Hahaha so who is going to enforce it ? Our government you know the one that just helped them cheat.
That because they threw the box 3 ballots on with the counted ballots. Kari Laki will lose .
Any one who thinks Kari Lake wins this election is a complete dumbass. The steal is in .
Blah blah blah, heard it all before. Nothing is going to happen.
Michael is still Alive!
Looks like the woman in the Epstein Island security camera screen shot.
If you ask me it’s Qs folder list .
I think he is pretty cool dude , it’s people like you that are causing riffs in our base.
I’m 330000 ish
There next option is the military and I think it is going back fire on them.
Wow I guess Q was right all along fuck screw you downers
He should be , He is about to marched out of the city !
You ever heard of CB radios ? They all have them!
Been doing it 50 years. Been doing it on a mass scale the last 20 years. They are trying to stop the new ice age.
I have a small sign and graphics shop. You can get high tack vinyl that’s a bitch to get off
Yeah, she thinks somebody is gonna save her before she goes to prison. Wait till she goes to prison.
Yup, happened a few months ago, had to make a new account and all.
I don’t think all the jabs are bad . I think many are placebos.
I agree , these guys know every form of communication is watched and recorded. This was made public for a reason!
Makes sense, I figured his move would force their hand and have to show the truth. We shall see. I know we are living in interesting times
My wife tested positive , been sick as crap started her on ivermectin, and she had monoclonal treatment yesterday she is doing a lot better.
So how can Joe say he is running by Trump can’t ?
Come on people ! Digital artifacts happen. This is a far stretch !
To be honest Kyle’s PTSD is probably going prevent him from wanting shoot it. Just saying!
Because if we go out and PROTEST we are asking to be arrested on trumped up charges and have our lives destroyed. On top of that protesting won’t do shit when our politicians don’t give a fuck.