Looks like Wilson from the movie Cast Away. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1012434/mediaviewer/rm695173376/?ref_=nm_ov_ph
B.S. Anyone who claims Islam and Christianity share the same respect for humanity is uninformed or intentionally lying to you. Which is perfectly acceptable in Islam - lying to advance Islam is known as taqiyya - the action of committing a sinful act (such as feigning unbelief) for a pious goal. Hiding one's beliefs has been a feature of Islam since its earliest days, and is acknowledged by Muslims of virtually all persuasions.
Western culture is built on the presumption that all people are made in the image and likeness of God, and have a fundamental worth and value as such.
Islam teaches that only other Muslims are worthy of respect. The Kafir (nonbelievers, infidels) have no rights. They are considered subhuman. They can be abused, raped, killed with no repercussions. Killing a non-muslim is no different than killing a dog.
OMG. The press is too stupid to realize that he cannot say that out loud, so they say if for him! They've been completely owned, and still think they're the smart ones!