems calling out BS when he confronted it. But he also was gracious when others were making honest inquiry as to his opinion. It was not all bad as many presume.

The history you laid out is absolutely correct. However, I would add this point. The Jews in Israel during the second temple period were always very aware that the Edomite converts were not converts by choice, but by force. Therefore in their eyes, these Edomites were not really considered converts by the Pharisees or the people. They were considered as illegitimate and frauds. The people had similar attitudes towards the Samaritans that were also not considered as Jews. Even though they occupied the lands formally held by the Northern Kingdom, the Samaritans were not considered legitimate. This was not a question of ethnicity as much as theology. Hence, the theological discussion with the Samaritan women at the well. Jesus corrected her on her wrong think.

Since the people did not accept Herod as a rightful king, he was angered greatly and became extremely paranoid because of it. He knew he did not hold a legitimate claim to the title of King of Israel and he would kill anyone that reminded him of that fact. He was such a butcher that Augustus reportedly quipped, "It is better to be Herod's pig than a son." Herod tried to make himself acceptable to the people by marrying a Hasmonean princess, whom he executed along with her sons. His building of the Temple was to keep up with the Roman Jones' and to quiet the people. The people were not buying it.

The point I was making was that to condemn an entire group of people based upon the actions of a few corrupt lying individuals, is in itself misguided and misplaced. They paid the price for their corruption. The Sadducean priesthood was wiped out by either the zealots during the siege of Jerusalem, or, by the Romans when they finally took the city. That generation suffered greatly for their failure to recognize the truth in their midst.

Paul said to the Gentiles, do not be puffed up in your own thinking because the Jews are blinded for your sake. Meaning, that there was - and is - a purpose for that blinding of the Jewish people initiated and held in place by God until such time as He choses to finally let them see. To condemn them for their blindness is akin to blaming God. We should be careful when hurling rocks at others because we may hit the wrong person and be held accountable by God for our hatred. This is not what Jesus taught.

Thank you for the history and taking the time to respond. Things I already knew, but others may not have known this information. We can agree to disagree as to what it all means. God bless you.

mac1221 0 points ago +1 / -1

FYI. The chief priests were Sadducees appointed by the Romans - an illegal chief priesthood since they were not from the priestly line of Zadok. The people knew it and they knew it. The people hated them. Most of the later conflicts between the Apostles were with the Sadducees who did not believe in resurrection and were corrupt. They controlled the Temple by permission of the Romans and were the ones ripping the people off. The year that Jesus died, the Pharisees were essentially kicked out of the Temple proper area where the Sanhedrin previously met adjacent to the Temple - a place called the chamber of hewn stone. They were relegated to the outer court area with the rest of the people.

The Sadducean high priesthood, with a very small number of Pharisee collaborators, orchestrated a kangaroo illegal court to interrogate Jesus. They were looking for a crime to give them reason to have him tried by Pilate on charges of sedition. It was not a full Sanhedrin which did not have the authority to pass sentence on a capital case. No capital cases were allowed to be heard during the the entire month of Nisan - the season of Passover. There were many reasons why this was an illegal court which did not have the authority to pass a death sentence - which the Romans barred them from administering as well. Therefore, the Sadducees had to get Rome to do their dirty work.

The "multitude" present at Pilate's tribunal were preselected agitators - the very same thing that happens today. There is nothing new under the sun. This was NOT the same large group of worshippers that welcomed Jesus into the city just a week prior that mostly consisted of fellow Galileans that had followed Jesus' ministry for three years. Matt. 27.25 must be understood in the context of the crowd of agitators assembled at the praetorium. Most of the people in the city were getting ready for the Passover holiday and were clueless about what was taking place at the praetorium. Pilgrims that were just arriving in the city for the holiday also did not know what was taking place until they were told later. Everyone was focused on the holiday and the Sabbath.

They could not fit a huge number of people in the courtyard of Pilate's praetorium where Jesus was on trial. The praetorium was part of Herod the Great's former palace located on the western hill above the the upper city. Herod Antipas also shared this same complex with Pilate on the opposite side of the palace grounds. This was Antipas's residence when he was in Jerusalem. His normal capital residence was in Tiberius.

