magavoices 4 points ago +6 / -2

West UKR can not join NATO, have military aid, and they don't care who controls it. Openly offering to the Pols.

Poland is in NATO so that sentence contradicts itself.

magavoices 4 points ago +4 / -0

There's another element to it too ...

The subjugators need to have a life in the subjugated land. They have their wife and children, siblings and parents, etc.

They need to police their local community, where everyone knows who they are.

Let's say John is a corrupt police officer. He spends his day implementing tyranny on his local community.

His entire family would be shunned. He would fear his car tires would be slashed as he sleeps. People may not even confront him directly, they could confront his family members.

They're not going 1 vs 1 with him while he's at his job. Nope. They'll kick his door in at 2 in the morning or just burn his house down.

magavoices 1 point ago +2 / -1

Ironically, I've only ever been called a goyim by Jew haters who act like what they believe to be belligerent Jews towards me in the hopes that I'll somehow get offended at Jews because of it.

It's happened so frequently that I tend to think they're all running the same DARPA bot NPC software.

magavoices 3 points ago +3 / -0

But it's not from complacency of citizens.

Citizen's votes don't matter, because it's all rigged ... and has been since the majority of us were of voting age.

We've had tens of thousands visiting Trump rallies and zero visiting democrat rallies since 2015.

We're not waiting on citizens at this point, we're waiting on Flynn and the military.

magavoices -2 points ago +2 / -4

Deltas are for Q to communicate with the masses.

What exact communication is supposedly going on above?

Ryan Cohen says the Texas Rangers might win $1k. What deeper, inner meaning does that tweet have that Q expected anons to pick up on?

You're insisting that Q is controlling Ryan Cohen's account to send a message where there is no message sent.

Is the message that GME succeeding is important to Q's plan? Literally everyone here already thought that, so that massive leap of logic to come to that conclusion would have been moot.

People can reverse engineer Q tweets, you know. Right now, Ben Shapiro or Mike Cernovich could look at all the Q posts and initiate a post that seemingly coordinates.

That would give them an avenue to hijack Q's message, by seemingly creating a few Q deltas, with the end result being that everyone thinks that twitter account is controlled by Q and giving them the ability to lead people astray.

Q said there's no outside messaging.

So again, Q is not sending everyone a wink through Ryan Cohen's twitter account. That's not how Q works, and never been how Q works.

Deltas confirm Trump's posts (actually the other way around, Trump confirmed Q's posts). Q posted and then Trump posted, confirming the delta. Why? Because there's nothing special about Trump posting and then Q posting ... it proves nothing if Q can post 1 minute after Trump.

But let's cut to the chase. Do you believe Q is controlling Cohen's twitter account? How exactly would that work?

Do you think Cohen is in on the Q plan and coordinating with military intelligence to make his posts?

That would make no sense whatsoever.

magavoices -2 points ago +2 / -4

This isn't how Q works.

Raise your hand if you think Q is directly controlling Ryan Cohen's twitter.

Q's deltas or confirmations were never coordinated between anyone other than Trump, or maybe Scavino.

There's no message here. How many of you feel edified knowing the Texas Rangers might win $1k? It's a dead end assertion, even if you're right it's meaningless.

magavoices 3 points ago +8 / -5

Kash sounds like a child.

Elon took over Twitter October 27, 2022. The "let that sink in" photo was October 26.

There was one election during Elon's control of twitter, November 8 2022.

So Elon was in control of Twitter approximately 12 days prior to an election, and somehow he's censoring elections?

Seven ad hominem insults, half a dozen grammar mistakes and misspellings, Elon is obviously not as bad as Schiff, had no time of being in control of twitter to actually censor anything. He's completely ridiculous.

magavoices -1 points ago +1 / -2

Judaism is not a race. It's a religion. They are all indoctrinated from a very young age to despise anyone who isn't part of their club.

These kinds of messages are the (rightly) bannable ones.

