I suppose you would have Trump tell Israel to go fuck themselves?
Is that what it will take for you to not think we lost?
You want Trump to virtue signal for you.
I bet you believed it when Trump said "fire and fury" to North Korea too? Or are you just gullible when it comes to Israel?
Air quotes around "Trust the plan" means you don't.
That's ok, we don't need the digital equivalent of Patriot Front parading around here. It sounds like you have more in common with blue haired Palestine supporters anyways
But, if he is posing as a leader, where is he leading?
I'll start by saying that I have no idea if he's a bad actor.
That being said, his initial exposure to the world as he self-doxxed himself was being revealed on Alex Jones. That is potentially a red flag.
The fear is that he gathers a following, then does something stupid to the detriment of the Q community.
There's many examples of this.
Jack Posobiec was often quoted by this community. Eventually, he came out and said "Oh, by the way, I know who Q is. It was a friend of mine named Microchip. It was a hoax we perpetrated on you all. Ooops, my bad."
The method, in psychology, is called pace and lead. The person who is attempting to influence you starts by mimicking you, or "pacing" you. Then, after you say to yourself "this person thinks the same things I do, I believe the things he says", that is when they switch to the "lead" part, which is to lead you away from what you used to believe, in the above instance that Q is actually legit.
A second example. In the days of Q being on reddit, there was a guy named SerialBrain2 (or SB2). One day he gained fame in the Q community when Q directly referenced one of his posts, that a certain individual was grifting on the Q community. His popularity rose, his posts became more popular. Then he got very weird.
He got hung up on gematria, and started weaving together wild narratives of things going on behind the scenes with Q and Trump based on wild leaps of logic based on counting letters in Trump posts. Quite frankly, he was an idiot, and he tarnished all Q followers simply by association.
Third example, NeonRevolt. This guy was a "decoder" and worked hard building a following. Long story short, by the end he was scolding Q, scolding Trump, encouraging everyone to abandon the community because things weren't going exactly the way he wanted to.
Fourth example, Ron Watkins, aka CodeMonkeyZ. He went out of his way to position himself at the top of the Q community. Whether cognizant or not, he ended up going to HBO to be mocked and derided, and suddenly all the flaws of Ron Watkins became the flaws of the entire Q movement.
I could go on and on, but the gist of it is this: there's a huge downside to having someone attempt to become a leader/influencer in the Q community. There's ZERO upside.
What would have happened if Clandestine went to 4chan/8chan/other boards frequented by anons and presented the data without seeking fame and recognition? He would have accomplished the exact same thing, without any of the drama.
Personally, I'd be ok with 70% of politicians in jail.
Honestly, my biggest beef with Clandestine is that every point he tries to make seems to only exist for the purpose of establishing himself as a Q leader.
The Q movement doesn't need a leader. We're called to be anon.
For him, it seems all about proving his points, establishing his past posts as truth while laying down a thick tale of how much he has suffered.
Maybe he is legit, or maybe he is building a following so that he can fall and bring his followers down with him.
My point is there's no reason to trust anyone, just lay out the information and let it be researched ... any drama beyond that is detrimental to the Q community.
opens you up to DoXxINg
From my recollection, nobody knew for certain who he was until he showed up on Alex Jones, confirming his identity.
You seem new
And you seem new to the concept that people who try to prop themselves up as Q community leaders typically not accepted as such by the majority of Q followers.
Ever heard of SB2? CodeMonkeyZ? NeonRevolt?
Did you enjoy it when Ron Watkins went on HBO as your emissary?
Heck, even SB2's claim to fame came from Q referencing his post calling out another Q grifter.
The list goes on and on, Jack Posobiec prior to Q outing him, Alex Jones before Q labeled him and all his associates as Mossad agents.
If the cabal can identify leaders in a movement, then they can destroy the movement by destroying the leaders. That's why Q wants us to be anon.
It's not about reputation and building followings, its about the information.
Can't tell if serious.
You sound like the GAW equivalent to Patriot Front.
Sounds like you might just have more in common with blue-haired pro-Palestinian NPCs.
This is fun rhetoric to get the masses all worked up (one step closer to the precipice).