Pilate and Antipas' close proximity is what allowed Jesus to be shuttled back and forth between the two without alerting the rest of the city. Jesus had a huge number of supporters and the last thing the Sadducees wanted was for the people to find out that their beloved rabbi was being railroaded by the high priests.

The common people did not have access to this area in order for the Roman guard to maintain control. Only family members and supporters for the accused would have been allowed at the praetorium when Pilate was seeing prisoners. The Sadducees had placed their agitators posing as supporters of Jesus. It was too early in the morning for the disciples to have rallied the troops before the tribune to petition Pilate on Jesus' behalf. By the time they arrived, Jesus had already been convicted and was being led off to execution. Those that took the curse of blood were only those present at the tribunal - not the entire city nor the entirety of the people. John was the only one that stayed close - but from a distance. The rest had fled and were in hiding after Jesus was arrested. Therefore, the rest of the people did not know what was taking place until it was too late.

You can go ahead and piece together whatever narrative you wish based upon interpretation not grounded or rooted in the original languages, culture, and historical records. The historical and archeological evidence paints a much different picture for anyone that takes an unbiased look at the evidence according to the historical record, from multiple sources, and let it speak for itself.

As far as my original statement - it still stands. If we are to believe that Jesus died for us to save us, then we are the reason for his death - no matter who was the instrument used by the Father to give us such a precious gift. To shift blame somewhere else, is to cheapen and negate what Jesus accomplished. We are the reason for his death. Otherwise, his resurrection is meaningless.

mac1221 5 points ago +5 / -0

Nuclear preparedness drills are taking place right now in Houston. Given prior drills taking place days or weeks before incidents, we cannot discount the possible comms here.

Large-scale nuclear training to take place May 1-5 in Houston

mac1221 9 points ago +9 / -0

I would be a wee bit nervous if I lived in or near Houston right now. Lots of comms and preconditioning being thrown out there. Then again, fear mongering in one direction diverts from other happenings. We are navigating the minefield of information and psychological warfare.

mac1221 4 points ago +4 / -0

You would think that if this was a real assassination attempt and not something that just gives the optics of one, they would have had better intelligence to know that Putin was not even in the Kremlin at the time this so called attempt was made. So what is really going on here?

mac1221 2 points ago +2 / -0

Great... one old shyster endorsing another old shyster.

mac1221 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes they have sugar. But I do not use them often - only on the rare occasion I have some upset. I pretty much stay with the lemon ginger one. The others are too sweet. I eat a variety of other fermented foods, so using a fermented beverage is not something I regularly do. I don't care for kombucha much at all. It is strange because I don't have a sweet tooth - especially with beverages. I drink teas and the occasional cup of coffee with no sweeteners. Not sure why the Kevita tastes better to me.

mac1221 2 points ago +2 / -0

Can Probiotics Cause Bloating? (stop or continue?)

Bloated Stomach

The only thing I can suggest, not knowing anything else, is watch carb intake. Undigested carbs are food for some of the bacteria that can result in gas. The fact that you speak of ongoing gut issues for some time means that there may be more than one component to this. Taking probiotics ends up being the straw that broke the camel's back. Read these articles and see if anything in them can help you figure this out. Good luck.

mac1221 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have never had any metal placed in my mouth. I did not develop any cavities till I was 40. It was a molar and I have deep grooves. It was incipient so the fix was simple. That's it. I have one ceramic crown because I fractured a molar. It too was caught early and treated before getting worse - which usually ends up with a root canal or tooth loss - $$$$$.

My rule for identifying whether there is a problem with fracturing: If one gets a sharp jolt when biting down on something, the kind that gets your attention almost to the point of taking your breath away, don't get excited. Put it on the back burner. If it happens again in the same manner, get it taken care of - the tooth has good odds it may be fracturing. The deeper the fracture goes, the worse it will be to treat.