The guy in the video weaved a narrative where Mossad may have infiltrated the US government and enforced bad covid rules upon us. He used specific names and related their dual citizen status.

Contrast that with you. You take the focus off the specific people doing specific things wrong and make it broad inactionable.

What do you expect people to do with the information you related? Rhetorical question -- there is absolutely nothing that anyone can do with the information you provided. The information serves no purpose except to increase prejudice against Jews in general, the bulk majority of whom are innocent and have nothing to do with covid enforcement or anything else the elites are enforcing upon us.

magavoices 1 point ago +1 / -0

The difference being the guy in the video implicated specific people doing specific evil things and coherently tied it together as being likely performed by the government of Israel / Mossad.

Compare that to the Khazarian Mafiatards whose only goal is to take any Jew doing anything wrong and using it to implicate the entire Jewish race.

Nobody who follows Q thinks the government of Israel or Mossad is innocent. We all expect anyone associated with the government of Israel, who did anything evil to US citizens, to be held accountable to the fullest extent.

Unlike the Khazarian Mafiatards whose only apparent goal is that people blindly hate anyone with a big nose.

magavoices 5 points ago +6 / -1

You're contending that American blacks would join forces with African blacks and fight against whites?

The concerned guy above who didn't want the blacks dropped off in his community is obviously black.

magavoices 6 points ago +6 / -0

Just about everything you said above is illogical and blackpill.

McCarthy decided to divide the country with fear.

McCarthy was right. Communists should have been cancelled. Their ideology killed over 100 million. Certainly, McCarthyism slowed down communism taking grip in the US by a decade or two. How could that possibly be interpreted as a bad thing?

Because every fake MAGA Republican

MAGA republicans are Trump's republicans. Extremely odd that you would be targeting MAGA republicans instead of, you know, RINO or globalist republicans.

every fake MAGA Republican always says something about "Marxism" that is completely baseless

Complaints against Marxism is completely baseless? So you're pro-Marxist.

Maybe instead of buying into narratives like "muh Marxisms" and "Muh MGAGtards" and "Muh radical lefts" we instead look at individuals by their actions

Instead of DC Draino complaining about BLM activists and Marxists, you'd rather he had a mile-long complaint that lists every BLM and Marxist who caused damage to America, without listing a common denominator?

The real issue here is probably that DC Draino's tweet was pro-Israel, and that sends the Jew-haters into such a rage fit that they happily align themselves with the radical left Marxists who also hate Israel.

magavoices 1 point ago +1 / -0


In 2019, we were asked to note the next 6 years, pushing Q-referenced happenings through until at least 2025.

literally impossible to predict

You don't have to predict when everything has been pre-planned, when "patriots in control" are directing everything, even the enemy's failing moves.

When Q said McCain would be in the news and 30 days later, to the exact minute, he was announced dead, it's not because Q predicted McCain would die on that day, nor was it some AI-driven supercomputer somehow calculating that McCain would die then.

There's nothing special about it really, Q just chose a day for his execution and announced it 30 days prior.

Really easy to predict things you cause to happen.

magavoices 3 points ago +3 / -0

Q is a movie.

We know the script, the top of the cabal likely also knows the script.

But there are also likely tens of thousands flying monkeys who are going to be surprised, needing prodded into acting their parts.

magavoices 5 points ago +5 / -0

Was Q dividing people when he told us the Vatican assembly hall looks like a snake?

Was Q dividing people when he said the pope was wearing Nazi symbolism?

Was Q dividing people when he said the pope would have a bad May?

I've seen Q asking us to put on the armor of God. I haven't seen Q request us to drop and give 50 hail Marys.

I'd make the point that Q is likely protestant, but I haven't gone out of my way to do that because I'm sure there are good people who are catholics here and I found no reason to antagonize them.

I don't believe Catholics are surprised that protestant Q supporters take issue with them calling a Catholic event in NY to be "God on the move" or "revival". They know it's controversial. They know it'll be divisive. They do it any way.

