I certainly hope the Chief of the Seattle police write her back and explained to her, due to Police Department budget cuts these past few years, the police do not have the manpower to send officers to such petty noncritical calls as they need to concentrate their limited human resources on more urgent life-threatening calls to protect Seattle residents.
Why would it have to take the military to pull this off? The CIA is fully capable of conducting this operation on their own. All information I read, and I read a lot of sources, point the USA conducting this operation. I have not seen or heard anybody yet from this administration deny they did it.
The mainstream media covering this story in this country are already calling it a win for the "Far Right" and wondering how long the Fascist Government will stay in power before the people figure out, they are now following Mussolini and Hitler.
These stupid fucking organizations have got to be taken down and put out of business.
The idiot should try to ban the use of electric golf carts on all golf courses in California, then watch the people raise up to throw that fucking idiot out of office. Think of the energy it takes to charge all those golf carts? It is the right thing to do but the Uppercrust of the California population would be up in arms.