Someone managed to get some of the FDA documents on fluoride recently - I believe via a FOIA request. Buried in these documents was an admission that fluoride and the IQ of children are inversely related. BOOM! They did not want us to know what they have known for years. This was willful censorship for profit and destruction. I hope there is a really hot destination for those that perpetrated this evil on our children and the rest of the population.

mac1221 3 points ago +3 / -0

You are most welcome fren.

mac1221 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yes I did hear several of Breggin's interviews. He is an honest man. However, many of these doctors, researchers, and clinicians, are often so compartmentalized they cannot fit all the pieces together in a more holistic viewpoint. They often will not move outside of their respective boxes because they either mentally cannot, or they fear reprisals attacking their credibility. I personally never worried about it and could care less whether my colleagues considered me part of the club or not - and they didn't. I was always amused when they would come to me alone in stealth asking for an opinion.

Gut health was always part of the backbone of my approach to patient health maintenance and in treatment. I knew a dentist that specialized in the removal of amalgam fillings using a protocol before and after removal that included probiotics as an essential element of his protocol. He was also a clinician that was held at arms length by his colleagues for his non mainstream opinions. That is probably why we clicked.

I have always worried about the leaching of mercury out of dental restorative work and the effects of that mercury on the gut biome. When I raised some concerns over 25 years ago about it, I was dismissed - muh, safe and effective. Over time my suspicions about mercury have proven valid - as well as issues of fluoride, etc.

The Rockefeller driver of the US medical system, also involving agriculture, has been poisoning people for decades. It goes far beyond just the jabs. Take care of our guts because if the gut is not working right, the rest of our body will not work right. A sick gut can go for some time before symptoms manifest - and, those symptoms and dis-ease can manifest in other systems and are often seen as not connected. Hence, the snowball and domino effect of ill health. I know I am preaching to the choir here. I write this for the benefit of those that may not know. Have a good day.

mac1221 8 points ago +8 / -0

Not sure what you need, so I will run the gamut.

The best yogurt is one you make yourself with a good culture. Other than that, stay clear of high sugar commercial yogurts. Get plain organic yogurt, preferably from grass fed cattle, and then add your own goodies - berries, nuts, etc. Kombucha is too stout for me. A person can make kombucha themselves as well. I drink Kevita - mostly the ginger lemon one. It has been good for my digestion.

Mostly any fermented product you can make yourself with good ingredients is best. Store bought needs to be as clean and low sugar as possible. Almost any kind of cultured food is beneficial for regular use. Peoples around the world have used fermented products of all kinds as a mainstay of their diets all throughout history. In my experience however, most Americans just do not have an appetite for fermented foods - to their own determent. Anyone that is taking prescription medications needs to be on some kind of regular probiotic. Our lifestyles and diets are killing us.

If the gut must be turned around because of an acute major shift, like after antibiotics or major surgery, probiotic supplements are needed in higher doses. With serious gut problems, like C-diff, a fecal transplant from a healthy person has shown good results. There is also some research taking place on treating autism with fecal transplant. Some of the results are hopeful and impressive. There are high potency probiotic supplements for these more acute situations. They can be on the pricey side, but when you need that kind of help, they are useful. They key is to get at a minimum over 100 billion CFU. Here are some I have used and recommended with good results. An acute shift of the gut biome will not revert on its own - there must be an intervention of guided repopulation to return to a healthier state.

For more chronic digestive issues like Crohns and IBS: https://www.visbiome.com/

For after antibiotic use, taking several caps for a week or so and then 1 a day till symptoms subside. https://www.gardenoflife.com/products/our-probiotics/raw-probiotics-ultimate-care-shelf-stable-vegetarian-capsules


People often assume that just because they do not appear to have a gut problem that one does not exist. Just like the jabs, people often do not link their non gut issues to their gut. Research is showing that the jabs severely alter gut flora. This fact explains a great deal about some the underlying causation of the after effects from the jabs that we are seeing. I am waiting for these researchers to also find a link between severely altered gut biome and any vaxxine - which may be part of the autism link. Overall health is linked to healthy biome populations. Probably only about 1 percent of the biome in the gut has been identified. The rest.... well....we are still looking. But what we have found out so far is eye opening.

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