After wasting 15 minutes scrolling down in his feed unsuccessfully trying to find this tweet ... I'll ask the simple question.
Why are we posting images of a tweet and not a link to the tweet? Especially when the entire post is hinged around the tweet's supposed escalating stats that would only be visible by directly looking at the tweet.
There has been a huge influx of those who are hostile to Trump and Musk.
Some are handshake accounts, others are 3+ years.
I wouldn't be surprised if they were DARPA AI bots.
All have the same writing styles and tendency to go 50-deep on a thread defending their position with a wall of text.
Why would Trump announcements require such level of scrutiny? Do you think he is a liar?
Even if he's exaggerating, it's with intent to convince people the economy is improving. People believe that and they start spending -- just the belief the economy is improving is enough to improve the economy.
He attempted to single-handedly derail the entire Q movement, by claiming he knew who Q was (he made up a story about his friend "microchip" and doctored conversations with them, releasing them as though they fabricated Q as a joke.
Q later showed that these fabricated textings had links to articles that hadn't even been published yet on Breitbart.
Also, you will see Jack Posobiec position himself in front of many child trafficking news events to debunk them -- like Kappy said, they (including Posobiec) are protecting slave traders.
It's easy to put AJ with that group because Q put AJ in that group.
Questioning whether someone could be a bad player, completely divorced of any evidence that they have done anything wrong, is an extreme case of intellectual laziness.
Especially when you're on a forum where we've been discussing (for years) the probability that Musk is, in fact, a front man for white hats -- yet somehow your entire spiel sidesteps that probability all together.
"demand for the community was so high"
If it was that high they can save money and just move back where they came from and enjoy Shariah to their heart's content.
Disney needs to be confiscated according to Trump's child trafficking EO and placed in the US sovereign wealth fund.
All Americans can profit from Disney's success and it'll switch back to appropriate content for children.
Hanks: Life is like a box of chocolates.
That you hand out to little children from your van on the side of the road.
I didn't think anyone is dumb enough at this point to believe he was actually elected without fraud.
Step 1: inform the public so they all get pissed off.
Step 2: Public slowly, over time, gets pissed off.
Step 3: Hang those responsible.
If you skip straight to #3, many people will be concerned. Optics are important.
I haven't paid income taxes since 1993.
I became an expat before Obama took office back in 2008.
If this happens, I'll move back. Life changing.
If you decide to refuse to pay taxes, it makes life rather difficult. I'll be thrilled to the core if this happens.
Funny thing is people did vote for Musk.
He was part of the campaign. He spoke on behalf of the president at rallies.
The term "DOGE" for Department of Government Efficiency was spoken of before the election. Trump said he was going to put Elon in charge of it.
People voted for Musk.
Blackpill meme. Not particularly funny to me.
This would probably do well at PDW.
This was near the start of my journey into becoming extremely political back in 2014.
The West Ukraine army were shooting white phosphorus at civilian homes, burning them down and causing massive infrastructure damage.
I went into the Russian-speaking Ukraine forums and translated what was actually happening there ... it was completely disgusting.
And a good chunk of the West Ukraine were literal Nazis. They were driving tanks with 1488 and HH on it, having holidays for Nazi WW2 figures and wearing SS bands on their arms.
Back then I had no idea about Q or any plan to fix things.
I have nothing against Russians, but you can't really trust a Russian news outlet for news on Zelensky.
Is the general consensus that coconut oil is good?
It's the only oil I use and Dr. Berg speaks highly of it.
I don't think it's a matter of controlling bad elements in the government, Trump and Q have 100% control. They've been 100% in control since, at earliest, no-name was revealed to be executed. How could they do that if they weren't 100% in control of everything?
It's a matter of public perception, 100%. Politicians already had a very low favorability rating before all the USAID scamming was revealed. The Epstein and Diddy lists remain to be released. Massive, widespread child trafficking facilitated by the government remains to be revealed.
Look at all the people Trump is firing. What is so different now than Trump's 1st term that he couldn't have done the same thing then?
Even the MSM ... I wouldn't be surprised if Q took over the 4am emails, took steering of the messaging of the democrat party and drove them off a cliff. Even now, as reporters continue to ask the most asinine, loaded questions, it's done at Q's direction/control of 4am emails to grind the MSM to powder and to wake people up to the extreme bias.
At this point, it's an operation so when politicians are lead to the gallows, that nobody feels sorry for them aside from the 4 to 6% forever lost.
By the time you factored in ancillary items like health care, pensions, their work environment (providing them a workplace), the depressed marketplace for being subjected to their paperwork, etc. etc. it's probably triple that.
If you think AI = NWO then you don't know what the NWO was.
We've had NWO shoved down our throat for decades and AI had nothing to do with it.
Coach Red Pill
Brave guy with balls of steel.
Q predicted no-name's death one month in the future, to the exact minute.
One of two things happened.
Either Q can see the future,
Or Q was in control of the exact time the lethal injection was given to no-name, and in control over the exact time given to news organizations.
Occam's razor ...
Sounds like an excellent pretense for leaving NATO.