But to be clear, the notion that Biden could start WW3 and the idea that Q is real are completely, 100% incompatible beliefs.
It's like saying you're Christian but believing tarot cards can predict the future.
Sure would be nice if the national guard and military scooped up some elites along with those illegals.
I want a court where 1000s are put on trial and all say "I was just doing what I was ordered to".
Mossad is Israel.
Explain how you think Mossad is trying to support Trump in any way.
Alex Jones, Jack Posobiec, two known Mossad agents ... 100% anti-Q and against Trump whenever their position of controlled opposition allows for it.
Holy Habsburg look at that chin
Stephen Miller is an inconvenient truth for all the Jew haters out there.
Chatgpt's information is only current through October 2023.
My training data only goes up until October 2023, so any information or events occurring after that are not included in my responses. If you're asking about events or developments, it's best to verify with a reliable and current source.
It has no idea of anything that happened in 2024.
it's all elevated cheating, with 2020 being inflated 16 million higher due to the ease of cheating with mail in ballots
Back in 1992, I went to Michigan militia meetings. We were handed out pamphlets and photocopied stapled packets with info on the IRS, taxes being voluntary, the FED, the banking system scam, the meaning of gold fringed flags, etc. etc.
Wish I had kept them all for nostalgias sake.
What we would gain ... no democrat woman would ever be able to run on the platitude of electing the first female president.
If you're looking for salty losers, check out Reddit. This thread is so funny.
Not stay online.
Stay on line.
If you're in line to vote, stay on the line until you can vote.
Imagine if the voting stops in all swing states at 11pm, then at 4am there's a more prominent F-curve than 2020.
Kamala declares victory. Chaos ensues as leftists use threats and intimidation to anyone who challenges the result.
A month passes before the military steps in and declares the 2024 election full of fraud.
We were told the military is the only way. Don't bet your life's savings that Trump will win on election night. There will likely have to be military intervention.
I don't want the above to happen but I think it's more likely than Trump decisively winning on election night and Kamala conceding.
BRICS can easily be dismissed.
This is undoubtedly Russia’s finest moment.
I wish no ill will to Russia, but I'm not a cheerleader for them either.
I can't help but to notice that most who push BRICS talking points seem to hate Americans and are overly excited about the prospect of US currency being made useless.
My big fear right now is that Trump will go into the election with better support than 60%/40% odds and still lose because Q feels the need to demonstrate to the US that elections are rigged, to such an extreme that only 4% to 6% would deny it.
Where Kamala wins, chaos reigns for a few months then Biden's military finally ends up intervening on behalf of Trump (for the sake of appearance).
Imagine, Kamala is vice-POTUS. She's the one that can accept or reject tainted voting results from the states, or send them back. Imagine that everyone knows the results are bad and she accepts them anyways. Then the military intervenes and reveals actual results.
It kind of has to happen this way, right? To force voting integrity changes like requiring id etc. Q said the military is the only way, not winning the vote is the only way.
100 nations collaborating on a massive sell-off of US treasuries, eh? For the purpose of destroying the US dollar? Funny how none of these supposed 100 nations have ever talked about it.
What end would notifying anons with a cryptic message about a supposed selling-off of US treasuries accomplish?
Why would we need to know it? Why would Q need us to know it? What could even be done with the information?
Also, are we supposed to assume that the destruction of the value of US currency is something to be gleeful and gloat about?
Where did the original information about muh "operation sandman" originate? How would they even know? It was just a small handful of blogs circle-jerking each other with completely unsourced allegations a few years ago. Are we supposed to believe that one of those blog owners had direct access to 100 nations in order to confirm it with each?
Sorry but none of it sounds even vaguely credible.
Also, to any of those gleeful few who are hoping for obliteration of the value of the US dollar, explain how you think that's a good thing for Americans. If you think inflation is bad now, just wait until the value of the US dollar is halved.
That Justin Trudeau article is posed as a question, as in "will he step down?" ... of course he won't. Very deceptive click-bait.
Don't feed the Jew-hatred trolls.
Just click deport.
There's no talking sense into them. They probably aren't even real, they're DARPA AI bots.