The non-divisive route would be Catholics not protheletizing on GAW in the first place.



magavoices 6 points ago +6 / -0

I don't trust him on anything.

His entire schtick is pointing out inefficiency and corruption in the corporate world with a comic. Corporations scamming customers was his bread and butter for decades.

Yet, somehow ABSOLUTELY OBLIVIOUS to the prospect of the virus being a concoction of corporations scamming the world.

He shilled for it, hard. Harder than anyone would shill if they didn't have skin in the game. It was his assigned task to push the vaccine.

So many similarities between him and Cernovich ... both supposed hypnotists, both motivational speakers and authors, both come onto the political scene at the exact same time, pushing the exact same agendas. Coordinated pro-Trump and anti-Trump phases, coordinated pro-vaccine.

Coordinated anti-Q agendas, both attacking Q the same fashion at the same time.

It's almost like China hired professional persuasionists to push the vaccine agenda.

And Scott's apparent anti-China schtick is what he calls "pace and leading", where he mimics what his target thinks and believes so you are more inclined to trust him ... so later on when he says something you object to, you're more likely to accept his arguments.

magavoices 1 point ago +2 / -1

You know Twitter has been taken over and you know those numbers can be manipulated right?

Oh yes, I know. Literally everyone manipulates view count.

Every time someone looks at the tweet it gets another view.

That's why trying to correlate view count with a Q post that matches the view count is completely ridiculous.

magavoices 8 points ago +8 / -0

Wow, view count 555?

How did Q know that you would be the 555th person to look at that page?

Talk about predicting the future.


magavoices 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't need freemasons to explain that the Catholic church hierarchy is the highest per-capita organization of pedophiles in existence.

You have a lot of prejudice against the one true faith.

There it is. Cult.

I hate to break it to you, but Q really hates the Catholic church. Not the people in the church of course, the hierarchy.


And of course this classic ...


To sit there and pretend that the pope is infallible about anything is the most delusional BS I've ever seen.

You do realize you're replying in a thread where an Archbishop is protesting that the pope is fake, right?

Guess that makes him a protestant.

magavoices 1 point ago +1 / -0

Spanish inquisition was done to deal with those who say they are Catholic but were infiltrators and subversive, you know, like what you have going on in your government currently?

Just to be clear.

You're condoning ~300k people being killed because they "infiltrated the Church"?

Actually, why would I ask that. Of course you do, the pope ordered it and you consider popes infallible. Probably every Catholic who are pressed on the question condone the Spanish inquisition.


magavoices -1 points ago +6 / -7

How traditional?

Indulgences and Spanish Inquisition traditional or pray to dead people instead of God to earn your way out of purgatory traditional?

magavoices 3 points ago +3 / -0

I consider all the posts after 2020 as fake.

In the past, when there was ever a question as to Q's authenticity, they reverified themselves.

For instance, Q once reverified a new trip code with a sequential photo taken above North Korea. But usually, Q would coordinate with Trump on one-minute deltas that would be impossible to explain otherwise.

A one and a half year gap warrants a reverification, especially with all the controversy that happened with the Jim Watkins apparently switching salt.

The posts are inconsequential. People hardly discussed them at the time and almost never after.

The entire Q community was already aware of the problems with mRNA long before "protect your DNA". We already didn't trust the vaccines.

Q was about predicting things that were to come, not checking in after 1 1/2 years to preach to the choir something we've already known for more than 1 1/2 years.

magavoices 2 points ago +2 / -0

If there are aliens, why would they look like primates?

Convergent evolution? What are the odds?

magavoices 2 points ago +2 / -0

They got Capone over taxes.

All it should take is one point, even a minor point, in order to throw them out or lock them up.

And like taxes, it should be the easiest to prove point and the least controversial.

Why force someone to swallow 50 redpills when all it should take is one? Especially when fake redpills like flat earth etc. are mixed in to make you look unhinged and delusional.

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